We would like to welcome Mrs. Gulley, school counselor, for Frazee and Everton. Mrs. Jennifer McCullum, social worker, Mrs. Moore, art, Mrs. Anne Stanley, MI, Miss Pitstick, MI, and Mrs. Traci Lovett, 1st grade. We have teachers who have moved to new grade levels: Mrs. Miller, 4th, Mrs. Richardson, 5th and Mr. Sanchez, 6th. We are excited to have these staff members join our team. Feel free to come and meet everyone!
Parents if you have any changes throughout the school year in the information you provided the school at registration (i.e. address, phone number, or emergency contact); please contact,our school secretary, Mrs.Fields, (825-6811) with your most current information. This information is so vital when we need to contact you, especially in the event of an emergency.
Lunch and Textbooks Assistance
If you need assistance with your child’s lunch and textbooks call Mrs. Fields to learn how!
Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s education. One way to do so is by volunteering at school. Please call the office and let us know how you want to support your child’s classroom
We will have our nextPTO meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 4:00 p.m. Please come and be a part of this important team of parents that support our students. Every parent is welcome to come.
Positive Behavior Support
This year we will once again implement PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports)at Frazee. It is important that every student be a positive role model and never involve themselves with any kind of bullying or breaking school rules. Please talk to your child about bullying and remind them that it is never acceptable at Frazee.We do not allow hitting another person, making fun, put downs or name calling.Students will be given consequences for not following our three rules: Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Ready every day. Students will have many opportunities to earn Falcon tickets for making good choices. Students will “cash” in their tickets throughout the year.
If your child rides a bus to school, you’ll want to make sure he or she is following these safety tips:
Waiting for the bus:
- Arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes
before the bus arrives.
- Stay out of the street and avoid horseplay.
- Cross the street at least 10 feet (or 10 giant steps) in front of the bus. Maintain eye contact with the bus driver to get an “all clear” before moving out into the street. Look left, right, and left again while crossing the street. Many cars disregard school bus warning lights.
Boarding and leaving the bus:
- Walk in a single-file line.
- Use the handrail to avoid falls.
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before approaching it.
- Exit from the front of the bus after it comes to a complete stop.
- Always wait for parents on the same side of the street as the school bus loading/unloading zone.
- Be aware of the driver’s blind spot (10 feet all around the bus) when walking away from the bus.
- Remove loose drawstrings or ties on jackets and sweatshirts, and replace with Velcro, snaps or buttons. Loose drawstrings or book bags can snag on bus handrails.
- Always ask the bus driver for help if you drop anything while entering or exiting the bus.
Sitting on the bus:
- Remain seated at all times and keep the aisles clear.
- Do not throw objects.
- Do not shout or distract the driver.
- Keep heads and arms inside the bus at all times.
- We have cameras on our buses that are videotaping at all times. If a student bullies, or breaks any bus rules, parents will be asked to come in to view the video,
For the safety of all our children, please make every effort to follow our procedures when dropping off and picking up your children:
Please park in the designated parking area in the back of the school. Stay in your car and wait for your child’s number to be called to walk to the car. After your child is in the car turn on your turn signal to let us know you have your child and are ready to leave. Do not park at the sides of the building or at the Athletic/Fohl’s Flooring building to pick up your child from school, because they could get hurt climbing over the wall, standing in the parking lot, etc….These are not safe zones and we do not want a child hit because they are not seen. At the beginning of the school year it takes a couple of weeks to improve our timing at dismissal, but it does improve as everyone works together for the safety of all our students. Thank you.
Students cannot ride their bikes to school until they are a 4th grader. Also parents must sign a permission slip before their child starts riding their bikes to Frazee.
A Message from Your Principal………….
I want to welcome you to another great school year at Frazee. Our theme for the 2017-2018 school year is:“Frazee’s A Jungle of Success” We have chosen this theme to encourage excellence in academics and characterStudents are given opportunities to earn Falcon tickets for making good choices, working hard, and being a leader. Students will then use their Falcon tickets to purchase a special privilege, treat, etc…….
I hope that each and every parent will take an active role in helping your child be successful in every way. It takes a team of people for this to happen and parents are a very important part of that team.
Our lunch program is wonderful. Students can choose from three lunch choices each day. They also get to eat fresh vegetables and fruit from the salad bar each day. Please read the menu each day with your child so he/she can be ready to tell their teacher each morning their lunch choice for the day.
Attendance is important at Frazee. Students who are present everyday do much better than those who miss. I need you to be sure your child arrives to school no later than 8:00 a.m. each day. We keep track of all tardies. If your child comes in late (even if it the parent’s fault) he/she will miss recess minutes that day and make up work missed. We are serious about school attendance and arriving to school on time Please try to make all medical and dental appointments after 2:30 I appreciate all of your support as we work together to provide your child with the best in education. Please feel free to come see me any time. I would love to get to know your family!
-Mrs. Mia McCreary
If you need information about Frazee please look at the student handbook. Grades K-2 received it this week in their Friday folders. Students in grades 3-6 have the same handbook in their agenda. Please read and discuss the handbook with your child. Call the office if you have any questions.
Please send a sweatshirt or sweater with your child every day so they can stay warm in our cool air conditioned classrooms.
If you want to order a shirt for your child and family see the form that is in your child’s Friday folder!
Aug. 30 - Boy Scouts K-5 8:15
Sept. 4 – Labor Day – No School
Sept. 5 – Fundraiser Kickoff 1:45 p.m.
Sept. 12 – Picture Day
Sept. 20 – Gleaners 4:00-6:00 Robert’s Park