
Wally EptonChairman

Ken PetersTreasurer

Russell MasonSecretary Hon. Insurance Advisor

Andy SmithPR and Publicity

John BroadVAC Representative

Tim ScorerHon Legal Advisor

Chris Royle

Dennis Neville

Bill Fisher

Item 1.Apologies

Rick Peacock-EdwardsPresident

Colin DoddsDeputy Chairman

John Farley Honorary Vice-President

Keith SissonsHonorary Vice-President

Wendy HinchcliffeMembership Secretary

Martin Slater CJOA Representative

John Romain

Roger Hinchcliffe

Mike Vaisey

Steve Slater

Stuart Powney

Prior to the meeting the Chairman reminded Members that any details and discussion of matters arising during this meeting were to be treated as confidential. / Action party/parties
Item 2. Minutes of the last Council Meeting and Matters Arising
Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd July 2013 were approved for accuracy and confirmed as posted on the website as presented.
Action Log – the outstanding items, if not an Agenda Item, were reviewed, updated or closed as necessary. Please refer to the Action Log for these updates.
Item 3. Finance
The Treasurer reported that the financial position of the Association remained acceptable with good balances held in the bank accounts.
The only payment item of note was the annual EFLEVA invoice of €315 that had been settled. Receipts for the 2013 HAA Symposium were steadily being received following the launch of ticket marketing.
Bill Fisher proposed acceptance of the budget/financial report, this was seconded by John Broad and the motion was carried.
Item 4. Membership
Membership data - Chris Royle suggested a central portal be established for this data accessible via security password by those on Council who needed access. An example of such a portal is a product known as ‘Dropbox’ (or similar). Council members felt this was a good idea and the Chairman in association with Ken Peters,Wendy Hinchcliffe agreed to investigate this issue and also investigate whether it could be better undertaken via the Admin section of the HAA website; this therefore will also involve Ubiquity Media (the HAA website host).
The Chairman reported that Robb Metcalfe had sadly resigned from Council - the Council wished torecord with thanks the time and endeavours Robb had made during his tenure on Council. / Chairman / Treasurer / Wendy Hinchcliffe
Item 5. Future Strategy
Engineering Issues - the President had yet confirm securing of the Marshall Lecture Suite at Duxford for the planned engineering meeting on 5th February 2014. The Chairman agreed to follow up on this matter if the President had not already done so ASAP.
Additional Item discussed outside of meeting -
Production and Design Approvals – this was yet to be addressed by the CAA but will be looked at in the round for the whole of GA – probably in 2014. However, in the meantime scoping of this task from an HAA point of view to be undertaken – John Romain has agreed to take on this task for the HAA that will include a review and proposal of proportionate amendments/re-writes to A8-21 and A8-22.
The Chairman and Secretary updated Council as to the outcome to the joint CAA/HAA meeting that took place at Gatwick on 6th August 2013 (attended by the Chairman, Secretary, John Romain, Martin Slater, Andrew Edmondson, Steve Slater, and Brian Jones on behalf of HAA) in respect of future regulation. The CAA have agreed that - in association with the HAA - they will considerthe proposal for new regulation to allow the use of Permit to Fly / ex-Military aircraft for passenger carriage on A to A flights (on a hire and reward basis)in line with their increased commitment to proportional regulation and increased delegation of oversight. The HAA team that will undertake this task with the CAA will consist of Andrew Edmondson (Vulcan to the Sky Trust), Brian Jones (Boultbee Aviation) and the Secretary, ably assisted by Tim Scorer (Legal) and the Chairman. The first meeting of this group will take place at Old Warden on 30thSeptember followed by the initial discussions with the CAA (headed by Chris Finnigan) in London on 10th October.
Tim Scorer highlighted the potential legal pitfalls of such new regulation but these items are just the questions that will have to be addressed - and answered - by this joint CAA/HAA team to gain outline approval from the CAA.
The Chairman recorded that a number of Engineering updates have recently appeared on the HAA website and commended Council and members to review these documents. / President / Chairman
John Romain
Chairman / Secretary / Tim Scorer (Legal)
Item 6. HAA Symposium
