The Things They Carried PowerPoint Evaluation Rubric
If the task has been successfully completed with quality, all points are awarded. Poor quality will reduce score at instructor’s discretion.
Category / Scoring Criteria / Points / Points to Earn
Title Slide / This slide features the title of the presentation and includes the author's name(s), class period, date and assignment name. A graphic or picture is included that relates to the most important concept of the presentation.
(The title should be the largest font on the slide.) / 5
Slide / This slide provides a thesis statement that makes the research topic clear. The slide summarizes the chapter to the best of the student’s ability (not a Sparknotes cut-and-paste); also may include a graphic. / 5
Organization and Main body slides
/ Every slide transitions to the next in a clear and organized process. It has a minimum of ten slides. Slides are not cluttered (maximum ten lines; if more information is required, then it will continue onto the next slide). / 10
Timeliness. The presentation is ready to go when it is the student’s turn to present. It opens and works well. The slideshow was clearly previewed before its presentation and saved in Google Docs. / 10
Student presents major points and fully supports them with supporting evidence, arguments, ideas and data (see additional handout). Content is accurate, thorough, and directly on point; strong support is provided for each assertion. / 20
Information is presented effectively in a logical, interesting sequence that is easy to follow. Project includes all material needed to give a good understanding of the topic. The project is consistent with the chosen approach. / 10
Overall Slideshow / The overall presentation has a professional look.
Includes, but is not limited to: choice of colors and graphics for an adult audience, attractive graphics (size and colors) that support the topic of the presentation; slide transitions that add to the presentation, not detract from it. Font formats (color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. Timing runs smoothly. Presentation is free of errors in grammar and pronunciation; word choice aids clarity and vividness. / 10
Translation of
Information / Findings are presented in the student's words from the novel, not "cut and pasted" from outside references. / 5
Conclusion Slide
/ This slide ties the total presentation to the thesis statement. / 10
Work cited slide / This slide shows any research references used for the presentation.
MLA Citation required. / 5
Speech / Presentation: Voice is audible and clear. Student knows what is on the slides. Vocal delivery is varied and dynamic. Speech rate, volume, and tone enhance listener interest and understanding. / 10
Score / Total Points / 100
Deadline / All "computer" assignments are expected to be completed by the assigned deadline. No credit will be given after this time. Due Date = Thursday, January 12th