Tuesday, February 12, 2013 ETC Minutes

A tremendous THANK YOU to all our Senior Parent volunteers!

We will miss you all so very much!!

Meeting was called to order by Coach Hurst at 7:04pm – Danny was unable to be present

WELCOME to all the freshman parents – so glad to have you!

ETC bank balance

·  $1438.13

·  Ending balance

·  Everything is paid

·  Balance will carry over to the next season

2013/14 Officer Elections

·  17 TDC members present and voted for all positions

·  President – Richie Cleary

·  Vice President – James (POP) Russell

·  Secretary – Netta Boley

·  Treasurer – Elecia Roton

·  Eagle Moms – Pam Biddy

·  Officer meeting to be held prior to the next Touch Down Club Meeting- date to be announced

2013/14 Committee Chairs

·  Varsity pre-game meals – Elaine Whisnant

·  Sunday Coaches meals – Debra Mash (pending)

·  Spirit Wear – Terri Fisher (pending)

·  Eagles website – Brad Hollingsworth

·  Facilities (includes the below)- Steve Johnston

Ø  Dads work day in the spring

Ø  Practice field painting

Ø  Chain gang for home games

·  Trailer transportation – need volunteer

·  Special events coordinator (includes the below) – need volunteer

Ø  Spring cook out

Ø  End of the year banquet

·  Touch down club memberships – need volunteer

·  9th grade team mom – need volunteer

·  JV team mom – need volunteer

Coach Hurst updates

·  Banquet was great! – Guest speaker Derrick Moore/GT Chaplain was awesome!

·  Great big thank you from the coaches for their gift cards

·  Would like to plan a parent get together to bring all parents together before the season starts – thanks Steve Johnston - great idea!

·  Call roster to reach out to each parent to help out

Eagle Moms – Kristi Dobbs -

·  Last season dinner on Monday, 2/25 at Amici’s – ALL MOMS WELCOME J

Attention ALL Junior Parents

·  Start signing your player up for the ACT/SAT now

·  These tests are required for college consideration whether your child wants to play ball at the next level or not.

·  Test can be taken as many times as you like

·  Cost approximately $50 - there are fee waivers able - circumstances which can be found online

·  SAT - http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/

·  ACT - http://www.actstudent.org/regist/

Physical Day

·  May 11th for all EHS athletes – time to be announced

·  Cost is $20

·  Physical is good for 1 calendar year

·  Scanned in at the front office so it will be easy to access if your child plays additional sports

Taste of Eastside

·  Huge success this year

·  Possible date for this year will be in Oct before fall break

·  Suggestions to add jumping houses for children, more variety of music, corn hole tournaments

Senior Eagles will be soaring to

·  Tee Sims – signed with Georgia Military School

·  Zach Kimmel – signed with Faulkner University

Senior Eagles with decisions pending

·  Cameron Boyd – Berry College

·  Colton Smith - Birmingham Southern and Merryville

·  Bryant Johnston – Amherst College

·  Cody Costley – Birmingham Southern and Sewanee

·  Chase Chancy – Emory and Henry College, Shorter, Everett and Merryville

Next ETC Meeting

·  Tuesday, March 12th , 7:00

Meeting ended at 8:00 pm by Coach Hurst

Do It Hard ~ Do It Right ~ Do It Again