01.01.01See Annexure A for all SASA fees.

01.01.02Riders, owners & committee members apply to become members of SASA onlineat

01.01.03All members must be approved by the majority of the SEC. The Secretary shall email names of

all members that have applied for membership to the SEC.

01.01.04If Showing is their first discipline they will also have to pay, through Showing, their SAEF membership. If Showing is not their primary discipline, members must supply proof of their SAEF membership on registering with SAEF.

01.01.05At the same time the rider registers, with SAEF and SASA his or her horse/horses must also be registered. ALL horses must have SAEF passports which are available from recognized passport Agents (list available from SAEF website)

01.01.06Membership can be done online through the SASA website or with help from the SASA Secretary. It will be necessary for a rider to become a member of SASA if the rider wishes to:

a)To become a voting member of SASA,

b)To compete regularly in Showing classes,

c)To be considered for Provincial Team Selection,

d)To feature in Provincial & National Victor Ludorums,

e)To feature in Rider Ranking,

f)Compete in the Open classes at a South African Championship.

01.01.07 An annual fee, as determined by the SEC, will be levied on all members of SASA.

01.01.08All Pony & Junior Riders will pay a reduced Fee, as determined by the SEC, in order to become

Nonvotingmember’s of SASA

01.01.09 If the rider does not wish to:

a)To become a voting member of SASA,

b)To compete regularly in Showing classes,

c)To be considered for Provincial Team Selection,

d)To feature in Provincial & National Victor Ludorums,

e)To feature in Rider Ranking,

f)Compete in the Open classes at a South African Championship.

The rider may pay Temporary membership per show entered.

01.01.10 Riders only wishing to compete in Development (Training) and unaffiliated shows

need not become members of SASA

01.01.11 On receipt of membership, SASA will email a membership pack to the new member. This pack

shall include :

  • Welcome letter (Annexure H)
  • Calendar of Showing shows and events throughout South Africa
  • Introduction to Showing (when available)
  • Showing Rules
  • SASA Constitution
  • Copy of our Modus Operandi

01.01.11 SASA will forward all membership details to SAEF.

01.01.12 SASA will keep full records of all its members.

01.01.13 SASA will keep a record of all horses registered to compete in Showing classes.

01.01.14 A list of members, without contact details, will be published on the SASA website.

01.01.15 A comprehensive list of all horses plus their Showing points will on the SASA website.

01.01.16 A current list of Rider Rankings will be on the Website.

01.01.17 All Victor Ludorum Points and Rider Ranking Points will run from 4 weeks before the relevant

age group South African Championship until4 weeks before the following S A Championship.

01.01.18 Membership of owners & riders and registration of horses will be suspended if a SHB reports

that any monies connected to an Event are owed. This suspension will only be lifted once the

POP of the full amount is received by the SHB and SASA. This suspension takes effect

immediately the owed amount is reported to SASA.


01.02.01 SASA shall employ a secretary, to do all record keeping and administration duties. This

person shall be paid at a rate as agreed between the SEC and the secretary.

01.02.02 National Office shall receive all membership applications & POP of fees. Membership shall include

Show Holding Bodies, Competitors, Officials and horse/pony registrations.

01.02.03 All membership details shall be recorded. Contact details of members shall not be used for

Unauthorized purposes. Membership detailsshall includethose of Show Holding Bodies and


01.02.04 On registration all Show Holding will be sent a pack that includes the following:

  • Section 03 from the Modus Operandi
  • Venue Check List (Annexure B)
  • Showing Rules
  • Working Riding, Working Hunter and Handy Hunter Score, Strictly Come Showing sheets.
  • Up to date Judges list.
  • Copy of a judge’s contract.
  • List of classes (affiliated and non-affiliated, including SASA Riding Horse classes)
  • Official Protest Form
  • Disciplinary Sheet
  • Appeal Committee Report
  • Official Appeal Form
  • Ground Jury Report
  • Substitution Form

