Historical Summary: In April of 2008, the BOD called for volunteers for the Constitution and Bylaws Work Group.

On June 1, 2008, the work group was formed with Spike Williamson, as chair. A comprehensive review of other AKC breed clubs’ constitutions and AKC recommendations and guidelines was completed. On September 13, 2008, the work group brought a working draft to the ISAA BOD. The BOD approved the draft and it was sent to AKC for approval on October 17, 2008.

On April 30, 2009, the AKC approved the document and a copy of that document was mailed to each member on September 3rd. On October 4th, it was adopted at the Annual Meeting by unanimous vote.

Current Situation: The new constitution called for the filling of two new positions. They are an AKC Delegate, which is a non-BOD position and an additional Director position.

The AKC Delegate: In addition to adhering to the constitutional requirements, filling this position provides the delegate with an opportunity to study issues such as the breed group reorganization, since the first AKC meeting our delegate can attend may not be until 2011. If current AKC rules are modified and our delegate is allowed to attend sooner, we will be prepared. Delegate meetings are held quarterly with the majority being in the greater NY City area.

Since member Nancy Robertson contacted the BOD some time ago and offered to volunteer her services to the club, she was approached about the AKC Delegate position. She confirmed interest in serving the club in this capacity. In accordance with the Constitution, the BOD voted to fill the position. The vote was unanimous to fill the vacancy with Nancy. We are grateful for people like Nancy who are willing to step forward and offer assistance.

The Director: After a great deal of discussion regarding this new position, the BOD consensus was to assign the duties of shows, events and titles (S.E.T.) to the new position. Having produced a successful National, we understand the tremendous work involved in the successful production of events, organizing breed booths, and documenting our participation in activities. We thought it appropriate to dedicate a position for this purpose.

Kathryn Ananda-Owens is one of the club’s most successful and frequent participants in companion events. Those who attended the 2009 National enjoyed an educational and fun seminar about agility basics that Kathryn co-instructed. Kathryn also volunteered to act as Parliamentarian at our Membership Meeting in 2009 and is a very active member in our club. She has contributed educational articles to the club newsletters and has extensive experience in “eventing”. She currently serves on other dog related BODs and possesses strong organizational skills. Kathryn continued her spirit of volunteerism when she wrote to the BOD and asked to be considered for the open director position. In accordance with the Constitution, the BOD voted unanimously to fill the vacancy with Kathryn. We are grateful for her continued willingness to, in her words, “give back to the breed and to the association” by volunteering her time and energy in this regard.

The revised BOD information has been updated on the website and can be found in the “About the ISAA” Chapter.

Please join us in thanking Nancy and Kathryn. A very special thank you is also extended to Vice President Spike Williamson, who has committed hundreds of hours of study during his work on the constitution. Now that it is in place, our hope is that Spike will be able to spend those hours on his motorcycle with his ISD riding in a sidecar.

If you are interested in volunteering for the club, helping with events or volunteering in any other capacity, please contact, . We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Donna, Spike, Peg, Judi, Shellie, Maggý & Kathryn