
New session has begun in EDUC477-DP000_Room1.

Time: Thu Feb 23 19:38:04 2006


*+**** Davina--S.--Pruitt-Mentle entered EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 19:38:04 2006

*+**** Megan--Ann--Tyler entered EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 19:55:29 2006

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>hello

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>hello

*-**** Davina--S.--Pruitt-Mentle left EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 19:57:56 2006

Megan Ann--TylerHello

*+**** Davina--S.--Pruitt-Mentle entered EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 19:58:16 2006

*+**** Melissa--Erin--Gunther entered EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 19:58:44 2006

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>heelo

Melissa Erin--Gunther>hii

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>hello I meant

*+**** Davina--S.--Pruitt-Mentle entered EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 20:01:29 2006

*+**** Arden--Elaine--Sotomayor entered EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 20:01:34 2006

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Heelo everyone

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>hello

Melissa Erin--Gunther>hi everyone

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Before we begin are there any questions thus far

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor> none that I have

Megan Ann--TylerHello

Megan Ann--TylerI don't have any

Megan Ann--Tylerthe grading sheets helped

Melissa Erin--Gunther>i cant think of any

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Exceelent did everyone get theirs?

Melissa Erin--Gunther>grading sheets?

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>grading sheets?

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>I keep typing double ee's tonight for whatever reason

Melissa Erin--Gunther>just kidding, i got got mine

Melissa Erin--Gunther>just now

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Good --just a reminder that each week we post once to each thread....

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>and then follow up twice (two times to any--this is the minimum as you can see from the gradesheets I try to kepp track of everyone's input

*-**** Davina--S.--Pruitt-Mentle left EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 20:05:10 2006

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Also try and go back each week and take a look at the class summaries..did everyone notice the scavenger hunts? is everyone Ok with that being posted?

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>Yeah, I'm fine with it

Melissa Erin--Gunther>yes im fine with it

Megan Ann--Tylerfine with me

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Wonderful--something you can list as published :-)

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>also remember we all needed to take the short laws "quiz" I think one is missing...I can reopen the timeframe to take there are only 5 or so questions

Megan Ann--TylerI think I forgot to do that one. I will do that. Sorry

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>so tell me a little about this weeks readings related to NCLB impact connected to AT in the general classroom ...how does that play out in today's setting?

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>or perhaps it does not?

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>i think that it is something that is still evolving in todays setting. alot of teachers are either unaware or a little phobic about AT and therefore are really unable to implement the right devices for the students they may have in their classrooms

Megan Ann--TylerI think that NCLB is a priority in every school. Therefore, becaues AT plays a part in it as well as help it is very important.

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>what type of devices are you thinking about?

Melissa Erin--Gunther>yes, i think it definitely is related to today's setting esp. with NCLB

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>how so? melissa

Megan Ann--TylerHowardCounty is currently going through a huge computer replacement as well as just published a new packet on AT for teachers

Megan Ann--TylerEvery teacher who requested one got a new laptop for students/teachers

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>ah what is the packet for all general classroom teachers?

Megan Ann--TylerI am not sure. It was given to me as a RECC special education teacher. I am not sure who else it went out to

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>That's great! I know that NCLB has created a great deal of stress for general classroom teachers and any type of packet on AT would be really welcomed by most i'm sure

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>so does everyone think that AT should be only for special ed for for all teachers (to understand)

Megan Ann--TylerI am sure. I would hope they were included in it

Megan Ann--Tylernot at all

Melissa Erin--Gunther>no, definitely not

Melissa Erin--Gunther>ALL teachers should benefit from AT

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>I think that all teachers should understand At

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>the packet quick cheat sheets for the general classroom sounds like an interesting topic or paper to think about

Megan Ann--TylerI do think it is a misconseption in the school system that it should mainly be related to students with special needs. That needs to change

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>so lets back up some and ask--NCLB has put what type strains on the general classroom teacher?

