Listening Strategies Reference List

Adapted in part from Brown (1994), Chamot (1995), Goh (1997), Mendelsohn (2000), Murphy (1987), O’Malley, Chamot, and Kupper (1989), O’Malley, Chamot, Stewner-Manzanares, Kupper, and Russo (1995), White (2007), and Willing (1987).

1)Try to understand the reason for a particular message

2)Seek clarification

3)Get accustomed to speed and find ways to cope with it

4)Identify listening problems and plan how to improve them

5)Ask questions for clarification

6)Ask the speaker to repeat

7)Listen to a variety of different accents

8)Recognize patterns

9)Use intonation and pausing to segment words and phrases

10)Recognize tones/intonation features

11)Recognize discourse markers

12)Identify stressed words

13)Listen for structures

14)Listen for transition words/organization markers (i.e. cause and effect, compare and contrast)

15)Listen for content words

16)Listen for details

17)Listen for linking words

18)Listen for new keywords, already learned keywords, and repeated keywords

19)Listen for phrases

20)Listen for pronunciation of vocabulary words

21)Listen for tone, intonation, stress

22)Listen for specific vocabulary words

23)Use an interactive approach: both top-down and bottom-up processing

24)Segment text into larger chunks

25)Use non-verbal cues

26)Use visual clues (pictures, body language, slides)

27)Use subtitles in movies/TV

28)Plan what you’re going to listen for

29)Decide what the main purpose of listening is


31)Check how well you understood

32)Check to see if you have the right idea

33)Paraphrase what you hear

34)Empathize with the speaker (try to understand why the speaker wants to communicate a certain message)

35)Motivate yourself to listen

36)Lower anxiety about listening

37)Use imagery (relating new information in context of familiar visualizations)

38)Visualize the setting/situation

39)Focus attention

40)Pay attention to repetitions

41)Clear the mind before listening

42)Refocus concentration

43)Use prior knowledge

44)Predict what language will come next

45)Predict the purpose by the context

46)Make inferences when information is not stated or missed

47)Guess the meaning of unknown words

48)Guess the overall meaning

49)Piece together meaning from words that are heard

50)Verify hypotheses

51)Selective attention (focus on specific criteria)

52)Directed attention (focus on general task and ignore irrelevant distractions)

53)Ignore unfamiliar words

54)Listen for the gist

55)Pay attention to the main points

56)Use association (keeping similar ideas together)

57)Use elaboration (relating new information to prior knowledge or other information in the new information)

58)Make associations between what you already know and what you hear

59)Personalize by making connections between your personal life and what you hear

60)Group or classify knowledge to be learned

Additional strategies for in-class listening practice:

1)Take notes of information to remember

2)Provide a personal response to the information or ideas presented in the listening

3)Act out what you hear

4)Preview vocabulary

5)Cooperate with peers

6)Cooperate with proficient speakers in the target language

7)Engage in pair work and/or group work

8)Provide yourself with opportunities to listen

9)Talk to proficient speakers often

10)Listen to a variety of different kinds of listening texts

11)Listen to things you enjoy

12)Listen to things you are interested in

13)Activate knowledge using the title

14)Predict what the listening will be about

15)Translate into your native language