1.)YOUR ASSIGNMENTSare on thisSYLLABUS. READ IT ALL BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR WORK. Links for assignments are on this document. For textual readings, use the “Access Class Downloads” link on your class page. Any additional links will be on this syllabus.


  1. FIRST, complete your assignments for “WEEK ONE” on paper or computer. Essays MUST be double spaced and size 12 Times New Roman black font. Always save your work. Always type final work unless it is a drawing or graph. DO NOT SUBMIT SCANS OF WORK that are not for the purpose of a special project, art, or a mathematical graph or hand done math worksheet by which the answers could not be typed. Still copy that scan or photo to this document. Keep photos/images small.
  2. NEXT, Type or copy & paste typed responses that you have prepared, in the spaces provided on THIS DOCUMENT. Only add your responses in the boxes that ask for them – such as “Add Responses Here”. Some assignments may require you to upload a photo or scan. PROOFREAD and double check your work. REPEAT “A” AND “B” FOR EACH WEEK. Save your work.
  3. Then, submit your form with the ALL FIVE WEEKS COMPLETED.DO NOT SUBMIT WEEK BY WEEK. WE NO LONGER ACCEPT WORK WEEKLY. YOU MUST SUBMIT ALL FIVE WEEKS AT ONCE. Go to the website and select “Student Services” and then “Submit Your 5-Week Portfolio”.

3.)GRADES: The evaluator will grade each weekly assignment and average your grades. You will receive a reply in about 5 business days. Your 5 weekly grades must average to a 2 (“C”) or better to receive your credit.
You will be given only ONE ADDITIONAL opportunity to improve your averaged grade so submit your best. If your course does not require a final exam, you will receive a Grade Report as your official transcript for the completion of your class. If your class requires a final exam then you must request it (Read #4).

4.)VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT: If your syllabus says “REQUEST YOUR FINAL EXAM”; then you must return to the school’s website and request your final exam. You will need to ask a non-related adult to supervise you while you test online. This can be a teacher or counselor or family friend. If it is not a school counselor, you will need to provide the persons legal ID number on your request form. All components of your course, including your final exam must be completed by the end of the 8th week from the time of your registration. YOU WILL NOT BE REMINDED NOR RECEIVE EXTRA TIME – your class will close after the allotted 8 weeks and you will not be issued a credit. If you have a medical emergency preventing you from completing your class, contact the number below.

5.)MESSAGE directly from the site for assistance. Also use the “Homework Help” assistance form the website. For urgent matters call Dr. Stroud TUES – THUR 10AM TO 6PM at 773-499-2668 or text MON – FRI 9AM – 5PM

Plagiarism Statement

I understand that I must use research conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper. I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts of which I will be immediately expelled without refund:

  • To submit an essay written in whole or in part by another student as if it were my own.
  • To download an essay from the internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in part, without acknowledging the original source.
  • To restate a clever phrase verbatim from another writer without acknowledging the source.
  • To paraphrase part of another writer's work without acknowledging the source.
  • To reproduce the substance of another writer's argument without acknowledging the source.
  • To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another teacher.
  • To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student through verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and communicating information--including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular telephones, headsets, and portable computers.
  • To copy another student's work and submit the work as if it were the product of my own labor.

Course TEC150: Cyber Smart via Intel: Empowers students to use the Internet safely, responsibly, and effectively. Identity Theft - Students learn about the methods criminals use to steal identities online. They develop an identity theft prevention plan.Sexual Predators - Students investigate risks to teens regarding online sexual victimization by adults and learn toharness the power of the Internet while avoiding risky behavior that can lead to involvement in criminal sexual activity.Social Networking - Students explore the consequences of unintended audiences viewing their social network profiles. They consider four key characteristics of social network sites. Managing Passwords - Students take a quiz to determine the strength of their passwords. They learn the reasons for building passwords that are hard to crack and practice creating passwords that follow recommended security rules.Cyber Security - Students explore real stories of cyber security threats and damage and learn to think responsibly about securing their families' data at home and when using public computers.
Video Support: Create an account at Khan Academy for unlimited use of video support. Once you create your account, click on LEARN from the top left menu, and explore the site based on subject. You do not have to create an account to use the site.

