LaGrange, KY40031 / Home: (502) 222-7304
Work: (502) 228-9998
Brennon Sapp
PersonalObjective / Age: 34 Birthday: 11-6-70
Marital Status: Married
Majors: Mathematics & Chemistry
To obtain an administrative position
Education / CurrentIN University Southeast New Albany, IN
Educational Administration Program
- Certification is anticipated to be complete in Spring of 2006
Rank I in Secondary Education/Multiple Intelligences
- Continuing Education Option
Master of Arts in Secondary Education/Mathematics
- Grade point average: 4.00
Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education
- Majors: Mathematics, Chemistry
- Grade point average: 3.00
Leadership Experience / 2005-CurrentCarrollCountyHigh School Carrollton, KY
Instructional Coach
- Improve and Monitor Instruction
- Initiate Innovative Strategies within the School
- Collect and Monitor Student Data
- Develop, Provide, and Monitor Professional Development Activities
- Collaborate with Administration on Activities which Impact Instruction
- Monitor the Gifted and Talented Program
- Manage and Monitor Extended School Service and Intervention Programs
Leadership Experience
(continued) / 2003-2005North Oldham High School Goshen, KY
Science Department Head
- Initial Design/Organization of all aspects of the original science department at NorthOldhamHigh School (2003)
- Managing the annual science budget and purchasing
- Scheduling departmental classes
- Organizing and conducting departmental professional development
- Supervised alignment of Science Curriculum with KERA standards
- Collaboration with middle school science department
Active Member of UpperSchool Team
- Organization and Instructional Design of Senior Projects (Senior Projects are a new innovative program which will soon be implemented in some form throughout the state of Kentucky)
- Organization and Coordination of May Term (May Term is a program of special interest classes taught to Juniors and Seniors for the period of two weeks)
- I have presented multiple topics at several different conferences at both the state and national level from fall 2004 to the present
- Conference Presentations:
- NSTA(National Science Teachers Association)-Fall 2005
- KSTA (Kentucky Science Teachers Association)-Fall 2004 and 2005
- KTLC (Kentucky Teaching and Learning Conference)-Spring 2005 and 2006
- KSS (KentuckySchool Superintendents)-Fall 2005
- Kentucky Secondary Schools Alliance-Spring 2006
- Kentucky Student Summits-Fall 2005 and Spring 2006
- 2006 Biotechnology Conference--Chicago, IL
- Topics of Presentations are Teaching with Multiple Intelligences, Forensics for High School, A CSI Simulation, Forensics Labs, Senior Projects, and May Term.
- Maintain Instructional Website –
House Leader
- Organization and design of activities to improve adult-student relationships
- Chair of committee to implement the house system throughout the high school
Science Department Head
- Managing the annual science budget and purchasing
- Scheduling departmental classes
- Organizing departmental professional development
- Supervised alignment of Science Curriculum with KERA standards
- Science representative in committee to align a county-wide curriculum
Teaching Experience / 2003-CurrentNorthOldhamHigh School Goshen, KY
- Science Department Head
- Organized and implemented a complete curriculum--including a textbook, worksheets, exams, and labs--for Senior Projects
- Subjects: Forensic Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry, Pre-AP Chemistry, Astronomy, Senior Project, CSI-Goshen, and Caving
- Science representative in committee to align a county-wide curriculum
- Organized and implemented a complete curriculum--including a textbook, worksheets, exams, and labs--for the only high school Forensic Chemistry course in Kentucky
- Subjects: Forensic Chemistry, Intermediate Chemistry, Introduction to Chemistry & Physics, Chemistry I, Chemistry II, Chemistry III, Junior Mathematics
- Presented several staff professional development programs on current Kentucky education reform
Extra-Curricular Activities / 2003-2005 North Oldham High School Goshen, KY
Club Sponsor
- Caving Club
- Astronomy Club
- Junior Varsity/Varsity Assistant Coach of the Boy’s Basketball Team
Club Sponsor
- Science Club
- Caving Club
- Astronomy Club
- Junior Varsity/Varsity Assistant Coach of the Boy’s Basketball Team
- Junior Varsity/Varsity Assistant Coach of the Girl’s Basketball Team
- Freshman Coach of the Boy’s Basketball Team
Achievements/ Recognitions / Spring 2005
Front Page of the Courier Journalin recognition of “May Term” classes and “CSI-Goshen” (a fifteen hour crime scene simulation through collaboration with social studies, psychology, drama, and science)
Publication of my Interactive CD-Rom/Book (Forensics Illustrated: Step Under the Tape) by EOA Scientific
NorthOldhamHigh School Teacher of the Year
Fall 2004
- WHAS-11 Top Story-in recognition of a successful science class
- Courier Journal/Community Feature-in recognition of a successful science class
References / Blake Haselton
Former Superintendent
Buckner, Kentucky40010
(502) 222-0645
Stan Whitaker
IndianaUniversity Southeast
(812) 941-2347
Curt Haun (Principal)
CarrollCountyHigh School
Carrollton, KY41008
(502) 732-7075
Debbie Powers
Educational Consultant
Kentucky Department of Education
CapitalPlazaTower 19th Floor
Frankfort, KY40601
(502) 564-4772 / Gene Heffington
Teacher/Athletic Director/Head Coach
SouthOldhamMiddle School
Buckner, KY40010 0187
(502) 222-9461
Barry Nelson
Lewisburg Elementary
Lewisburg, KY42256
(270) 755-4823
Carroll Yager
CarrollCountySchool System
(502) 732-7070
Lynn Servis
SouthOldhamHigh School
(502) 241-4147
Mike Adams
Kentucky Department of Education
Former Principal
GraysonCountyHigh School
200 Franklin Dr.
Clarkson, KY 42726
(270) 242-7860 (hm)