Rocklands New 2 Story Building Email Log
Tuesday 25/03/2014
Rockklands new development
Dear Sir/Madam
Yesterday I was saddened to see that a large 2 story building is being built on the corner of Rocklands caravan park.
This new building can be seen from most of the east hill and will completely dominate the views over Ecclesbourne Glen. This and the other developments in Rocklands are threatening to destroy Ecclesbourne Glen.
I feel that this development has made a mockery of our planning process. If a building such as this can be allowed in an SSI within an AONB without any proper public consultation then we are truly powerless to preserve our natural environment.
The application was first made on 29th May 2012, as HS/FA/12/00471. It was refused, but then reappeared on 10th December as HS/FA/12/00952 and was allowed. On the first occasion the AONB objected; on the second they did not, though the plans did not change at all, which is very strange.
It appears that the development was approved without any public comments, I cant recall any public display of notices. Given the sensitive nature of this development I think planning have failed to inform the public properly.
The building is a 2 story replacement from an existing 1 story bungalow. I have never seen the original bungalow as it was completely screened from the country park. The new building is visible from most points.
The building is already in an advanced state of construction. There appears to be no screening using tress and bushes of the building although this was one of the conditions of developing it. The trees and bushes that used to screen the previous building have been removed. It will take may years for these trees and bushes to regrow.
I wish you to investigate this new development as I believe that:
· The planning process has been flawed and failed to allow any proper public consultation
· that the development is in breach of the conditions imposed on it , namely that there would be adequate screening using trees and bushes.
Thanks in advance
Chris Hurrell
Tuesday 01/04/2014
Rocklands New development
Good morning Mr Hurrell,
Thank you for your email of the 25th March 2014, the contents of which have been noted.
Planning permission for the new holiday let that is being constructed was approved under reference HS/FA/12/00952. The application was advertised in the local press, a notice was placed at the site and letters were sent to adjoining residents.
None of the trees at Rocklands Caravan Park are designated as Ancient Woodland nor do they have Tree Preservation Orders on them. I am not aware that any trees have been removed to accommodate the new development but if they have been permission would not be required from the Council as local planning authority because the trees are not protected. There is a condition relating to screening (discharged under HS/CD/13/00792), however this concerns screening on the north eastern elevation of the new building. The owners have indicated they do intend to complete this planting.
I hope this explains the situation, however if you have any further queries please do not hesitate in contacting me.
Clive Satchell
Planning Enforcement Officer
Hastings Borough Council
Tuesday 01/04/2014
RE: Rocklands New development
Dear Clive
Thanks for your response.
I am very disappointed by your reply. If appears that we cannot rely on your department to protect our natural environment in such an area of natural beauty as our country park.
I would have expected planning to be a bit more pro-active and inform local residents groups and local organisations of any changes that affect such a sensitive area.
I note that only one adjoining resident was informed of the application, this seems hardly adequate given the sensitive nature of this application.
This resident was at the end of Rocklands Lane. There are many residents in Barley Lane who are as close (or closer) to the development then the end of Rocklands lane but they were not informed.
How does planning define close neighbors please?
The trees and bushes that have been removed were on the North East side of the development and used to screen the site very well.
I am amazed that there are no controls in place to prevent the removal of trees on land which is adjacent to the country park and imposes on the country park.
At the moment there is no screening of the building at all. Replanting will obviously take years to rescreen the development.
In the mean time we have a 2 story building which dominates the view from the East Hill looking eastwards.
Could you please explain why an identical application was turned down on 5 separate grounds some 6 months before yet the new one which was unchanged went through so easily.
This appears to me to be very strange.
Thanks in advance
Chris Hurrell
Wednesday 02/04/2014
RE: Rocklands New development
Good Afternoon Mr Hurrell,
Thank you for your email, the contents of which have been noted.
For developments of this nature, the Council consults with neighbours who have an adjoining boundarywith the site, as well as advertising in the local press and placing a notice at the site.
In 2010 a large extension was approved (under reference HS/FA/10/00492 on 05 October 2010).
Two other application were made in 2012. The first was for the demolition of the holiday let and its replacement with a new holiday let (under reference HS/FA/12/00471 and refused on 19 July 2012).
The second application was essentially for the same proposal but was supported by additional information that overcome the reasons for the previous refusal (under reference HS/FA/12/00952) and this was approved on 13 February 2013.
Crucially the second application in 2012 demonstrated that:
· the application for a replacement building was comparable in size and scale to the extension approved in 2010;
· the development would not have adverse impacts on heritage significance - including archaeology and any the scheduled ancient monument;
· the redevelopment of the site would be beneficial from a tourism and economic perspective.
· the size of the new build would make the holiday let more accessible to those with physical disabilities.
The first of these points is particularly important. Having reconsidered the application the case officer reprised the impact on of the proposed development on the character of the area. The conclusion being that demolition and rebuild would not result in a building that was significantly larger than the approved extension in 2010.
When taken together with the additional information submitted by the applicant to overcome heritage concerns, the benefits of the proposal to tourism and the benefits to those with disabilities the officer concluded that the application should be approved.
I hope this explains the situation, however if you have any further queries please do not hesitate in contacting me.
Clive Satchell
Planning Enforcement Officer
Hastings Borough Council
Wednesday 09/04/2014
RE: Rocklands New development : hs/fa/12/00952
Dear Clive
I have had the opportunity to revisit the site of the development covered by HS/FA/12/00952.
