Examination December 2011

M.A. (Final)



Methodology of Educational Research and Institution

Time : 3 Hrs.M.M. : 70

veesš–Fme ØeMve he$e ceW Ûeej Keb[ nQ~ Gòej osves kesâ henues efveoxMeeWkeâes meeJeOeeveerhetJe&keâ heÌ{W~

(This Question Paper consists of 4 Sections. Read Instructions carefully before attempting the Questions.)

KeC[–De (Section–A)

Deefle ueIeg GòejerÙe SJeced Jemlegefve‰ Øekeâej kesâ ØeMve

(Very Short Answer and Objective Type Question)

meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~10 1 = 10

(All Questions are Compulsory)

1.MeesOe keäÙee nw?

What is research?

2.ØeÙeesie kesâ heoeW keâes yeleeFÙes~

State to steps of experiment.

3.mecemÙee keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS~

Define the term problem.

4.heefjkeâuhevee keäÙee nw?

What is hypothesis?

5.vÙeeoMe& keâer heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS~

Define the term sample.

6.vÙeeÙeoMe&ve kesâ GheÙeesie yeleeFÙes~

State to used of sampling.

7.mece«e keäÙee nw?

What is universe?

8.pevemebKÙee keäÙee nw?

What is population?

9.Deecebef$ele vÙeeoMe& keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS~

Define the form invited sample.

10.Ûej keäÙee nw?

What is variable?

KeC[–ye (Section-B)

ueIeg GòejerÙe ØeMve (Short Answer Type Questions)

efkeâvneR ome ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej oerefpeÙes~10 2 = 20

(Attempt any Ten Questions)

11.mecemÙee keâLeve keâes mhe° keâerefpeS~

Clarify the terms statement of the problem.

12.DeÛÚer heefjkeâuhevee kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ iegCeeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~

Enumerate the specified quality of a good hypothesis.

13.mecemÙee kesâ ÛegveeJe hej efšhheCeer efueefKeS~

Write note of election of the problem.

14.mecemÙee leLee heefjkeâuhevee ceW keäÙee mecyevOe nw?

What is relation between hypothesis and problem?

15.oes<ehetCe& efveoMe&ve keäÙee nw?

What is defective sampling?

16.mee#eelkeâej keâer ØecegKe efJeMes<eleeÙeW yeleeFÙes~

Enumerate the main characteristics of interview.

17.JeieeakeâjCe kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ iegCeeW keâes efueefKeS~

Write the important merits of classification.

18.ØeMveeJeueer kesâ efJeefYeVe iegCe keäÙee nw?

What are different methods of questionnaire?

19.%eeve mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?

What do you understand by knowledge?

20.ceveesefJe%eeve keâer Skeâ heefjYee<ee efueefKeÙes~

Write a definition of psychology.

21.iegÛÚ vÙeeoMe& hej ØekeâeMe [eefueS~

Throw light on cluster sampling.

22.Jew%eeefvekeâ efJeefOe kesâ efJeefYeVe heoeW keâes efueefKeS~

Write different steps of scientific methods.

23.keâeuheeefvekeâ peve mebKÙee hej ØekeâeMe [eefueS~

Throw light on Hypothetical problem.

24.ØemleeJevee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?

What do you understand by introduction?

25.ØeÙeesieelcekeâ DevegmebOeeve kesâ mhe° keâjW~

Clarify experimental research.

KeC[–me (Section-C)

efJeMues<eelcekeâ/mecemÙeelcekeâ ØeMve (Analytical/Problematic Questions)

efkeâvneR oes ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 350 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~2 10 = 20

(Attempt any Two Questions in 350 words.)

26.MeesOe mecemÙeeDeeW kesâ Øekeâej efJemleej mes efueefKeÙes~

Write different Kinds of research problem in detail.

27.peeve [yuet Jesmš kesâ Devegmeej efMe#ee #es$e ceW mecemÙee kesâ Œeesle yeleeFÙes~ Gvekeâer meerceeÙeW keäÙee nw?

Enumerate different sources of problem in Educational area according to John W. West what are its limitation?

28.JÙeefòeâiele DeOÙeÙeve efJeefOe keâe efJemleej mes JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ JÙeefòeâ DeOÙeÙeve efJeefOe kesâ iegCe oes<eeW keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~

Describe in detail case-study method. Discuss merit and demerit of case study method.

29.Jemlegefve‰lee keäÙee nw? Jemlegefve‰ ØeMveeW kesâ Øekeâej GoenjCe kesâ meeLe efueefKeS~

What is objectivity? Write different types of objective items with example.

30.DevegmebOeeve keâeÙe& keâer ØemleeefJele ™he jsKee kesâ efJeefYeVe heoeW hej Skeâ efveyevOe efueefKeÙes~

Write an essay an different steps of synopsis of a research work.

KeC[–o (Section-D)

oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve (Long Answer Type Questions)

efkeâmeer Skeâ ØeMve keâe Gòej 700 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~1  20 = 20

(Attempt any One Question in 700 words.)

31.Mewef#ekeâ DevegmebOeeve kesâ #es$e SJeb DeeJeMÙekeâlee hej Skeâ efveyevOe efueefKeÙes~

Write an essay on need and area of educational research.

32.efveche hej efšhheCeer efueefKeS~

(De) efveOee&jCe ceeheveer (ye) meceepeefceefle (me) DeefYeJe=efòe ceeheveer (o) MeesOe ØeefleJesove

Write short notes on following:

(a) Rating scale (b) Sociometry (c) Attitude Scale (d) Research Report.