Joshua 1:8-18

Last week, we sought to capture the meaning and timeliness of the opening verses in the first chapter of Joshua. We expounded and contemplated the blessed assurances which God gave unto Joshua and Israel (and to us today) to comfort their hearts and strengthen their hands. We have learnt that we must be very courageous in regulating all our actions by God’s unchanging Word. God’s Word has been placed on permanent record as an authoritative Rule to which we are to yield implicit, undeviating obedience. In what follows, we now learn what more is demanded of us in order to receive God’s favour and blessing.


Joshua 1:8,9; Deuteronomy 17:18-20; 31:10-13; Psalm 1:1-3; James 1:22-25; 1 John 2:3-6; Revelation 1:3; 22:14.

“This Book … shall not depart out of thy mouth … that thou mayest observe to DO … all that is written therein”. Joshua was to be guided and governed wholly by the written Word. ‘This Book’, the Word of God occupies the position of unqualified supremacy. It was set above Joshua: all his actions were to be regulated by it. God’s Word is not to be treated as good advice or salutary counsel, it is a Law clothed with divine authority, a Rule for us to walk by. Joshua (or any other person) was not to read and meditate on the Word so he could preach and counsel others, he was to read and meditate on God’s Word so that he could observe to DO all that is contained therein (Deuteronomy 17:18-20; Joshua 11:15; Ezra 7:10).

Once every seven years the whole Book of the Law was to be read in the hearing of the entire congregation (Deuteronomy 31:10-13). No man, however dignified his position, is above the Law of God. Joshua was not to issue any orders except those which were authorised by God’s written Word. He was not to invent any new statutes or ordinances, he was to abide with God’s Word (Isaiah 8:20).

Meditation upon the Word of God is one of the most important of all the means of growth in spirituality (Deuteronomy 32:46; Luke 9:44). Though meditation be a duty and a great moral and spiritual aid, it is practised by few. The usual plea is, “I am too busy, my life is so crowded with a multiplicity of duties and concerns, that I have not the necessary time for deep, regular meditation on God’s Word.” God calls you to no manner of life which crowds out the need of your soul and entails the neglect of your eternal interest. “Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). We must not be so busy with the work of God to the point that we miss fellowship with the God of the work.

No one here holds a more important position than Joshua did and your tasks are not more numerous and exacting than his. Yet Joshua was to find time for meditation. Whatever affairs of this world we have on hand, we must not neglect “the one needful thing”. We cannot expect the God of Truth to be with us if we neglect the Truth of God. Reading the Word or listening to preaching is not enough, that produces only a transcient effect upon us. Meditating on what we read and hear, going over it again and again in our minds, deepens the impression, fastens the truth on our memory and sets our hearts ablaze for God.

Let us carefully observe that the purpose of meditation is obedience. We meditate so we can regulate all the details of our daily lives by God’s Word. Walking in the path of God’s commandments alone ensures success in spiritual warfare. We cannot possess our possessions, unless we conduct ourselves by “all that is written” in the Word of God. If we would prosper as Joshua did, then we must act as he did (Joshua 11:15,23).


Joshua 1:10-15; John 8:28,29; Acts 26:15-20; Galatians 1:15,16; Numbers 32:1-5,20-33.

Joshua’s prompt response and obedience is a challenge to all of us. Joshua immediately acted on the commission he had received from the Lord. Observe that he did not call a conference (committee) of the heads of the tribes to ascertain how many of them would co-operate, neither did he seek their counsel or advice. Like the apostle, when the Lord’s will was made known to him, he could say, “I conferred not with flesh and blood” (Galatians 1:16). He did not wait for “a more convenient season” (Acts 24:25). We must act at once in response to the promptings of the Spirit. Delay is disobedience. Procrastination shows a lack of concern for the Divine glory.

Joshua did not invent any excuse for not acting immediately. He was not diverted by another seemingly urgent or important task (Psalm 119:60). That is another important secret of success which each of us needs to take to heart. The readiness or tardiness of our obedience is a good index to the state of our hearts.

“Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people”. The true minister of the Gospel, who himself is subject to the will of his Master must speak with authority that others should obey (Titus 2:15).

“Prepare you victuals …”. Hitherto God had furnished Israel with manna, for there was nothing in the wilderness they could live upon; but now they were to prepare victuals (Joshua 5:12). They were not to prepare boats for God planned to make them pass over this Jordan without boats or bridges, yet they were to prepare victuals. We must always notice the details of what He commands us to do while believing and trusting for the part He promises to perform. Joshua also pressed upon the two and a half tribes the Word of God. He did not beg for their compliance as a favour unto himself but that they should “remember the Word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you” (Joshua 1:13).


Joshua 1:16-18; Exodus 24:3-7; Joshua 4:12,13; 24:31; Psalm 119:60,63; Matthew 7:21-27.

Joshua had willingly, promptly and fearlessly obeyed the Lord and his example moved others to unquestioning obedience. Those two and a half tribes might have pleaded that their agreement had been made by Moses, and that since death cancels all contracts, his death released them from the command. No, the Word of God was still binding on them though Moses had died. So they voiced out their unqualified readiness to yield to the authority of the Word. As it turned out, they faithfully kept their word. What a lesson for the follower of Christ today.