I can confirm that many trees and bushes have been removed from the site of the new development.
The only vegetation that remains is a thin strip of vegetation which is rooted in the East Hill/Country park.
A large swathe 6 to 9 feet wide has been cleared of all vegetation. This included trees and large bushes.
These trees and bushes used to shield the previous building from the east hill and from the glens.
There is clear evidence that trees have been felled recently as some tree trunks still remain in the ground.
The photos that were submitted by the developers as part of the application and photos from the heritage report all show these trees.The plans for the development also show the trees and bushes surrounding the development. I also have aerial photos showing that the trees and bushes were in place in early 2014 before development started, I can provide you with copies if you require.I also have photos taken from my visit yesterday that clearly shows large amounts of vegetation have been removed.
The removal of trees and bushes has exposed to view a very large building. This building now dominates the views looking eastwards from the east hill and the views westwards from the glen.
Can you please investigate this development as the following issues need to be investigated:
· The removal of trees and bushes breaches approval condition 5 of this permission.
· The removal of trees and bushes could well breach the conditions of previous planning permissions dating back many years - these have conditions which request that permission must be sought before trees, bushes and landscaping are changed
· The Secured by Design document states that borders to garden will be retained. These have been removed in a 6 to 9 foot swathe.
· Development has not stuck to the design drawings which show trees and bushes screening the building.
· The original application from the developers is flawed. It states that there are no tress and hedges on site and that there are no trees and hedges adjacent. As a consequence no tree report was undertaken.
· The site map is out of date and does not show new features of the site such as car park, roads and a small building on the tip of the car park.
· The design and access statement claims the development will be surrounded by topography. This is not true, on 2 sides the site was only surrounded by trees.
· The original plans show gaps in shielding. This contradicts the photos provided by the developers.
· The supporting hs/fa/13/000792 plans have not been adhered to. This plan show trees that have been removed.
Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to ask as I will be happy to supply. If you require I will be happy to accompany you on a tour of the periphery of the site to point out the issues in person.
Chris Hurrell
Tuesday 15/04/2014
RE: Rocklands New development : hs/fa/12/00952 - Potential breaches of planning permissions
Dear Clive
Thanks for meeting with us this afternoon to review the development of the 2 story building on the edge of the country park.
Having had the opportunity to view the site and see the issues I would be grateful if you could confirm your position on the following issues:
· Approval condition 5 has been broken. Screening effect requested of bushes and hedges has been removed. No new plantings done.
· The hs/fa/13/000792 plans have not been adhered to. The plans show trees that have been removed.
· Secured by Design. Claims borders to garden will be retained. These have been removed in a 6 foot swathe.
· Waste Management. Previous developments have left waste on site. This and evidence of bonfires for burning waste visible on site.
· Development has not stuck to design drawings which show trees and bushes screening.
· Original application says no trees/bushes on site or adjacent. Therefore no tree survey carried out.
· Trees and Hedges around the development removed in a six foot swathe. Trees and hedging visible in photos provided by developer have been removed. Holly bush mentioned in heritage statement gone.
Removal of trees here could also be a breach of previous planning permissions on the general Rockland site:
· HS/FA/58/0048 Condition 1
· HS/FA/59/00209 Condition 3
· HS/FA/60/357 Condition 1
· HS/FA/78/00703 Conditions 4 and 8
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Chris Hurrell
Thurs 17/04/2014
Rocklands new 2 story building - Screening conditions - HS/FA/12/00952 and HS/FA/13/792
Dear Clive
Following our site meeting on Tuesday I have now had the opportunity to review the planning documents for this development.
The approval of HS/FA/12/00952 (attached) was subject to several conditions including condition 5 which states
· "No development shall take place until a plan to increase the screening effect of the hedges and trees that currently border the lawn adjacent to the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.#
Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details."
Reasons 4 and 5 explain why the above condition was imposed:
· In the interests of the visual amenity of the area (Hastings Local Plan 2004 - Policy DG1)
· In the interests of the visual amenity of the area. (Hastings Local Plan 2004 - Policy DG1) and to protect the setting of the scheduled Ancient Monument.
HS/FA/13/792 was approved as meeting the screening conditions in January 2014.
There is no written explanation of what additional screening is required but a site plan was included that shows existing trees and proposed additional trees on the North East side of the development.
As you are aware all of the existing trees and hedges have been removed from the South West and South sides of the development. This has made the new building visible from all sides.
Condition 5 of HS/FA/1200952 explicitly states that screening is to be increased.
Far from increasing screening all the existing screening has been removed.
When asked to comment on this on Tuesday you informed me that the plans do not stipulate that trees and hedges must be retained and that the removal of these is not a breach of planning conditions.
I find this very hard to understand as Condition 5 requests an increase in screening and the new plan(attached) shows existing tress and hedges in place.
The new plan is the only document concerning screening and approval was based upon this plan.
Could you please explain to me the following:
· Why do you believe that the approval of HS/FA/13/792 screening only refers to a handful of trees on the north east side?
· Why would such an approval be granted given condition 5 is very clear about increasing screening?
I am still of the opinion that a breach of planning conditions has occurred and as a consequence we now have a large and obtrusive building dominating the sky line.
Given the sensitive nature of this development I urge you to investigate this issue in detail.
Thanks in advance
Chris Hurrell