Running Invoicing reports

31.  Running Invoicing reports

The Invoicing application offers a number of reports you can run:

·  Invoice Edit Report

Prints a report of invoices for reviewing

·  Master Bill Reports

This is a custom report and is not applicable to all TMWSuite users.

·  Invoice Detail Audit Report

This report allows you to see the changes made to an invoice, including changes to quantity, rate, and charge changes in an invoice detail line.

·  Transferred to A/R Report

Prints a list of invoices that have a Transferred status

·  Master Bill Schedule

This is a custom report and is not applicable to all TMWSuite users.

·  Order Status Report

Prints a list of orders at a particular stage of processing

·  Batch Log Reprint

Prints the Batch/Error Log the system generates when invoices are created for orders in the Orders Ready to Prepare queue or when invoices are printed using the Print Invoices queue.

Printing invoices in a report for review 31.2

Restricting invoices in the Print Invoice Edit Report list 31.3

Setting the Sort Sequence 31.5

Printing an invoice audit report 31.6

Tracking invoice changes with the Invoice Detail Audit report 31.7

Activating the Invoice Detail Audit feature 31.7

InvoiceDetailAudit 31.7

Running an Invoice Detail Audit report 31.8

Looking up transferred invoices 31.10

Restricting invoices in the Invoices Transferred To A/R window 31.10

Printing the Invoices Transferred to A/R list 31.13

Using the Invoices Transferred to A/R window as a queue 31.13

Looking up an invoice 31.13

Paging through invoices from the Invoices Transferred to A/R list 31.14

Creating an Order Status Report 31.15

Reprinting a Batch/Error Log 31.19

Printing invoices in a report for review

In the Reports menu, the Invoice Edit Report command allows you to print a report of invoices for review. The report contains the header information and the charge details for the invoice. The advantage of the review report over actually printing the invoice is that, depending on the amount of detail information, two invoices can usually be printed on a single page.

The Print Invoice Edit Report queue is shown here with sample data.

A.  Allows you to set restriction criteria and determine the sort order for the invoices you will retrieve.

B.  Displays the retrieved invoices

C.  Allows you to exit the window

D.  Allows you to print the report

E.  Allows you to return the restriction criteria to the default values

F.  Allows you to retrieve invoices according to the restriction criteria and sort order you have selected

The Print Invoice Edit Report queue allows you to do any of the following:

·  Restrict the list of invoices

Use the Selection Criteria area at the top of the Print Invoice Edit Report window to make entries that will cause the system to limit the number of invoices included in the report.

·  Retrieve a list of invoices

When you click Retrieve, the system displays a list of invoices to be included in the report. If you did not set restrictions, the list includes all invoices with a Ready to Print status. If you set selection criteria, the system lists only those invoices that match the criteria you specified.

·  Have the system print an audit report of invoices displayed in the list

You can click Print to print audit reports for all invoices listed in the window. This is useful when you want to verify the header information and details of the charges.

Restricting invoices in the Print Invoice Edit Report list

The Print Invoice Edit report window allows you to look up a list of invoices and view their header information and details of the invoiced charges.

Note: While Ready to Print is the default status, when you access the Print Invoice Edit Report queue, you are not limited to retrieving invoices with a Ready to Print status. You may choose a different status, such as On Hold or Transferred.

If desired, you can set restrictions to limit the number of invoices included in the report.

1.  Select Reports > Invoice Edit Report.
The Print Invoice Edit Report window opens.

2.  In the Selection Criteria area of the window, set restrictions by making entries in one or more of these fields:

Invoice Status / Use the Invoice status drop-down list to select the status of the invoices you want to display.
The default is Ready to Print.
RevType1 / The options in this field are user-defined. Use the drop-down list to restrict the list of invoices to those assigned a specific revenue classification defined by the RevType1 label.
Bill To / To restrict the list to invoices for a particular Bill To company, enter the company’s ID.
Ship Date / To restrict the list to invoices for which the first pickup occurred during a particular date range, enter the beginning ship date in the first field and the ending ship date in the second field.
Delivery Date / To restrict the list to invoices for which the first pickup occurred during a particular date range, enter the beginning ship date in the first field and the ending ship date in the second field.
Bill Date / To restrict the list to invoices for which the final delivery occurred during a particular date range, enter the beginning delivery date in the first field and the ending delivery date in the second field.
Order By / To restrict the list to invoices for which the first pickup occurred at a particular company (the Shipper company), enter the company’s ID.
Shipper / To restrict the list to invoices placed by a particular company (the Order By company), enter the company’s ID.
Consignee / To restrict the list to invoices for which the last drop off occurred at a particular company (the Consignee company), enter the company’s ID.
RevType2 / The options in this field are user-defined. Use the drop-down list to restrict the list of invoices to those assigned a specific revenue classification defined by the RevType2 label.
RevType3 / The options in this field are user-defined. Use the drop-down list to restrict the list of invoices to those assigned a specific revenue classification defined by the RevType3 label.
RevType4 / The options in this field are user-defined. Use the drop-down list to restrict the list of invoices to those assigned a specific revenue classification defined by the RevType4 label.

3.  Click Retrieve at the bottom of the window to display invoices that match the criteria you specified.

Note: You can remove your restrictions by clicking Reset at the bottom of the window. The system clears the displayed list.

