P2 Learning at Home!

This homework is for the fortnight from Tuesday 14.03.17 to Monday 27.03.17.
Our homework is posted on the P2 blog in order to save paper and also to share any website links with you. If you are unable to access the blog please let me know and I will arrange for you to have a paper copy.
Practise thecommon words which are highlighted orange on the lists in your homework jotter:
Write your words out 1 time each week using ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’.
Choose at least three different spelling activities from the activities grid below to complete over the fortnight.
Our Additional Spelling Activities
Pairs: Write each of your words on two different colours of paper. Turn all the cards face down and mix them up. Lay out your cards in rows and flip over two cards at a time. Read each card aloud to see it they match. Keep them if they match or flip over and try again! / Objects:On a flat surface, make your words using items from around the home/outside – try toy cars, buttons, stones, sticks, grapes. / Writing On Your Back:Take it in turns to ‘write’ a word on each other’s backs with your finger. Can the person being ‘written’ on say the letters they can feel and guess the word? / Spelling Tennis: For each word in your spelling list play a game of ‘spelling tennis’ with somebody at home. Player 1 says the whole word. The player 1 says (or writes) the first letter then player 2 says (or writes) the second letter and so forth until the whole word is spelt correctly.
Visit and create your own spelling test with your words. / Write your words in the bath! Get the side of the bath or the shower screen all soapy and write with your finger. / Outdoor Writing:Write your words on the ground in chalk/mud/sand/water. / Paint your words
Play spelling noughts and crosses with an adult: each time one of you spells a word correctly you can mark your nought or cross. / Write your words with your finger in a shallow layer of dry salt on a tray, plate or tin. / Write your words in Rainbow Writing (use a different colour for each letter) or bubble writing. / Cut out letters from a newspaper or magazine to make your words
Phonics Challenge – we have been learning these double consonant sounds ff ss zz ll ck. We most often find them at the end of a word.Look out for them when you are reading at home and listen out for them in words and songs you hear at home.
Rainforest Creature Personal Talks
Each child should prepare a short talk, 1-2 minutes long about an amazon rainforest creature of their choice ready for presenting to the class on w/c 27th March. You should bring one or two pictures/drawings/photos to show and be able to tell us some interesting facts including–
-Which layer of the rainforest your creature lives in (forest floor/understorey/canopy/emergent layer)
-What it eats
-When it is awake
We will be looking for clear voices, looking at the audience and interesting information.
Onesie Day – Friday 17th March
Please wear either a onesie or something comfy and bring –
A favourite book to enjoy during the day.
Something interesting to show us for a 1 minute ‘Show and Tell’ to the class.
Internet Safety Open Afternoon
The school open afternoon on Thursday 17th, on the theme of Internet Safety, begins at 1.30pm. It will be followed at 2.15pm by an RSPCC workshop on Internet Safety for parents in the hall.To make it easier for you to join events in sibling’s classes and in the hallP2 will be sharing our Internet Safety learning in our classroom from 1.50 – 2.15pm.We hope you can join us!

Here is an extract from the P2 blog. You can find it by clicking on the Class Blogs 2016-17 tab at the top of the Lochardil Primary blog.

P2 Blog


Our Can Collection

Could everyone please bring in 2very cleanused tin cans with smooth edges (the kind with a ring pull as pictured) by Thursday next week for a project we’re making. Many thanks!

Brilliant Bean Collectors!

This term our class have been earning a bean or two each time we are spotted trying our best, working hard, taking responsibility and caring for others. Yesterday we reached our class target of 1000 beans….Wow! Well done everybody! Here’s what 1000 beans looks like….

We’ve suggested the treats that we’d like each time we reach 1000 beans and yesterday we each voted to decide on the first treat….So nextFriday 17thwe’re having a‘Onesie’s and Relax’ daytogether. Please could everyone –

  • wear something comfy – your onesie, pyjamas, joggers or leggings (don’t go to any trouble)
  • bring a cuddly toy
  • bring a book to enjoy

It’s going to be fun!

Open Afternoon

The school open afternoon on Thursday 17th, on the theme of Internet Safety, begins at 1.30pm. It will be followed at 2.15pm by an RSPCC workshop on Internet Safety for parents in the hall.

To make it easier for you to join events in sibling’s classes and in the hallP2 will be sharing our Internet Safety learning in our classroom from 1.50 – 2.15pm.We hope you can join us!