
I am your neighbor and I am looking for a place to grow food. Here is what I would like to offer you.

I would like to create an arrangement where I come to your yard and turn it into a garden. I am interested in growing mostly vegetables and fruits, but we could also discuss non-edibles such as flowers.

I would ask that you provide access to your yard during daylight/certain hours/weekends (circle all that apply) for my work

I would ask that you help pay for water/seeds/starts/fertilizer/start-up costs/irrigation/soil amendment/tools (circle all that apply) I will cover the costs for water/seeds/starts/fertilizer/start-up costs/irrigation/soil amendment/tools (circle all that apply)

I would be growing food for myself/for you and myself/for you myself and sale as a part of a CSA (community supported agriculture)/for the food bank/some combination of the above (circle all that apply) and the money would go to me/you and me/there will be no money that comes from this gardening (circle all that apply)

If we plant fruit/nut trees - the cost of these will be born by you, me, shared - and we will work out a plan for their future in case one of us moves or the relationship is ended for some other reason (ie, I may want to take the trees with me, or be bought out if significant cost/time&effort has been expended.

I plan to use organic farming methods which means no poisonous herbicides or pesticides will be used.

I would like to talk to you further to let you know more about myself and my gardening experience. I have X number of years of gardening/farming experience and my specialty is ______. If this sounds interesting to you you can also have a look at Farm My Yard http://farmmyyard.org, a website and movement which is introducing urban farmers to homeowners in order to source more of our food locally and grow the urban farming movement.

I look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.




Phone number

email address

best way to reach me is: phone/email - at X time of day