Please circle: Male / Female WEBSITE-

Grade next year: ______

Application Due: FRIDAY 5/23/14 in Room D201 PEACHEY


First Name ______Last Name______

E-Mail address that you check regularly: ______

Address ______Phone/Cell # ______


By becoming a Link Crew Leader, you are making a commitment to excellence; we thank you for offering your time. We want to remind you that we will be accepting about 120 students for Link Crew. Last year we received approximately 200 applications. If you are not selected, it may be because of the volume of applications, academic standing, attendance or behavior. The program continues throughout year. You are expected to be at all meetings (mandatory), as well as all Link Crew activities. We do not want to remove Link Leaders from the program, so we are asking you to take an extra minute to examine your schedule for the summer and next year to make sure you are able to meet the demands of a Link Crew Leader. Being a Link Crew leader this year does not guarantee selection for next year. The Link Crew 2014-2014 group will be posted on May 30th on my Website, outside Mr. Peachey’s room, and on the Link Crew Board by Student Street. THERE is a MANDATORY meeting on Friday June 6th at 7:30AM in the Aux Gym if you are selected.

Please share the following mandatory dates with your parents/guardians before completing the application. Please Note: If these dates change you will be notified.

·  Leader Training Day Camp @ WLHS in the Forum:

Monday, August 25th 9am-3:30pm. (Lunch on your own) - MAIN TRAINING

You will get your groups this day.

·  Freshman Orientation: Date: Tuesday, September 2nd 2014

Time/Place: 7:30 AM – 3:10 PM, MAIN Gym and WLHS – First Day of school is Freshman Only


OPTIONAL- SIGN-UPS - Summer School Tours and New Student Tours Sign-Up dates:

Sign-ups at first meeting June 6th at 7:30am:

ü  Summer School Tours: June 30th 7:45AM and 11:45AM

ü  NEW Student Registration Tours:

Wednesday, August 20th 8am-12pm. Thursday, August 21st 8am-12pm. Snacks provided

To be considered as a Link Leader attendance is mandatory for all of the sessions. Please do not apply if you cannot attend all of the above sessions. The t-shirt fee for LINK CREW is 10-15$.

I am positive that I will be at the mandatory dates. YES______NO ______


Link Crew is a school community-building club that trains members of the junior and senior class to be Mentors and Leaders. We are built on the belief that juniors and seniors can help 9th grade students succeed. Leaders must have good academic standing to be qualified. As positive role models, Link Leaders are motivators, leaders who guide freshmen, and new students, to discover what it takes to be successful in high school. Academics, Attendance, and Behavior will be checked.

A year with Link Crew begins with a spirited and interactive 9th grade orientation at the start of the school year. After the orientation, the Leaders lead their crew at least ten freshmen through a series of fun, positive activities designed to help them all get to know each other as well as learn important campus information, study skills, and involvement in school spirit and activities.

After orientation Link Crew continues, providing a variety of both academic and social follow-up activities throughout the year. These will take place on Wednesdays once a month. Leaders also must make a commitment of meeting with their groups two times per quarter and prove this happening.

The goal of the year-long Link Crew transition program is to provide a structure in which students make real connections with each other. Through this program students learn that people at school care about them, their involvement, and their success. If you believe you can be a successful Link Leader at West Linn High School the next step is to think about your commitments and if you are committed to this program.

The final list will be posted on Friday, May 30th The FIRST meeting will be on Friday, June 6th at 7:30AM in the AUX GUM. You will receive your contract, survey and dates for orientation etc...

It is mandatory that Link Crew Leaders meet with freshman students at least 2 times per quarter at break or lunch and prove this with sign-in sheets along with the monthly Wednesday meetings. Are you willing to make this commitment? ____Yes _____No.


Please list your schedule and most recent progress report grades. Ask each of your teachers to sign in the appropriate spot, which signifies their recommendation for you to become a Link Crew Leader.


PERIOD / SUBJECT / TEACHER Signature / GRADE Completed by Teacher

All about you and what you can provide

Please briefly answer the following questions:

1.  What is your PROJECTED SCHEDULE for next year? What else are you involved in?

2.  What are your talents?

3.  What leadership roles have you been involved in and what are your special interests? What activities (on and off campus) are you involved in?

4.  How do you think others perceive you?

5.  Throughout the year, 9th graders are contacted by the Coordinators to see if they know who their leader is and if they have been contacted during the school year. How will you connect with your 9th graders throughout the entire year?’


Please TYPE a half to a full page on the following topic: What do you have to offer and what can YOU provide for the freshmen as a role model and mentor and HOW will you do this?


This entire application is due to Mr. Peachey (Room D201) by 3:30PM, Friday May 23rd!

I understand the application and commitment I am making. I have talked to my parents about this commitment, the 10-15$ t-shirt fee, and the dates I am needed.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Parents Name, Phone Number and Email



Student Signature ______

Students Name, Phone Number and Email