01.02.05 Records of all financial records shall be kept by the National office. Copies of these records shall

be made available to the Finance members of the SEC

01.02.06 All Schedules for Showing Shows and Multidiscipline shows that include Showing classes must be

sent to the National Office for approval before they are distributed in any form

01.02.07 The SASA secretary will forward all schedules to the relevant person on the SEC. Once the

Schedule has been approved and returned to the National Office it:

a)Must be sent back to the relevant Show Holding Body.

b)Emailed to all persons on the SASA databases.

c)Forwarded to the SEC Marketing person, for placement on the website and emailed to the SASA database.

01.02.08 Show Holding Bodies shall, within three days of the closing date and at least seven days before the

Event, submit all Showing entries (Entry Check List) to the National Office for checking SASA

membership of ridersand horse/pony registrations and grading.

01.02.09 The National Office shall, within two working days of receiving entries, email confirmation of

Membership, horse/pony registrations and grading to the Show Holding Body.

01.02.10 The National Body shall, within two working days, of entries being received from the Show

Holding Body, send a Statement of account, to the Show Holding Body for all Levies and

Temporary membership. If necessary membership or Temporary membership for the Temporary

Show Holding Body shall be included.

01.02.11At least a week before the commencement of the show the secretaryshall send an Entry

Check list to be published on the website.

01.02.13 Record of results of all shows shall be kept. Results for Affiliated classes shall be kept for three

years. Results for Non-affiliated classes shall be kept for one year.

01.02.14 All show information of Provincial Shows shall also be emailed to the relevant Showing Provincial


01.02.15 All show information of CN Status Shows shall also be emailed to the relevant Showing Provincial

Chairman and the SEC Chairman .

01.02.16 A permanent record of all achievements, in affiliated classes, by a horse/pony shall be kept. This

record will be on the website

01.02.17 A record of Annual Provincial & National Victor Ludorums shall be kept and displayed on the

SASA website. See Annexure C

01.02.18 A record of Rider Rankings for each age group shall be kept and displayed on the SASA website.

See Annexure D.

01.02.19The National Office shall be kept informed by the SEC and Showing Provincial Chairmen of all

Showing related information.


01.03.01 A bank account shall be operatedby SASA.

01.03.02 The Secretary of SASA and the person in charge of the Finance or Admin Portfolio shall have

signing powers.

01.03.03 The person, in charge of the Finance or Admin Portfolio shall operate the bank account.

01.03.03All transactions must be sanctioned by the Chairman, Admin and The Finance person.

01.03.05 Full Bank statements & financial records must be circulated to all SEC members monthly.

01.03.06 SASA provincial Committees may not open bank accounts.

a)Provincial monies must be deposited into the National Bank account.

b)Separate records of these amounts will be kept by the National Office.

c)This money will be released to the Provincial Committee concerned on written application (email) by the Provincial Chairman.

d)The use of Provincial money must be cleared through the National Chairman. Approval will not be withheld unreasonably.


02.02.02 Provincial Showing committees shall consist of a minimumof 3 and a maximum of 8

members, plus a Chairman.

02.02.03 The committee will need to manage all technical aspects of the discipline, within that specific

Province and will report directly to SASA.

02.02.04 Ensuring the Welfare of the Horse/Pony, competing at all Showing Shows, is paramount.

02.02.05 The principal duty of the Provincial Showing Committees will be to encourage the Development

of Showing within their Province. Administration, Finances/Fund Raising,Marketing,

DevelopmentandTeam Selectionportfolios will be needed. Smaller Provinces might be able

to get away with these portfolios being combined, as most overlap in some way or another.

