Department Name: School Safety

Step 1: Review 16-17 School-to-District Alignment document, posted at
(School Improvement Plans and Department Improvement Plans from prior years also posted at the above webpage)
Step 2: Identify two to three Department Goals for 16-17; complete the forms below
Step 3: Submit your Department Improvement Plan to Anita Seay by 10/5/16 or
bring 18 copies of the Plan to the 10/10/16 Cabinet meeting; be prepared to present Plan on 10/10/16
2016-17 Department Improvement Plan
Goal #1
School safety will improve district communication to all schools in case of a system wide emergency.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
Advanced radio communications installed at all schools and FCSS facilities. Procedures and protocols will be implemented and practiced. / 2016-17 school year. To include monthly radio checks. / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching Assessing for Learning
Resources Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Checks at the system-wide level as individual level.
Goal #2
School Safety will increase school surveillance from our office.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
System cameras will run on our large screen. We will work to maintain high levels of observation on schools and during crisis times provide extra assistance. Better communication protocols have been implemented for emergencies. / 2016-17 / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching Assessing for Learning
Resources Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Testing using an active shooter scenario at WFHS.
Goal #3
School Safety will provide a high level training class for school safety coordinators.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
Scheduled school safety coordinator training. / 2016-17 school year. / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching Assessing for Learning
Resources Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Feedback from safety coordinators. Attendance by class members. School safety surveys taken in the schools.