Chairman …………………………………



Janet Fairweather

The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

High Street, Horam

TN21 0EH

Minutes of the ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING of Horam Parish Council at The Horam Centre, High Street, Horam on Wednesday 14th May 2014 at 7.30pm for the purposes of transacting the following business.

Janet Fairweather

Janet Fairweather - Clerk

PUBLIC SESSION – 7.30pm. PCSO Paula Gatward attended the meeting and spoke to the council of her intended move to Crowborough on 9th June 2014. She said how much she had enjoyed her time in Horam and that she was sure that her predecessor would serve the community well. HPC expressed their thanks to Paula for all her help and support in the parish and wished her well in her new area.

IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr M Bustard (Chair), Cllr D Bashford, Cllr K Dudley, Cllr G Knight, Cllr L Parkyn, Cllr V Roberts, Cllr J Speedie, Cllr J Stanbridge, Cllr S Stedman.


1: ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: Cllr M Bustard proposed as Chairman by Cllr J Stanbridge and seconded by Cllr S Stedman. Unanimously elected.

2: APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr D Bellasco, Cllr C Dowling


4: MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 9th April were confirmed and signed as a true record.

5: MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (not included elsewhere in the Agenda)

·  Hospital Shuttle Bus: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust have confirmed that there is no shuttle bus currently running between Eastbourne and Hastings Hospital. Emergency and high general risk surgery moved last year and emergency and high risk orthopaedics are expected to move this year, this affects approximately 1% of activity at the hospitals. Cllr Dudley asked about the treatment of Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) at Bexhill Hospital, which has created local transport issues. Patients are initially treated at Eastbourne and their follow up treatment is at Bexhill. The Clerk to contact Cllr C Dowling to discuss any possible options.

·  Horam bus stops (new): ESCC have informed HPC that they are currently trying to get quotes within the WDC budget for the new bus stops. HPC have been told that it will not be possible to move the bench within the budget, and a crossing will not be provided, although this had been discussed before costs were considered and the Traffic and Safety team did not consider the location to be an issue. HPC would like ESCC to reconsider the moving of the bench. The Clerk will write and enquire.

·  The VCCA funded Easter Bunny Hunt at Vines Cross was very successful. Thanks to Cllr Parkyn.

6: ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN: Cllr J Stanbridge proposed by Cllr D Bashford and seconded by Cllr K Dudley. Unanimously elected.

7: CO-OPTION OF NEW MEMBER: No applicants as yet


·  PLANNING, HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY (fully delegated powers) Cllr D Bashford, Cllr D Belasco, Cllr M Bustard, Cllr K Dudley, Cllr G Knight, Cllr V Roberts were appointed as members, with Cllr K Dudley unanimously elected as Chair.

·  FINANCE (Advisory only): Cllr D Belasco, Cllr M Bustard, Cllr K Dudley, Cllr G Knight, Cllr L Parkyn and Cllr J Stanbridge were appointed as members, with Cllr J Stanbridge unanimously elected as Chair.


·  Horam Centre Cllr S Stedman

·  Emergency Officer Cllr L Parkyn

·  Neighbourhood Panel & Police Authority Cllr G Knight

·  Press Officer Cllr D Bashford

·  Redrow Development Cllr K Dudley

·  Views of the Elderly Cllr V Roberts

·  Views of the Youth Cllr J Speedie

·  Risk Assessment Cllr D Belasco

·  WDALC Cllr K Dudley

·  Village Hall inc Allotments Cllr L Parkyn

·  Maynards Green School Cllr L Parkyn

·  St Mary’s School Cllr D Bashford

·  Website The Clerk


·  District Councillor Cllr S Stedman

·  County Councillor Cllr C Dowling

10: CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Cllr Bustard has joined the Executive committee of the Scouts. The motorcycle parade at Wessons Café on the 5th May was well attended and there were no apparent traffic issues. HPC should consider holding the Annual Parish Meeting in April before the May Annual Meeting of the Council. HPC agreed in principle although there were concerns about next year as 2015 is an Election year. The Clerk will check the legalities and report at the next meeting.

11: CLERK'S REPORT: The Clerk is making good progress with her Cilca coursework.


·  Zurich Insurance Renewal – for approval; Cllr Stanbridge confirmed that cover has been adjusted to correct the number of benches insured and the removal of the Youth Shelter. HPC approved payment of the premium, £1054.34 (item 14 below).

·  Mobile Library services (previously circulated): to be referred to next meeting, to enable HPC to include Cllr Dowling in their discussion. The consultation runs until the end of July.

·  Maynards Green Primary School thank you card -noted

·  Cuckmere Flood Forum (previously circulated) - a request for a grant of £70. HPC agreed that the Clerk should reply and say that they are unable to help in the current year but would be happy to consider a grant application later in the year for 2015/16.


·  PLANNING, HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY: Cllr Dudley reported the following:

o  Five representatives from HPC will be attending the Community Self Serve meeting on June 16th at Uckfield Civic centre.

o  Redrow – nothing further has been heard from Redrow. He will write again at the end of the month if there are no further developments. HPC agreed that nothing further can be asked at this stage.

o  Bernadette McGuigan will be meeting again with HPC on 28th May at 7.30pm to continue their discussions concerning WDC’s Delivery & Site Allocation Plan in the Horam Centre, after the meeting of the Planning and Highways committee. The importance of keeping the content of the meetings confidential at this stage was stressed.