Date - Saturday 16th November 2013 at the RAF Museum.
Speakers –finalised and running order agreed
Darrol Stinton Memorial Trophy - status of the plinth for the trophy is not known at present due to Colin Dodds being absent. John Broad offered to assist in having one made if Colin was unable to provide same. Chairman agreed tochase up Colin to ascertain status ASAP.
Ticket sales – about 60 sold as at time of meeting.
Promotion - in association with Chris Royle, now that the speaker line-up finalised, all proceeding. Pilot forums also to utilised; poster circulated to Council members to place in their local flying club &/or other such places of interest that may attract suitable attendees
Ken Wallis tribute - it was agreed that the screen above the reception desk at the RAF Museum should be set-up to run some tributes to Ken Wallis along with the RAeS lecture video being played in the main lecture theatre through the lunch period, albeit with clear signage to stop people taking food in to the lecture theatre itself.
Bill Fisher also suggested that one of Ken’s autogyro’s be possibly sourced as an exhibit at the entrance to the event - he agreed to approach the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum who hold ‘Little Nellie’ and Ken Peters agreed to approach the RAF Museum to see if the idea would be plausible. (Sec - subsequent to the meeting it was established that the autogyro was not available)
Indian Air Force attendance - the Chairman was asked to clarify if the Indian Air Force Attaché would be attending in view of Mike Edwards' presentation; the Chairman agreed to investigate this with Mike Edwards. / Colin Dodds /
Chris Royle / Andy Smith
Chris Royle
Bill Fisher / Ken Peters
Item 7.HAA Events & Public Relations update
Andy Smith advised that the Hawker Restorations visit was now in place for 29th October 2013 and being promoted on the website with places for 15 attendees. Events to be planned for the autumn/winter/spring period are Phoenix Aero at Thruxton and ARCo, Vintech, P&A Wood, with the latter threein 2014.
Newsletter - Andy Smith circulated the latest HAA Newsletter that was about to be distributed - he is looking forward to contributions for the next!
Joint VACmagazine/ HAANewsletteridea still found to be attractive and Andy Smith and John Broad to pursue this further with Steve Slater especially in view of the forthcoming VAC AGM in October where it should be a point of view discussion if possible. / Andy Smith /
Chris Royle
Andy Smith /
Andy Smith / John Broad / Steve Slater
Item 8. EFLEVA
The EFLEVA AGM takes place in October 2013 but due to the potential costs involved in attending this was deferred for this year. / John Broad
Item 9. Annual Meeting & Flying Forum
Date confirmed as Saturday 15th March 2014
Speakers/Theme - possibilities were Ian Smith (ex BBMF); Brian Jones (Boultbee Aviation); Dan Griffiths (LAA Chief Pilot) and Barry Tempest. Theme to be dsicussed at the next HAA meeting but considered in the interim. / Chairman / Secretary
Item 10. Any Other Business
Annex II C of A aircraft maintenance regimes - Bill Fisher outlined his concerns (previously circulated within Council) and,in association with the Chairman, will produce a draft safety case paper to put to the CAA Airworthiness division. This will be based on the premise of why these changes are detrimental to the continued safe operation of these aircraft due to the sheer lack of capability and experience within the licensed maintenance sector. Once the draft paper is completed, to be circulated to all Council members for input before release to the CAA.
Meeting closed / Bill Fisher / Chairman

The date of the next meeting is 5th December 2013commencing at 16:00 hours at West London Aero Club, White Waltham, Berkshire.

Wally EptonRussell Mason


Please note that dates/timings of 2013/14 meetings appear on the website under the ‘News and Events’ tab on the home page and then under ‘Events’/’Schedule of Meetings’ entry but planned notable dates for 2013/14 are as follows – those marked (prov) are subject to confirmation/possible alteration. All meetings are currently scheduled to be held at White Waltham but this may change nearer the time of the meeting:-

Annual Symposium (RAF Museum Hendon)16th November 2013

Council Meeting & annual dinner5thDecember 2013 (new date)

N.B. This meeting commences @ 16:00 followed by dinner @ 17:00 (Beehive Pub)

Council Meeting29th January 2014

Council Meeting29th April 2014

Council Meeting1st July 2014

Council Meeting16th September 2014

Council Meeting & annual dinner2nd December 2014