
What it is: Plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and claiming it as your own.

Intentional Plagiarism/Cheating:

o  Copying someone’s answers, either in or out of class

o  Copying and pasting something from an online source into your work

§  copying and pasting something from and online source and changing one or two words

Unintentional Plagiarism

o  Using source for research and incorrectly crediting, or neglecting to credit, the original source

Why it’s wrong: At the basic level, plagiarism is dishonest. You are stealing credit for the work, effort, and time put in by someone else. This statement is true regardless of whether you know the person whose work you are taking (sparknotes is a good example). This class is designed to measure what you know and grade accordingly. Please see the reverse side of this handout for the school’s policy on academic dishonesty.

Of course, there will be occasions where working with a partner or in a group is specifically encouraged or assigned. Working together on an assignment and sharing the workload is not cheating. However, deliberately taking information from someone else without putting in the necessary work or time on the assignment yourself (taking a shortcut), IS cheating.

Remember, aiding a cheater is also considered cheating. Cheating for a fellow student will result in your assignment also receiving a zero, regardless of how well you actually did on it.

Throughout the year, we will specifically be looking at how to correctly utilize outside sources. When in doubt, please come talk with me. I would be happy to conference with you ahead of any assignment deadline to ensure that referenced sources are appropriately sited.

I have read and understand the consequences of cheating and plagiarism in this Pre-AP English 9 course, and as outlined in the AGHS policy provided on the reverse of this page.


Student Signature Parent Signature

Letters of Recommendation from Advanced Placement Teachers

Letters of recommendation are a very important part of the college application process. When a teacher writes a letter of recommendation, s/he is validating the students’ academic performance and ethical integrity. It is at my discretion to write letters of recommendation, and I choose to only write letters for students who have met this criteria. Students who violate the AGHS Academic Honesty Policy as described in the Student/Parent Handbook in any class will not receive a letter of recommendation from me.

AGHS Academic Honesty Policy

As found on pg. 16 of the Student / Parent Handbook, 2015-2016

As recommended by the state of California, Arroyo Grande High School has adopted the following policy in dealing with those students who are involved in cheating on class assignments (which includes plagiarism from electronic sources) and on tests. So that all are informed, the following procedures will be followed by the English Department:

First Offense

1.  Teacher will notify the parents.

2.  Student will earn a zero on the assignment or test.

3.  Referral to student’s counselor (documentation/counseling).

Second Offense

1.  Teacher will notify the parents.

2.  Student will earn a zero on the assignment or test.

3.  Referral to the administrator for 1-3 day suspension.

4.  Semester grade will be lowered by one letter grade.

Third Offense

1.  Teacher will notify the parents.

2.  Referred for 3-5 day suspension.

3.  Removal from activities for the balance of the semester.

4.  Student will no longer be eligible for scholarships/grants.

5.  Student will earn an “F” in the course.