Specific duties will be as follows:

02.03.01 CHAIRMAN

i. The Provincial Chairman should oversee all the portfolios.

ii. The Chairman must ensure that the SASA National Technical Committee decisions are implemented within

the Province.

iii. Attend all SASA National Committee Meetings as the representative of their province.

iv. Proper record keeping of minutes of meetings and correspondence ( e-mails etc. ).The National Chairman

Secretary must be informed of all meetings and must receive copies of all minutes of meetings and


v. The Chairman should keep the committee informed of all SASA decisions.

vi. Submit a monthly report to SASA( SASAto devise a template that must be filled in by each portfolio


vii. Ensure that standards and levels of competition, at all venues offering Showing classes within their specific

province , are upheld.

viii. Ensure that SASA applicable Discipline Rules and SAEF rules are upheld, at all levels of Competition.

ix Manage and develop provincial officials for Showing.


  1. Ensure that all Show Holding Bodies have received a Show Holding Body’ Pack from the National office.
  2. Assist Show Holding Bodies with preparing schedules and submitting them to the SASA National body for approval. If necessary, sample schedules will be available from the National Body.
  3. Ensure that all results are sent to the National Body.
  4. Ensure that all levy payments are sent to the National Body.
  5. Make sure that Show holding bodies have up to date Judges’ lists and if required help with Show directing, timetables and obtaining judges for various shows.
  6. Ensure a balanced calendar for all age categories and levels.

02.03.03 FINANCES

  1. Control the application and use of National Funds made available to provinces.
  2. Keep records of all Finances.
  3. Control the application and use of all monies obtained within the Province.
  4. All monies raised by the Province must be paid into the National Bank Account. A record of such monies shall be kept.
  5. Obtain Sponsorship for use at local shows and for local Development plans.
  6. Be involved with Provincial forums, to try and obtain funds from government bodies, within the province.
  7. Initiate fund raising events within the province.
  8. Raise money for Team Trucking and Team Manager Expenses.

02.03.04 MARKETING

  1. Contact all Show Holding Bodies and persuade them to hold Showing Shows or to include Showing classes at Multidiscipline shows.
  2. Contact all SAEF Clubs and encourage members to join SASA.
  3. Attend SANESA shows and encourage non SASA members to compete at SASA shows. If not possible, delegate this to the SANESA Juge or SASA delegate
  4. Attend Breed Shows and encourage non SASA members to compete at SASA shows.
  5. Attend Development Shows (and Development classes at Affiliated shows).and encourage non SASA members to compete at SASA shows.
  6. Persuade new venues to register as Showing Show Holding Bodies and run Showing classes.
  7. To try and get coverage in local newspapers for Showing.
  8. Make sure that the National SASA website is provided with results, photos and news from the Province. Emails with info to be sent to the National Secretary and Marketing.
  9. Make sure that the National SASA Facebook page is provided with results, photos and news from the Province.
  10. Run a local Facebook page with plenty of local news. This page to be done through the National Facebook.
  11. Keep in contact (by email/sms) with all Showing Competitors in the Province. Make competitors feel welcome and part of the family.
  12. Make sure that all competitors paying Temporary Membership understand that they will have to become full members of SASA in order to be considered for Team Selection; to compete at a South African Championships; to be considered for any awards or to be included in Rider Ranking.


  1. Implement all National Development plans. These will be supplied by SASA.
  2. Look for opportunities to grow Showing within the Province.
  3. Encourage Show Holding Bodies to offer Development classes, as well as Affiliated classes.
  4. Arrange Clinics and Seminars for existing and would be members.
  5. Encourage suitable persons to become judges - the aim is to have as many judges as possible in all areas.
  6. Education and Promotion of Provincial Judges within the Province.
  7. Attempt to grow and develop coaches for the discipline. Offer advice and training where needed.
  8. Keep in contact with all RidingSchools and Riding Instructors and offer help and encouragement in preparing competitors for Showing classes at all types of Showing shows.
  9. Ensure that Transformation (in accordance with the SASA National plan) is happening.
  10. Arrange training courses for Specialist Showing grooms.
  11. Persuade Show Holding Bodies to offer Grooms’ Handling and Turnout Competitions.