Setting the Sort Sequence

You can sort the results of the retrieval by assigning a sort sequence to the criteria fields. For example:

1.  Select Bill To as the primary sort criteria, by clicking the blue box next to the Bill To field.

2.  Click Retrieve. The system displays the invoices in alphanumeric order, according to the Bill To information.

You may sort by multiple criteria fields. For instance, you may sort by Bill To, and then by Bill Date.

3.  With Bill To already designated as the first sorting field, click the blue box next to the BillDate field. As you click the blue box of the second field, the system displays the number2.

You can clear a field chosen for the sort sequence by clicking its blue box. If you have three fields selected and clear the second field, the system automatically updates the field that was previously the third field to be the second field.

Note: If you have a list of invoices displayed while selecting the sort sequence, the system clears the list display.

4.  Click Retrieve. The system displays the list in alphanumeric order according to the Bill To information, and then puts the invoices for each Bill To in order, as determined by the Bill Date.

Printing an invoice audit report

You can use the Print Invoice Edit Report option to have the system print a hardcopy report for all invoices listed in the window. You may also display the report in print preview if you just want to verify information without printing.

1.  In the Print Invoice Edit Report window, click Print at the bottom of the window.
The system displays the Send Information to the Printer dialog box.

2.  Do one of the following:

·  Click Print to send the report directly to the printer. The system prints the hardcopy report to the printer that is set up as the TMWSuite default and closes the Print Edit Invoice Report window.

·  Click Preview to view the report before printing it.

Use the scroll bars to scroll through the report and use the Print Preview tools buttons to page through the report and change the display size.

3.  Click Cancel to close the Print Edit Invoice Report window and return to the Edit Invoice Folder window.

Tracking invoice changes with the Invoice Detail Audit report

First available in TMWSuite V. 2002

The Invoice Detail Audit report allows you to track quantity, rate, and charge changes in an invoice detail line. While this tracking feature is enabled, invoice changes that will be logged include:

·  Creation, modification, or deletion on the invoice detail line.

·  Changes to fields made by the rating engine (namely, they have a tariff number).

Warning: With the Invoice Detail Audit feature enabled, a new (not saved) invoice will be saved when you click Compute. This auto-save-on-compute functionality ensures proper logging of the original rating and any changes that might be made afterwards. It is applicable only in Invoicing. It is not applicable to pre-rating orders in Order Entry or the Dispatch Trip Folder.

The Invoice Detail Audit Report will list the details for each tracked change, including:

·  Who made the change

·  When it was made

·  The changes in amounts

·  The ID of the applied rates

You can restrict the report by order or invoice number.

Activating the Invoice Detail Audit feature

The feature is activated using the InvoiceDetailAudit General Info Table key.

InvoiceDetailAudit /
Applies to / TMWSuite: V.2002 and later
Description / Activates the Invoice Detail Audit feature in Invoicing. The feature allows you to track quantity, rate, and charge changes in an invoice detail line. While this tracking feature is enabled, these invoice changes are logged:
·  Creation, modification, or deletion on the invoice detail line.
·  Changes to fields made by the rating engine (namely, they have a tariff number).
You can view the log using the Invoice Detail Audit Report.
String1 / ·  N (default)
The Invoice Detail Audit feature is disabled.
·  Y
The Invoice Detail Audit feature is enabled.
Note: When you use this option, a new invoice will be saved when you click Compute. This auto-save-on-compute functionality ensures proper logging of the original rating and any changes made afterwards. This functionality is applicable only to rating in the Invoicing application. It does not apply to pre-rating an order in Order Entry or the Dispatch Trip Folder.

Running an Invoice Detail Audit report

To see a report of changes made to a specific order/invoice, you can create an Invoice Detail Audit Report. For the fields tracked, the report lists who made the change, when the change was made, the tariff number and description, and the amounts, etc.

1.  Select Reports > Invoice Detail Audit Report.

2.  Do one of the following:

·  Enter the order's unique ID in the Order# field.

·  Enter the invoice's unique ID in the Invoice# field.

3.  Click Open.
The Invoice Detail Audit Report window opens.

Data is shown in these fields:

Invoice# / The ID of the invoice whose changes are being reported
Order# / The ID of the order whose changes are being reported
Ivd Number / The system-assigned invoice detail identifier
Audit User / ID of the user who made the change
Audit Date / Date/time the change was made
Status / Identifies the status of the change
Options are:
·  Created
The rate, quantity, and charge were created when the invoice was first computed.
·  Modified
The rate, quantity, or charge was changed.
·  Deleted
The invoice detail line was deleted.
Charge Type / Identifies the charge type used in billing
Tar Number / Identifies the ID number of the applied rate
Tar Description / Provides a brief description of the applied rate
Note: The description comes from the Description field in the rate header.
Ivd Quantity / The after-change value in the Quantity field
Ivd Rate / The after-change value in the Rate field
Ivd Charge / The after-change value in the Charge field

Note: Looking up changes for an order instead of its invoice may show more details. In this example, we looked up order # 7784, instead of invoice # 7784A. Notice that the log shows the entries for the order being pre-rated in Dispatch. In the illustration above, the report for invoice #7784A does not show the invoice details created by pre-rating the order.

4.  If you want, click Print to send the report to your default TMWSuite printer.

5.  Click Close to exit the window.

Looking up transferred invoices

To retrieve a list of invoices that have been transferred to Accounts Receivable, you can use the Transferred to A/R Report. The report allows you to

·  Restrict the list of invoices

When you click Restrict, the system displays the Restrict Invoices Transferred To A/R window. Your entries in this window cause the system to limit the number of invoices shown in the Transferred To A/R window.

·  Retrieve a list of invoices