Internet Security Video Lecture I

Provide a written summary of your notes
Online Identity Theft: Information is Power - PDF
  1. Read the Online Identity Theft PDF.
  2. What is identity theft?
  3. What information do thieves seek?
  4. What problems are caused by identity theft?
  5. Explain: phishing, pharming and text message scams.
  6. How is P2P dangerous?
  7. Explain the scam behind pre-approved credit cards.
  8. How can you detect identity theft?
  9. How do you identify a secure website?
  10. How can you protect your social security number?
Internet Predators – Security – PDF
  1. Read the Internet Predators Security PDF.
  2. Discuss in a 2 page essay (size 12 font) the dangers of sharing private information on the internet, what an internet predator is and how one operates, and how you will use the techniques given to avoid internet predators.
  3. Research and share an actual case of a child being lured to meet an internet predator. Discuss the case and share what can be learned from the article. (2 pages double spaced – size 12 fonts)
Acceptable Social Networking – PDF
  1. Read the scenario.
  2. Respond to each worksheet question on paper and then type your answers below for the worksheet, then reply to the other questions below.
  3. What are the best features of social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook?
  4. What are some of the problems teens can encounter on social networking sites?
  5. What can bystanders do when they are aware of unacceptable online behavior?Create a list of tips about how to avoid cyberbullying situations on social networking sites.
Connected 24-7 PDF
  1. Read the scenario.
  2. Respond to each worksheet question on paper and then type your answers below for the worksheet, then reply to the other questions below.
  3. Research and find an article on cyberbullying/ phone bullying – give a summary of the article along with your own thoughts about the situation. Express what can be learned from the experience. (2 pages double spaced – size 12 fonts)
Write an informational article
  1. Teens are called “early adopters” because they are often the first age group to use new technologies or find new ways to use existing technologies. Write about the positives and negatives of social networking sites, messaging, and cell phone technologies used by teens. You might want to refer to a recent incident in your community or find a news article to which you can react. Discuss with how eager many middle school students are to join social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, even going so far as to disregard the age rules to sign up. What advice would you give to middle school students about using these sites? (2 pages double spaced – size 12 fonts)
Your Online Image - PDF
  1. Read each of the 6 scenarios.
  2. Respond to each worksheet question on paper and then type your answers below for the worksheet, then reply to the other questions below.
  3. How does it make you feel to know that parents, employers, school administrators, and even younger sisters and brothers, may be looking at what you say online?
  4. Explain how you can be Cyber Smart about your online image.
Managing Passwords – PDF
  1. Read the “Managing Passwords” PDF
  2. Take the quiz – How did you do?
  3. What are the functions of passwords?
  4. How do people crack and steal passwords?
  5. How do you make a stronger password?
  6. Create a password from the following phrase: “I hate oatmeal”
  7. What can you do to be Cyber Smart about your passwords?
Research code breakers. Discuss how a “hacker” was able to break a code, what damage was caused, and what actions were taken to prevent it from happening again.(2 pages double spaced – size 12 fonts)
Week Four/FIVE
Internet Security Video Lecture II

Provide a written summary of your notes
Safeguarding Your Stuff, My Stuff, Our Stuff
  1. Read and respond to the 3 crime file scenarios. Respond to each worksheet question on paper and then type your answers below for the worksheet, then reply to the other questions below.
  2. What types of “attacks” are on the internet?
  3. How do you defend yourself?
Study using the link below

Provide a written summary of your notes
Evaluating online Resources - PDF
  1. Read over each evaluation tool.
  2. What is the difference between information found on the Web and in a reference library?
  3. Using the tools provided decide if each link below is a trusted site – answer yes or no.
  4. Provide 5 reliable websites if you were researching The Life of President Barak Obama. Discuss which criteria you used to support that the sites chosen are indeed reliable.