French Revolution Hall of Fame/Hall of Shame Assignment

You complete this assignment as a team of 1 or 2 only (individually or in a pair only)

1)  You are going to create a Hall of Fame and a Hall of Shame for the different characters, events, and groups involved in the French Revolution

2)  For each character, event, and group, you must also decide why and prove that they belong in the Hall of Fame or the Hall of Shame

3)  Characters, Events, and Groups:

A. 1st Estate B. 2nd Estate C. 3rd Estate D. Bourgeoisie E. Peasants F. King Louis XVI

G. Marie Antoinette H. Estates General

I. National Assembly J. Legislative Assembly

K. Emigres L. Sans-Culottes M. Jacobins

N. Maximilian Robespierre O. Committee of Public Safety

P. Reign of Terror Q. The Great Scare

4)  First decide what your criteria will be for the Hall of Fame and the Hall of Shame

a.  Write a paragraph explanation for what it takes to be put in each Hall.

b.  How does on earn membership in the Hall of Fame and in the Hall of Shame?

5)  You are going to create 2 separate collages of images (on 8 ½ X 11 paper or it can be on bigger paper)

a.  One collage of images for each Hall (2 collages total!)

6)  For each term you will create, draw, and color at least one image or symbol to represent that term (no internet images)

a.  You will arrange the different images into a collage for the Hall of Fame and another collage for the Hall of Shame

7)  On a separate sheets of paper you will write the following 2 paragraphs for each term:

a.  A one paragraph explanation of what/who the term was, how it was involved in the French Revolution, and what it’s impact on the outcome of the French Revolution was.

b.  A one paragraph explanation of why you chose to put that term in the Hall of Fame or the Hall of Shame, how difficult the decision was, and what helped you make the final decision.

· Remember that you are turning in 2 separate collages and 2 paragraphs for each term (see the list on the other side)

100 Points Total!!

Due Friday 11/20


1)  Typed “French Revolution” Notes

2)  Text Book pages 190-203

Grading Rubric:

95-100 Points= Both collages complete; all 17 terms placed; all 17 images; color; all 36 paragraphs; all 36 paragraphs are correct and clear

90-94 Points= Both collages complete; all 17 terms placed; all 17 images; color; all 36 paragraphs mostly correct and clear

85-89 Points= Both collages mostly complete; 14-16 terms; 14-16 images; most colored; 28-34 paragraphs mostly correct and complete

80-84 Points= Both collages somewhat complete; 11-13 terms; 11-13 images; most colored; 22-28 paragraphs mostly correct and clear

75-79 Points= Both collages somewhat complete; 11-13 terms; 11-13 images; some colored; 17-23 paragraphs mostly correct and clear

70-74 Points= One collage complete, one somewhat complete; 8-10 terms; 8-10 images; some colored; 16-22 paragraphs somewhat correct and clear

69-65 Points= Both somewhat complete; 7 terms; 7 images; some colored; 13-17 paragraphs somewhat correct and clear

60-64 Points= Both collages less than half complete; less than 7 terms; less than 7 images; few colored; 10-14 paragraphs

55-59 Points= Both collages less than half complete; less than 7 terms; less than 7 images; few colored; 7-11 paragraphs

50 Points or Less= Anything less than the above explanation (25-27)