Candidate’s last name: ______page 2

Date: ______

California State University, Chico

School of Education: Concurrent/Ed Specialist Program


Student-teacher: Date:

Observation by CT or Sup: Lesson Title:

Teaching Criteria / Rating / Comments/Suggestions
Domain A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible---
TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject
Instruct students w/ disabilities in the core academic curriculum at the grade levels --demonstrate knowledge of disabilities & effects on learning –Uses effective instructional materials & strategies / TPE 1
Organizes curriculum to facilitate students’ understanding in making connections within & across subject areas w/ accommodations based on students’ IEP /
Uses Evidence-Based Instruction (EBI) that are responsive to the unique needs of the student & also addresses core curriculum requirements
Domain B: Assessing Student Learning—
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction -- based on each student’s IEP / TPE 2

Appropriate pacing; re-teach with assessment strategies (questioning, student work); check for misunderstandings


Uses progress monitoring at key points to check and address misconceptions during the lesson

TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments: Uses formal & informal assessments (formative & summative) to determine students’ progress / TPE 3
Domain C: Engaging & Supporting Students in Learning
TPE 4: Making Content Accessible -- Implementation of IEP-- communicates instructional objectives; varies instructional strategies; reinforce w/written & oral presentations, manipulatives, physical models, uses visuals, diagrams; prioritize & sequence essential skills to IEP goals; MOD/SEV-use of adapt equip./ assistive technology / TPE 4
TPE 5: Student Engagement (active participation)-- fosters students’ independence, self-determination; promotes pragmatic interaction skills; provides students w/ opportunities to engage in academic & social pursuits based on the student’s developmental & functioning levels; / TPE 5
TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices --Structures day (lesson) w/opportunities for movement; appropriate activities for attention span; connect to “real world;” teach social interactions (consideration, cooperation, responsibility & empathy); provides adequate time for practice & application / TPE 6
TPE 7: Teaching English Learners--Uses appropriate practices for EL learners; manages first language support thru para-educators & materials; uses familiar English w/familiar grammatical constructions / TPE 7:
TPE Domain D: Planning Instruction/Learning
TPE 8: Learning about Students – Use assessment data in IEP (& Psych-ED Battery File), & classroom formal & informal assessments to identify students’ specialized instructional needs-
Mod/sev- Demonstrates knowledge of & ability to support the movement, mobility, sensory &specialized health care needs required / TPE 8
TPE 9: Instructional Planning --Uses explicit teaching methods --Utilizes appropriate instructional materials & strategies (systematic instruction, GLAD, visuals, models) / TPE 9
Explains content clearly; make abstract concepts concrete & meaningful; Exhibits strong working knowledge of subject matter
Demonstrates knowledge of assistive technology
TPE Domain E: Creating & Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

TPE 10: Instructional Time Allocates instructional time to maximize student achievement; establishes procedures for routine tasks & transitions; effectively directs sped service providers &/or aides for useful instructional activities

/ TPE 10
Uses instructional time effectively; transitions efficiently
TPE 11: Social Environment --Maintains clear academic & social expectations; promotes student effort; Designs & implements positive behavior support plans & interventions / TPE 11
Creates & engages a positive climate; encourage student curiosity, flexibility & persistence; respond appropriately to sensitive issues
TPE Domain F: Developing as a Professional Educator
TPE 12: Professional, Legal, & Ethical Obligations Punctual, dependable, prepared; demonstrate ability to part of a team (collegiality); self-motivated;); / TPE 12
Proficient in written communication (punctuation & spelling in planned & spontaneous writing
Exhibits intellectual integrity; serve students honestly; respect student work; protect student privacy
TPE 13: Professional Growth Assesses his/her own progress; accepts professional advice; considers constructive criticism
--Engages in professional development appropriate daily instructional planning; enthusiasm in manner, voice quality and eye contact; initiative and flexibility; / TPE 13
Respectful of school policies, supplies & equipment; appropriate grammar & vocabulary in oral communication; adherence to the SOE code of professional conduct
SPED-Domain G: Collaboration & Case Management
Collaborates & consults effectively parents, general/special ed teachers, related service personnel, & admin. / STD 4
Plans, implements, & evaluates transitional life experiences for students w/ disabilities across the lifespan; demonstrates understanding of legal requirements & ethical practices of sped; develops & monitors IFSP &/or IEP requirements / STD 7
Professional Qualities / Score/Comment
Demonstrates appropriate professional attitude and attire (D4)
Shows initiative and flexibility (D3)
Shows ability in personal/professional oral/written language skills (D3)
Shows self-confidence and presence when working with people (D4)
Shows desire to improve teaching effectiveness (D1, D2)
Is collegial and participates in school activities (D4, D5)
Rating Scale
1 =B (Below Novice Practice) Application of Standards not evident; Practice not consistent w/ Stndrds expectation
2 =N (Novice Practice) Application of Standards evident at a developing beginning level
3 =PB (Proficient Beginning Practice) Application of Standards evident a maturing level
4 =EB (Exceptional Beginning Practice) Application of Standards evident at an exemplary level