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>I agree Megan...there are many students who are not idenified as special needs studnets who really have the same needs as though that are identified. Thy shouldn't be denied acess to AT

Melissa Erin--Gunther>well, i think NCLB has put strains on teachers because now they are being forced to make sure that their students are passing the necessary testing

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>The proficiency requirement for ALL students whether special needs or not rests on both the general and special educator. This is a change from the past and has caused many teachers to feel a great deal of stress to meet this requirement

Megan Ann--TylerMore stress for students to make progress on test and how to help them progress on test. I think that every teacher wants their students to make progress but it is very stressful for federal funding to be connected to it

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>so we all agree that NCLB has caused a push for teachers to see ALL their students to successful pass "tests" and so how does At fit into this picture?

Megan Ann--TylerIt is a means to help them make progress, it can also be used as a modification on tests

Melissa Erin--Gunther>well, if they receive "needs improvement" scores on the testing, they receive more attention from the administrators, and that could equal more funding and AT equipment

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>i think that AT allows more students to access the curriculum in order to get the information they need to do well on the required tests. It also tries to help level the field by going "around" the disability to get at what the student can truly accomplish

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>do AT is seen as a possible wat,stratgey, tool to help students be successful?

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>on the tests

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>I believe it is more than that...the test is an event...AT can help students learn and access information for life, as well as the testing that they must endure.

Melissa Erin--Gunther>i think yes, it is a tool that can be used for sucessfully passing the tests, but yes, it is also teaching the students about technology, something that will stick with them for life

Melissa Erin--Gunther>the more they can learn and get experience with any technology, the better, i think

Megan Ann--Tyler>I agree, it is definetly a tool as well as a strategy to teach and supplement instruction and provide access to information in new and interesting ways

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Ok, so although the focus on AT and AT funding was org thought to help "particular" studenmts succeed on these mandates (NCBL tests) ---folks have started to see that ALL students can actually benefit from these tools

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>how can "now sp ed" students benefit? any specific examples?

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>none--sp ed

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>I must be tired tonight I can not spell

Melissa Erin--Gunther>well i think non- special ed. students can benefit by making learning more interesting

Melissa Erin--Gunther>one of the hardest parts of teaching, must be getting things to interest the students

Megan Ann--TylerI think electronic readers can be used to supplement reading instruction, I also can see computer programs used for repeated practice

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>In the same ways that spec. ed. students can benefit. There are students who are not identified that struggle with both reading and writing that may need the help of AT in order to benefit from the curriculum that is being presented.

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>how so?

Megan Ann--TylerI also think that speech to type programs can be used for students who have some trouble typing

Melissa Erin--Gunther>I agree, i used to tutor someone who was really intelligent, but couldnt write or read at the level he should have been

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>specifically, the use of computer-based "reader pen" that will read the text for students or vocabulary that they may not be able to decode. I also think that the talk-write programs benefit non-sp. ed. students as well

Melissa Erin--Gunther>the speech to type software, helped him immensely

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>we will be getting into the types and examples of AT--most folks associate it with high ed items not realizing that things such as pencil grips are considered "no or low tech " At

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>also having zoom features on monitors or beging able to enlarge print is considered low tech and certainly can help many (including myself)

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>me too:)

Megan Ann--TylerThose are also fairly inexpensive which is always a good thing

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>what features could be used related to reading and writing needs?

Megan Ann--Tylerlo tech AT?

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>Not quite sure what you meabn..

Melissa Erin--Gunther>i think just having spell check on the computer can be considered AT

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>or how do you think say AT could be used to help poor readers improve even if they are not labeled or classified as sp ed--in the general classroom

Megan Ann--TylerI could see magnifying type in books/larger print, providing special paper for writing (special lines).

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>spell check good one!!

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>just the use of cds for reading material that may be too difficult would be a low-tech way to help

Melissa Erin--Gunther>books on tape

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>excllent all good one and someone mentioned sppech to text or text to speech how could that help?

Melissa Erin--Gunther>it can help speed up the process of getting ideas to paper

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>so auditory learners--helping diff learning styles--

Megan Ann--Tylerthe student would not be required to be distracted by typing, instead they would be able to simply put their thought on paper just by speaking

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>lots of students can say what they mean, but have a difficult time getting it on paper, By saying it into a computer takes away the mechanics of writing

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>ah so graphic organizers to help folks organize ideas and thoughts

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>are really good things

Megan Ann--Tylerthose are are a big help

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>we will be looking into all these tools and activites as we procedd through the course--I just wanted to get a sense of where everyone is at...

