APWA Membership Training

March 5 - 7, 2008


  • New Orleans 100,000 square. 500 exhibitors.
  • There seem to be an emphasis on quality people, not quantity of people.
  • Make sure we distribute the educational calendar on a more local basis/yellow highlighted handout. All click/listen/learn.
  • Maybe do a click/listen/learn for a topic of monthly meeting $150.00 average (instead of a speaker).
  • Advocate 501 3C as an educational organization (APWA).
  • 2008 Presidential priorities need to get list..
  • Emphasis on recruiting at the college level.
  • APWApromoting there diversity, Parks & Recreation, Utility, Planning, Solid Waste, etc…(Indian Tribes/Albuquerque is there base)
  • You can get a power point of this by giving a business card to Brian or Patty.
  • 3/6/08
  • Put this whole package in a binder and add to the library.
  • Keep your web page up to date. If someone goes to your web page and it is not up to date people will not associate themselves with it. Page two questions in green book.
  • When putting together a meeting, always have a host or hosts’, who targets new/potential members. Make them feel welcome. Have people also say good-bye at the end.
  • When vendors call you or e-mail you on selling a product. You tell them I have over 1700 members that may be interested. Are you a member of APWA. Over 29,000 Nationally.
  • Out of the 29,000 members 70% is public and 30% is private.
  • What is worse then training your employees and having them leave? Not training them and having them “stay”.
  • New members should be contacted no longer then 30 days after, to feel they are getting their monies worth.
  • Question? What is the benefit of wanting new members if you cannot assure them quality service? They will lose interest if they are not appreciated.
  • Always introduce new members. Make them feel important. Acknowledge them formally.
  • We should not only have member of the year, we should have branch of the year.
  • 64 million people will be retiring within the next two years.
  • KC Metro Chapter started a student membership in 2004.
  • Futures Program by Larry Frevert, started back in 2000. Contact him. We can do this at the state meeting.
  • Create a membership blog nationally to connect all of the membership chairs to better interact (Patty Mohan).
  • Look at the report that shows percentage retained. Important.
  • Learn how to send an e-mail to new members each month.
  • Retention rate on average is 88%. To get new members you have to retain whom you have had. Show’s our strength (Nationally).
  • Find out what our average percent rate to formulate how many people we want to improve by.
  • Have Patty send flow chart on our membership growth by month.
  • Need to put new members on our quarterly newsletter.
  • Membership is not a persons job, it is a chapters job.
  • Put a My Space page on our Florida Chapter Website. Youth will like.