Northwood Board of Selectmen

Minutes of August 28, 2012

Selectman Bryer called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call Selectman Robert Holden, Selectman Scott Bryer and Town Administrator Brent Lemire

Ms. Deb Koczela led the pledge of allegiance.

Citizen’s Forum



Introduction to Mr. Chuck Rolecek – candidate for Executive Council

Mr. Rolecek stated he was running for Executive Council in District 4, position being held currently by Councilor Ray Wieczorek. He also stated he was a 27 year resident of New Hampshire and has been a small businessman for the past 25 years in the Manchester/Bedford area, starting the first airline catering business at the Manchester Airport in 1987.

Mr. Rolecek stated that he is most known for owning C.R. Sparks and the Events Center in Bedford, and has hosted a lot of political events. He also owns the Hanover Street Chop House in downtown Manchester. He stated he is a lifelong republican and is running in the primary two weeks from today, on a business platform. He believes his 35 years in business makes him an excellent candidate for this position. Mr. Rolecek stated the Executive Council is really the Board of Directors for the Governor and State of New Hampshire. Discussion continued.

Selectman Holden stated that New Hampshire is a state known for its tourism and is concerned that when he drives through Epsom on Route 4 and sees the vacant rest area, it is an embarrassment to the state and citizens of New Hampshire. Selectman Holden asked Mr. Rolecek how he would solve that problem. Mr. Rolecek stated that he would take note of the rest areas that are closed and try to logically determine if it was necessary that the area be closed and to make sure that the process was strategically done so that tourists would not be more than 10 miles from an open rest area. He also stated that tourism is a big part of the state of New Hampshire. Discussion continued.

Selectman Holden stated that when driving by the rest area, he sees that there are gates and chains blocking the entrances, and is under the impression that someone in Concord has forgotten who really owns the rest areas. Mr. Rolecek stated point well taken.

Mr. Rolecek stated that in closing, he is a father of two adult sons and has been married for 30 years and will continue to live in New Hampshire. Mr. Rolecek thanked the board for the opportunity to appear.

Mr. James Vaillancourt – reference establishment of a Village District

Mr. Vaillancourt stated that he was there representing 42 of his neighbors in the neighborhood that encompasses the dirt roads of Wood Terrace, Association Drive, North Road and Cove Way. He also stated in part of 1985, the Town of Northwood took the roads and the beach access for non-payment of taxes. He went on to describe the history of the establishment of the Northwood Cove Association.

Mr. Vaillancourt stated that since 1985 the Association has taken voluntary membership dues from members of the neighborhood in order to maintain the roads and indicated that more year-round homes have been established which has required the roads to be plowed in the winter which is something that was not done prior to 1985.

Mr. Vaillancourt stated as the cost has gone up in the last 5 years, they have had a lot of storms that have done much damage to the dirt roads and they have needed to be fixed. Plowing costs have gone up. He also stated since costs have gone up, the willingness to join the association and to fund the necessary repairs to the roads has gone down. Mr. Vaillancourt stated that last winter they did not raise enough voluntary donations to pay for the plowing and had to take from the savings of the association. He also stated that some of them feel a new paradigm needs to come forth in order for the roads to be maintained.

Mr. Vaillancourt stated that in New Hampshire, RSA 52 allows the establishment of a Village District and one of the reasons to establish a Village District is for the maintenance of roads. He presented the board with a signed petition. He also stated that the Northwood Cove Association by vote at a duly called meeting has agreed to sell the Village District the roads, if the Village District is set up by December 31, 2012. Mr. Vaillancourt stated that the beach and the water access will remain as part of the Northwood Cove Association and will not be part of the Village District. The Village District will just be to maintain the roads.

Mr. Vaillancourt stated the plowing contract that they enter into every year has to be done by December 15, 2012 that will remain for the 2012–2013 season, and remain part of the Northwood Cove Association and its voluntary dues. He also stated he hopes they can get the Village District set up and begin its fiscal year on January 1, 2013 and run through December 2013. Mr. Vaillancourt stated that RSA 52 would require the Town of Northwood to collect the taxes as determined by the Northwood Budget Committee and the State Department of Revenue. Selectman Bryer asked if it was going to be set up similar to the Water District. He also stated that the way the Water District is set up, the Town has no involvement what so ever and the District would be allowed to lien properties on their own. Mr. Vaillancourt stated he does not know the history behind the Water District’s Village District but was told when the gas station and the law suit came into play, the Town of Northwood did not want to participate, so the Village District decided on its own to pull itself out of having the Town of Northwood collect the taxes. This Village District is using RSA 52 and the requirement of RSA 52 is to ask the Town of Northwood to collect the required taxes. Selectman Bryer stated for the record he does not know a lot about this and would like to know what the responsibilities of the town would be. Mr. Vaillancourt stated that his understanding was that 10 registered voters initiate a process with the Board of Selectmen and then the board will set up and facilitate a public hearing with all members domiciled within the proposed boundaries of the Village District. Discussion continued.

Selectman Bryer stated his concern was that if this was to be done, and accepted, what would prevent every other person on a private road in Northwood, approaching the Town and saying they want a Village District set up. Mr. Vaillancourt stated 10 registered voters could do the same.

