Top News from the European Commission 6th February– 26th March 2006


"Agriculture News Digest" No. 143

Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy (fact Sheet)

Mariann Fischer Boel: “European agricultural policy in a changing environment” Europa LectureWellington, 6 March 2006

Livestock breeding industry launches code of good practice for breeding farm animals in Europe


Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF): Week 9

Animal Disease Notification System: Table 11 published on 3 March 2005

Regulatory Committees SCFCAH

Animal Nutrition Summary record of 23 February 2006

Animal Health and Welfare Agenda of 1 March 2006 - Agenda of 7-8 March 2006

Food Safety: From the Farm to the Fork - Better Training for Safer Food

Animal Health & Welfare

Classical swine fever in three pig farms in North-Rhine Westphalia – Germany applying Community measures for the control of this disease

Press Release: BSE: UK beef embargo to be lifted

Memo: BSE: Lifting restrictions on the trade of cattle and beef from the UK

Animal Diseases - Eradication and Monitoring Programmes

Eradication Programmes 2006

-  Avian Influenza

Statement of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health

Outbreaks in AI third countries and the EU (2006) - "PART II : From 1 January 2006" Updated 3-03-2006

Avian Influenza - Questions & Answers on Avian Influenza in your country (Member States websites)

-  Germany (website of the BMELV in German)

-  Österreich site 1 - site 2 (websites of BMFG and AGES in German)

Avian influenza confirmed in two dead swans in Poland: Polish authorities applying precautionary measures

Public Health : Influenza fact sheet

Current Situation of Avian Influenza and human cases related to the H5N1 virus subtype data as of 8 March 2006

Human cases of A/H5N1 by date of onset and country data as of 8 March 2006

Documented avian influenza infections in humans (1997-2006) data as of 8 March 2006

Documented Avian Influenza Infection in Humans data as of 8 March 2006

Food and Veterinary Office Inspection reports

LT Lithuania - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Animal Nutrition

MX Mexico - Control of residues and contaminants in live animals and animal products, including controls on veterinary medicinal products

DE Germany - Import Controls and Border Inspection Posts

CZ Czech Republic - Import Controls and Border Inspection Posts

CZ Czech Republic - Food Hygiene

LU Luxembourg - Import Controls and Border Inspection Posts

IE Ireland - Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) in Sheep and Goats

PL Poland - Import Controls and Border Inspection Posts

Task Force for monitoring disease eradication in the Member States

Report of the "Bovine Brucellosis" and "Sheep & Goats Brucellosis" Task Force Subgroups Meeting held in Palermo, Italy, on 16-18 November 2005

Report of the "Sheep & Goats Brucellosis" Task Force Sub-Group Meeting held in Nicosia (Lefkosia), Cyprus, on 18-19 May 2005

Report of the Rabies Subgroup of the Task Force Meeting held in Klagenfurt - Austria , on 21-22 September 2004

Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH)

Codex Circular Letter CL 2005/42-FH: "Request for Comments on Draft Standards and Related Texts at Step 6 Elaborated by the Committee on Food Hygiene" Codex Document EC Comments es fr

Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF)

CODEX Committee on Residues of Veterinary Durcs in Foods - Sixteenth Session - Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 8 -12 May 2006

Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL)

Codex Circular Letter CL 2005/48-FL: Proposed draft amendment to the general standard for the labelling of pre-packaged foods (Quantitative Ingredient Declaration Labelling) (At step 3 of the Procedure) Codex Document EC Comments

Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC)

-  Codex document CX/FAC 06/38/7: "Report of the Working Group on the General Principles of the General Standard for Food Additives." Codex Document EC Comments es fr

-  Codex document CX/FAC 06/38/12:"Discussion paper on the development of guidelines for flavouring agents." Codex Document EC Comments es fr

Advisory Committee on Consumer Affairs

List of Members Last update: 01-03-2006


London meeting will bring key WTO negotiators together to prepare for April deadline

Background Paper for the SIA Stocktaking Conference on 21-22 March 2006

EU lifts longstanding public procurement sanctions against US

Report on US Trade Barriers highlights behind-the-border and WTO issues

-> Read the Press Release
-> Read the Trade Barriers Report

EU and others launch "plurilateral" process to boost Doha negotiations

-> Read the Press Release
-> Read the EU’s services requests
-> Read the Full Speech


Customs: Commission publishes new consolidated version of Explanatory Notes to Combined Nomenclature

Searching for online tax and customs information such as applied tariffs, binding tariff information, etc.? Consult databases on DG TAXUD website.

1-3 March - European Commission and Austrian EU Presidency hold Seminar on customs 'Single Window' in Innsbruck. The 'Single Window' is part of the Electronic Customs initiative.


European research into alternative energy


Enlargement Newsletter February 2006


Better regulation: Commission seeks expert advice to cut red tape on all levels


January 2006 compared to January 2005 Volume of retail trade up by 0.9% in euro-zone

First estimates for the fourth quarter of 2005: Euro-zone and EU25 GDP up by 0.3%

Quarterly euro-area GDP growth projections in the range of 0.4% to 0.9% for the first, second and third quarter of 2006

European business - New dedicated website:

European Business - Facts and figures - Data 1995-2004


Press Releases of the Presidency

Bartenstein: Europe needs new common energy policy


20.03.2006 - Agriculture and Fisheries Council

14.03.2006 - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council

13.03.2006 - Competitiveness Council Background Information

09.03.2006 - Environment Council Background information


Press releases

The Week Ahead - 6-12 March 2006

Financial Perspective: MEPs adopt new draft resolution

Plenary Sessions

The next sitting will be held on 13 –16 March 2006 in Strasbourg: Draft agenda

Committee Sessions in Brussels

Committee on International Trade next meeting 21-03-06 – no documents available

Committee on Agriculture and Rural development next meeting 21-03-06 - no documents available

Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety next meeting 21-03-06 documents

Committee on Transport and Tourism next meeting 21-03-06 no documents available


Opinion of the FEEDAP Panel on the safety and efficacy of the product “FormiTMLHS” as a feed additive for weaned piglets and pigs for fattening in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003

Call for tender - Compiling information and working out proposals for the safety evaluation of flavouring substances used or intended for use in or on foodstuffs and maintaining a flavourings database

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

New website helps EU farmers work in safety


WTO webcasting

Members mull new details in ‘Cotton Four’ proposal

New position papers received by the WTO Secretariat:

Priorities for Doha WTO Trade Negotiations - Fédération Internationale des Vins et Spiritueux (FIVS) —France


Update on Avian Influenza in animals (type H5) on 8 March 2006

Animal health news for the week

Alert Messages

Classical swine fever in Brazil

Avian influenza in Albania

Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia in Romania

Classical Swine Fever in Germany

Newcastle disease in Japan

Avian influenza in Pakistan

Avian influenza in Niger


Please find below invitations for seminars/conferences/meetings we received. Please feel free to contact the CELCAA- Secretariat if you want us to register you for a meeting.

DG Sanco Training Initiative Workshops & Conference on Animal By-Products. Workshop 1: 10 & 11 May 2006, Greece, Workshop 2: 14 & 15 June 2006, Italy, Workshop 3: 5 & 6 July 2006, Poland, Conference: 20 September 2006, Belgium

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