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>so NCLB while some...

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>say too much emphasis on testing it has allowed for a stronger focus on AT as a ways and means to help students "do better" and generated sources of funding for that

Megan Ann--TylerI do agree that testing is a strong focus of

Megan Ann--TylerNCLB

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>and it has also in the process highlighted a focus (that many have been arguing for a while now) that diff students learn diff ways and others methods and strategies can help them

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>I think that is probably the best part of NCLB...the students that were really "left behind" are now the focus

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>how do you think the COMAR regulations has played out in today's classrooms---what impact has this placed on schools

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>arden good point

Megan Ann--TylerI agree with Arden

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>in my district, we do have an AT coordinator that keeps teachers abreast of all the new technology available for teachers to aide their instruction. I see this as a direct result of COMAR

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>someone recap what COMAR regulations are (in general)

*-**** Arden--Elaine--Sotomayor left EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 20:41:57 2006

*+**** Arden--Elaine--Sotomayor entered EDUC477-DP000_Room1. Time:Thu Feb 23 20:42:29 2006

Megan Ann--TylerIt is regulation that are followed based on the federal mandates and laws

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>good the state mandates that are put into place based on federal regulations

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>it involves the use of technology to help students access the curriculum and the need for systems to supply that technology

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>the big impact relates to ALL software and hardware meeting 508 regulations

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>sort of like all building meeting 508 reg's with handicap doors etc...

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>and you know what I LOVE the handicap door at the back of Benjamin when my hands are full

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>those auto doors are great sometimes!

Melissa Erin--Gunther>theyre great in my building when we are moving in!

Megan Ann--Tyleror when you have a stroller

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>so while the intentions are to help a part group--in the long run there are many secondary folks who benefit

Megan Ann--Tylerthat is a good point

Melissa Erin--Gunther>definitely true

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>that is true..

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>everyone give an example that you can think of ofa software or hardware that meets these guidlines

Megan Ann--Tylerspeech to talk software

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>spellcheck...I'd be a goner without it!!

Megan Ann--Tylerme too

Melissa Erin--Gunther>i was going to say that

Megan Ann--TylerI like the grammar check sometime too

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>soory:(

Melissa Erin--Gunther>haha oh i like the thesaurus too

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>spell check in Microsoft is a good example was actually developed with a target group in mind but we have all benefit

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>yeah...that's great when your trying to write a paper due and it's 2:00 am

Melissa Erin--Gunther>another thing is predictive text ... my phone has it

Melissa Erin--Gunther>its good for text messaging while ur driving

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>all software PP, Excel websites everything had to be upgraded to the newer versions--which industry was required to update to standards--thats why websites now have text over boxes on images and pictures

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>schools basically can not purchase software that si (and hardware) that does not meet these guideleins (at least if it is purchased through federal monies which is ~80% of all public schools funding stream

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>how many have seen all the AT features on your Word prgram (assuming you have Word software)

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>i have looked at most of them...don't know if i can use them the right way, but i do know they are there

Melissa Erin--Gunther>yes, i know they are there

Melissa Erin--Gunther>i dont know if i have used them all tho

Megan Ann--TylerI am sure that there more than I use but I do use most of them

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Excellent most folks know or think they have it but haven't really played arpoound or enabled it---we later in the course will be doing this as well as learning how to make your Powerpoint met 508 spec's

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>great!!

Melissa Erin--Gunther>oh i looove powerpoint

Melissa Erin--Gunther>

Megan Ann--TylerI would love to know about that

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>Well for such a small group you have all been wonderful ...very engaged

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>thanks...this was really a lot of fun!!

Megan Ann--TylerI enjoyed it

Melissa Erin--Gunther>it wasnt as confusing as i thought it might have been

Megan Ann--TylerI agree

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>ditto

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>we will cont to proceed as normal in the threads--keep in mind make sure you go back and post to replies as well as look at class summaries for each thread each week--that will be helpful later you will see

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>take a peek closer to the excel sheets send me comments questions if you have any

Davina S.--Pruitt-Mentle>before we end any quesrtions, concerns, comments?

Megan Ann--Tylernone from me

Arden Elaine--Sotomayor>not from me