
Automatic Speed Control of Vehicle at school zones using IR sensor

Technical Specifications:

Title of the Project:Automatic Speed Control of Vehicle at school

zones using IR sensor

Domain:Embedded Systems


Software languages: Python Programming,Linux Arch


Display:16X2 LCD

DC Motor;10 (rpm)

Communication:IR Tx

TSOP:1738 (IR Rx)

Project Developed By:M/S Wine Yard Technologies, Hyderabad

Phone:040-6464 6363, 6625 6695

Web site:


It is important to know the road traffic density real time especially in mega cities for signal control and effective traffic management. In recent years, video monitoring and surveillance systems have been widely used in traffic management. Traffic control is a very difficult task for traffic control department, especially in metro cities. The Project is designed to check the density of traffic in particular place and the information is conveyed to traffic control station.

This project consists of three sections i.e., IRtransmitter,IRreceiver and Raspberrypi. The transmitter section is built around two IC’s namely 555 IC1 and 555 IC2 and the receiver section is built around IC3 namely 555 IC which is a timer. The first two IC’s IC1 and IC2 functions as an astable multivibrators and the third IC3 functions as a monostable timer. The IR led’s transmit 38kHz square wave pulses which are generated by IC2 configured in astable mode. When the vehicleis entered at school zone the IR pulses are received to the receiver sensor, the sensor at the receiver end detects these IR rays and triggers IC3 configured in monostable mode.A relay is connected to the output of Controller. Thus when the receiver sensor senses IR pulses it will trigger the input of the controller pin gets low pulse according to that the output of the controller realy gets on. As the motor is connected to the relay it will control the speed of motor for that period of time and switches off after few seconds.

TheRaspberry Piis a credit-card-sizedsingle-board computerdeveloped in theUKby theRaspberry Pi Foundation. The Raspberry Pi has a Broadcom BCM2835system on a chipwhichincludesanARM1176JZF 700MHz processorVideo CoreIV GPUand was originally shipped with 256megabytes ofRAM, later Upgraded to 512MB.It does not include a built-inhard diskorsolid-state drive, but Uses anSD cardfor booting and long-term storage.

This project uses regulated 5V, 1A power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.



power supply
