S/R/C Goals and Activity Report

January 15 Report of Goals, Activities, Accomplishments, and Plans for July – December.

June 15 Report of Goals, Activities, Accomplishments, and Plans for January – June.

S/R/C: Canada Date: January 19, 2017

Leader(s): Ruth Silverman Email:

1.  Describe your major S/R/C goal(s) for the past six months – Continue to promote the attendance at the CRLA national conference among Canadians (members and non-members).

Attend the conference and host a meeting for the “Canadian Region”. Personally connect with Canadians attending the CRLA national conference.

2.  Activities implemented to accomplish this/these goals (attach documents if appropriate):

On July 6, 2016, I sent information on the CRLA National Conference to the listserv for the Learning Specialists Association of Canada, reaching some 200-300 professionals in the field. On July 14, 2016, I sent the same information by email to my list of Canadian members of CRLA. On October 6, 2016, in response to a message on the Canadian Supplemental Instruction Listserv asking about conferences, I took the opportunity to promote the CRLA National Conference and invite those attending to connect with me there. In advance of the National Conference, I requested an updated membership list of members in the Canadian Region and emailed these members on October 19, 2016 to promote the conference, promote the Canadian Regional Meeting, invite members to contribute to a Canadian Package for the scholarship raffle, and share my contact information so that Canadians could connect with me informally at the conference. At the conference, I chaired the Canadian Regional Meeting and an additional 4 people attended, one of whom requested networking help for her upcoming move to my local area in Canada. She has now moved to Canada and I have set up a meeting with her and other professionals at my institution. Also at the conference, 3 of us contributed a Canadian Package for the raffle and Wally Barnes told me that it was much desired among attendees who purchased raffle tickets.

3.  Summary of any S/R/C Funding requests including outcomes: N/A

4.  S/R/C-related activities at the Annual Conference: Please see #2 above.

5.  Your last S/R/C newsletter or communication was sent to members on October 19, 2016. (Thinking it over, I wish I had sent one to follow up on the conference. I will keep this in mind in future years.)

6.  Describe your major goal(s) for the next six months: I will be attending the Learning Specialists Association of Canada (LSAC) National Conference in Montreal from May 29-31, 2017. I will use the opportunity to promote CRLA membership and attendance as complementary to LSAC. I will also keep in touch with members by email (and inform the LSAC listserv about CRLA) as opportunities arise.

7.  What services and activities you are considering to help meet the goal(s): Formal and informal discussions at the LSAC conference, and email.

8.  Are you submitting a Funding Request? ______Yes ____x__No

If yes, please submit with this report.

9.  Assistance you need from the Coordinator of S/R/Cs and/or the CRLA Board? Please schedule a meeting for the Canadian Region at the national conference and publish its location in the program and Guidebook. N/A

10. Does your S/R/C Page accurately reflect your name and contact information? ___Yes

Please email this completed form and any attachments

to the Coordinator of S/R/Cs so that it may be placed on the CRLA website.