  1. The Team Selection Committee managesthe team selection criteria within the province. Criteriawillbe the same for all Provinces.
  2. Criteria must be published on the website.
  3. The Team Selection Committee must co - ordinate team selection within the discipline of Showing, for the three Inter- Provincial team events (Adult, Junior and Pony Rider).
  4. Provincial Team Selection should be done by at least 3 people, plus one convener, appointed by the Provincial committee. No selector should select for a team, if they have any pupils or family, who may be eligible to make a team.
  5. Conflict of interest should be avoided at all times.
  6. The convener of the selection panel should not be linked to any party trying out for a team.



03.01.01 Show Holding Bodies that wish to regularly host Showing classes will have to register with SASA as

a Showing venue. An annual fee, as determined by the SEC, will be payable.

03.01.02 Application for registering as Show Holding Body must be made to the National Office of SASA.

The National Office will forward all applications to the SASA Chairman and to theSASA Committee

member in charge of the Administration Portfolio.

03.01.03 If the Venue has not previously been approved by SASA, it will need to be inspected and approved.

The inspection (check list for Venues Annexure B) for Development and Provincial Shows will be

carried out by SASA Provincial Committee members appointed by the SEC. At this time all existing

registered Show Holding Venues with a Provincial body will be considered as approved.

03.01.04 For a Show Holding Body to host a major or CN status show, the venue will have to be approved by a

sub-committee, appointed by the SEC, comprising of at least one member of the SEC.

03.01.05 A list of all approved SASA Show Holding Bodies and their forthcoming Showing dates will be

published on the SASA website.

03.01.06 SAEF will be kept informed of all approved SASA venues.

03.01.07 Show Holding bodies may apply for Temporary membership to host one Event, and pay a fee as

determined by the SEC, as a Showing Venue. If the Venue has not previously been approved by

SASA, it will need to be inspected and approved. The inspection (check list for Venues Annexure B)

for Development and Provincial Shows will be carried out by SASA Provincial Committee members

appointed by the SEC.


03.02.01 Schedules for all Showing shows must be sent to the National Office for approval before

being distributed in any way. This includes schedules for Development shows.

03.02.02 The Draft schedule will be sent by the National Office and/or Admin person (Bev) for approval. It is

suggested that, ifpossible, Show Holding Bodies are encouraged to offer Development and ‘Fun’

classes as well as the normal classes. See Annexure C for a list of Development and Fun classes.

03.02.03 All Entry Fees must include, the SASA entry levy (R37.50 per affiliated class and R18.75 per non-

affiliated class) & the R4.50 EDTS levy.

03.02.04 Approved schedules will be emailed to all people on the SASA data base; put on the SASA & SAEF

websites; and linked to Facebook. Provincial Committees should advertise all local shows that include

Showing classes.

03.02.05 Show Holding Bodies shall, within three days of the closing date and at least seven days before the

Event, submit all Showing entries to the National Office for checking SASA membership of riders and

horse/pony registrations.

03.02.06 The National Office shall, within two working days of receiving entries, email confirmation of

membership and horse/pony registration to the Show Holding Body.

03.02.07 All non-members of SASA will have to pay SASA a temporary membership fee or join SASA.

Temporary membership payments are done through the Show Holding Body.

03.02.08 The Show Holding Body must inform all competitors whose entries are not in order that they must

either become full members of SASA (including horse registration) or pay temporary membership.

Anyone failing to either become a member or pay temporary membership will not be allowed to

compete. All entry fees paid to the Show Holding Body will be forfeited. Show Holding Body must inform all competitors who have incorrectly entered the Novice

classes that their entries will be changed to the Open classes.

03.02.09 The National Body shall, within 48 hours of entries being received from the Show Holding

Body, send A Statement of account, to the Show Holding Body for all entrylevies, EDTS levies and