Selectman Holden stated for the record that his address is within the boundaries of the proposed district and thinks the process which we follow in this particular Village District is extremely important. Selectman Bryer stated that he cannot accept the proposal at this point because of the magnitude the change. He would like counsel to review it and explain exactly how this would work. Town Administrator Lemire will take care of it. Selectman Holden asked if there was any voting that would take place. Mr. Vaillancourt stated that it was his understanding that the Board of Selectmen are required to set up and facilitate the public hearing at which time the domiciled registered voters within the boundaries of the district will vote. It is the Board of Selectmen’s responsibility to see that the vote is taken properly and if it is in the affirmative, then to see that 3 commissioners, a clerk, a treasurer and a moderator are elected to get the Village District to its first annual meeting.

Selectman Bryer stated that he would accept it, move forward with information gathering. He also stated that he had several questions but would wait for the explanation from counsel. He stated the only time the town would be involved is if money had to be raised through taxation. Selectman Bryer asked Mr. Vaillancourt if they would still deal with all their own plowing contracts. Mr. Vaillancourt stated that was correct. He also stated the Village District becomes a municipality just like the Town of Northwood. He stated that they would be coming to the Board on the last day of the year for the town to turn over the money collected through taxation

Selectman Bryer asked Ms. Pease if the Water District sends out their own bills. Ms. Pease stated as far as she knows that is the case. Ms. Smith stated it is a flat fee per property and is invoiced by the Water District and it is not raised through taxation. Mr. Vaillancourt will remain the point of contact so he can let his neighbors know when the public hearing will be held. Selectman Holden asked that this item be put on the next Board of Selectmen’s agenda which will be September 18, 2012.

Meeting with Department Heads regarding 2013 budget requests

Selectman Bryer stated he thinks there has been improved communication between the board and departments and asked that when preparing their budgets to remember we are an SB2 town now and the budget did fail. He also told the department heads to ask for what is truly needed because, while the ultimate choice is done at the ballot box, people need to be informed of the true needs of the town in order to vote in an informed manner.

Selectman Holden thanked the Department Heads for coming and stated it has been a great year. Selectman Bryer stated he was open for ideas and if it is something that is absolutely needed, it will be considered. Ms. Smith stated that one of the boards that she works with is asking for additional funds in the area of forestry management but she thinks that in that particular case they are balancing that with the idea there may be revenue by allocating certain funds to have a management plan created that ultimately results in revenue. Selectman Bryer stated that he thinks if revenue can be showed to the general fund, certainly the offsetting request will be considered.

Mr. Hickey stated he realizes what the cost situation is with the economy and understands the town’s situation as well. He stated the only area on his budget that he is asking for an increase is in the fuel line. Projecting his expenditures for this year, it looks like it will be really close to what was budgeted and unless someone can say the fuel is coming down, more will be needed next year. Selectman Bryer stated that it is a reasonable assumption that fuel prices are on their way back up, so if we have justification for an increase that we can justify to the budget committee and then to the voters, that is key.

Selectman Holden asked what was being done in Parks and Recreation for next year. Ms. Coe stated there were not many big changes. She also stated that this past summer saw an increased interest in swimming lessons so that will be one of the things she will be talking about is an increase in man power to cover that. Selectman Holden asked if they are going to continue the concerts. Ms. Coe stated that the committee will evaluate the program at this month’s meeting. They have not met since the series ended. Selectman Holden asked what the budget is for the concerts. Ms. Coe stated it is approximately $1,000 per concert which is pulled from the revolving fund.

Mr. Lemire thanked all the department heads. He also stated there have been a lot of issues this year to address. He stated they meet regularly as a group and operating more as a team and is very proud of the department heads and the way they are managing their departments. He is also pleased that they have requested items that they feel are really needed but yet trying to hold the line on the expenditures for tax payer.

Mr. Hickey stated he would like to make the Selectmen aware that the increase in swimming lessons is creating a significant safety problem on Bow Lake Road because of insufficient parking. There are cars parking on both sides of the road with young people attempting to cross what should be a two-lane road but is now a one-lane road to get from swimming lessons to the vehicles. Ms. Coe stated that one of things they are looking to change for next year is to move the swimming lessons back to Northwood Lake.

Selectman Bryer asked if we belonged to a regional planning commission. Ms. Smith indicated that we belonged to Strafford Regional Planning and has been familiar with their budget process, as has Ms. Planchet. He stated there will be questions asked as to the services we receive and they need to have logical justifications. Ms. Smith agreed with Selectman Bryer. She also stated that she felt the Planning Board, members themselves, as well as staff, should have that type of information ready for the budget.

Selectman Holden stated that everyone has done a great job with the money allocated and feels a lot of work has been done. He also stated that he doesn’t see why the good work cannot be continued with the same amount of money, and also stated that, hopefully, this year the public will listen and approve the budget that is put forward. Selectman Holden also feels the step increases should be put in.

Ms. Bunker stated that the Library’s proposed 2013 operating budget is similar to last years, when they started working on the CIP, they identified the roof as one of things to be looked at 10 years out. She also stated they had three contractors come in and give estimates and they were shared with Mr. Lemire and the facilities committee. They felt strongly that the roof needed immediate attention, and that she believes the repair cost will go into the facilities committee budget. Selectman Holden asked if it would be appropriate to put this as a warrant article. Mr. Lemire stated it may be in the facilities warrant article or it may be a separate warrant article, but it will not be in the operating budget. Selectman Holden asked what the estimates are. Ms. Bunker stated that they had 3 and were all approximately $15,000.