·  Cllr Stedman had circulated information regarding community benefits from permitted Solar Farms.

·  FINANCE: Cllr Stanbridge reported the following:

o  Martyn Jenks, from M.N. Jenks began his work in connection with the internal audit on 13th May. He will report back to HPC by 2/3 June with the Annual Return in time for submission by 9th June. There were no issues apart from the Pavilion as an Asset, which HPC are aware of. June’s Agenda to include the following item: Assets and where we stand as Custodial Trustees.

o  Thanks were recorded to Simon Goacher for his work in connection with HPC’s PAYE.

o  Thanks were recorded to Bob, from Soulbat for his work in connection with the website.

o  Risk Assessment – a schedule was available showing HPC assets and their condition at the time the assessment was carried out.

o  Would HPC approve a cheque for M Curtis who had completed the repairs to the Village sign (the invoice had been received after the Agenda had been done). Unanimously approved.


1.  Payments as shown below authorised for payment as listed.

Payee £ cheque number

J Fairweather 200871

P Carter 200872

Wealden DC – dog bins 142.56 200873

Wealden DC –litter bins 231.66 200874

Broadoak & Horam JFC grant 517.00 200875

M J Cousins – mobile phone 25.00 200876

J Fairweather – office sundries 27.85 200877

Soulbat Ltd (web renewal) 92.00 200878

Simon P Goacher (Payroll) 141.80 200879

Zurich Municipal 1054.34 200880

Viking (ink, paper) 50.48 200881

M Curtis – noticeboard 107.40 200882

M Bustard –Parish Notice 54.00 200883

Horam Club Rooms 160.00 200884

Additional payment to M Curtis (repairs to village sign) approved 250.00 200885

2.  Draft Accounts for year ended 31st March 2014


16: REGENERATION OF OLD STATION UPDATE: Cllr Bustard reported on the first working session on May 10th. This was attended by himself, Janet Fairweather, 2 local PCSOs and the Pay Back team. Good progress was made despite the weather. Three more sessions have been booked with the Pay Back Team, at no cost. Volunteers from HPC and the village are welcome. The dates are June 7th, 14th and 21st. The Probation Service Manager who attended with the Pay Back Team asked if there were other areas in the village where the team could be utilised. HPC suggested: cutting the grass bank opposite the shops, cleaning the graffiti on the dog bin on the Cuckoo Trail, cleaning the street signs and bollards. The Clerk to investigate.

Cllr Bashford asked if the area parallel to the Cuckoo Trail, off the High Street could be utilised as a car park. The Clerk to investigate.

17: STREETS AHEAD – ENHANCING HORAM PARISH: Cllr Bustard asked for comments on his previously circulated report. HPC were in agreement with Cllr Bustard’s plans to re-energise and enhance Horam Parish. The first step from this is to establish a working party of ten representatives from the parish including Cllrs Bustard, Knight and Stedman and the Clerk from HPC. HPC discussed various other possible interested parties. Cllr Bustard will approach these individually. Funding was discussed with Cllr Bustard requesting that £1000 be set aside from HPC Reserves to get this initiative started. Agreement for this funding was proposed by Cllr Knight and seconded by Cllr Dudley and unanimously agreed. Should outside funding be required Cllr Parkyn offered his support.

18: REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: Wealden Joint Action Group (JAG) have advised that following a recent review a representative will be appointed to speak on behalf of all Parish Councils. In the short term this will be Keith Stevens. Local meetings with the Neighbourhood Police Sergeant will still be arranged, where concerns and issues can be conveyed. HPC’s initial feelings were that this was a detrimental move, so would monitor the situation.

19: COMMUNITY DIVIDEND – Money for community scheme as a result of problems with waste collection. Further details to be announced in due course.

20: ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – HORAM VILLAGE HALL- MAY 21st 2014: Councillors were asked to help set up before the meeting. The Clerk will organise refreshments.

21: WWI COMMEMORATION UPDATE: The next meeting is on 5th July. Displays will be at the Horam Fun Day at the Recreation Ground and at the Horam Centre from 12th July to 29th August during normal opening times, plus midday to 5pm on Saturday 19th July. Posters have been organised. Councillors were asked to support the event by providing information about their ancestors. Full details from Cllr Roberts or the Clerk.

22: INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas)

·  Complaints have been received that rubbish bins in Vines Cross are being used for dog waste.

·  Cllr Parkyn appreciated PCSO Paula Gatward and team’s dealings with an ongoing issue in Vines Cross that had now been resolved.

·  High Speed Broadband – the situation is not as clear as thought – the Clerk to research for next meeting.

CONFIDENTIAL ITEM: Cllr Stedman informed HPC of a confidential item, which under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press would be excluded from as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business.


The next Full Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday June 11th at 7.30pm, preceded by a Planning/Highways & Rights of Way meeting at 7pm in The Horam Centre, High Street, Horam