City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 11th, 2017
Acting Mayor Henke called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and roll call noted the following council members present: Tim Semmler, Robert Bertram, Jeff Murtha, Dale Hofer, Brad Hohn and Ken Henke. Also in attendance was: Ryan Murtha, Corrinna Wagner, Dave Doering, Mike Wolf,Charles McKean, Jack Puetz, John Prunty, Gale Walker, David Lambert, and Eric Prunty.
Motion by Hofer, seconded by Semmler to approve the regular meeting minutes of the March 14th 2017 meeting. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Henke, seconded by Hofer, to approve claims as presented. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
March Claims…April 11th, 2017 Meeting
Salaries: Mayor & Council 1828.54; Finance Ofc. 2697.19; Gov't Buildings 378.46; Police Dept. 9284.85; Streets 6175.82; Library 2350.87; P& Z 300.00;Water Dept 615.60; Sewer Dept 615.59.
2863Aramark UniformGovt Building Rug service 198.16
2864AflacAccrued Aflac-Remittance 387.47
2865Avera Health PlanAccrued health ins. Premium 4259.61
2866Farmers State BankFICA Contribution 1851.10
Federal Withholding 906.38
2867Farmers State BankACH fee P/R #6 11.25
2883Farmers State BankFICA Contribution 1858.68
Federal Withholding 928.12
2884Farmers State BankACH fee P/R #7 11.00
2868Petrik SanitationGarbage service (March) 62.32
2869NorthwesternPower- City Hall 322.13
N. Gas- City Hall 263.95
Power- Maint. Bldg. 113.44
N. Gas- Maint. Bldg. 165.26
Power- Street Lights 2656.49
Power- Airport 198.39
Power- E. Park 18.66
Power- W. Park 79.25
Power- Softball Field 13.49
Power- Library 175.36
N. Gas- Library 76.40
2870SD One Call Locate Fees 1.05
2871Santel CommunicationsCommunications- City hall 181.73
Siren Circuit 21.05
Communications- PD 47.26
Communications- Library 106.21
Communications- Airport 107.60
2873Visa-Card masterTV, Police supplies 1652.56
2874Potomic AviationMonitor Service 250.00
2875Murtha RepairSupplies 80.00
2876AmsterdamHealth info Folders 116.00
2877Tech SolutionsService-PD 125.00
2878Noteboomsupplies 86.01
2879Brandon Jacobsonfuel reimbursement for Crown Vic 50.02
2881Parkston PrecisionAngle Irons 54.36
2882SD Retirementmonthly retirement-Jan 3982.13
2885SD RetirementMonthly retirement-March 2812.07
2890AglandFuel and Tire service 461.00
2891Dean SoukupReimbursement for meals for class 19.76
2892NoteboomRepairs to John Deere mower 555.74
2893Petty Cash-FOPostage-F/o, PD, Water, and Sewer 231.44
2894RunningsSupplies-PD and Streets, Cloths-Streets 466.15
2895SD DENRDean Soukup-Test 10.00
2896SD Dept of LaborQtly report 372.74
2897A & B SolutionCopy Machine Lease 149.50
2898BY Water DistrictBulk water-March 10549.80
2899Casey’s General StorePD Gas 20.52
2900CHS/Farmers AllianceFuel for Shop 244.39
2901Darrington WaterDrinking water station rental 17.95
2902DSGSupplies 268.31
2903GallsBelts and Case 128.92
2904Gerstner OilRefill fuel for airport 6961.50
2905McLaury EngineeringDepot Street/ municipal engineering 336.00
2906Murtha RepairAnti-Freeze 24.90
2907Parkston AdvanceNtc, proceedings, paper, 395.35
2908Parkston Food CenterPD Gas 367.48
2909Parkston Lumber Supplies 81.25
2910SturdevantsSupplies for trucks 34.84
2911SoutheasternWater pump, street lights, lagoon, lifts 358.34
2912Sun GoldClothing-PD 63.90
2913SD RetirementRetirement 370.05
2914Wolfs Autotire mount for plow, repairs to crown Vic, repair 1135.02
2915Amazon.comBooks-Library 234.10
2916The Daily RepublicLibrary Newspaper Scrip. 175.00
2917Weber SanitationGarbage service- Library 18.00
2918Living HereMagazine 32.00
2919Coast to coast Supplies-Library 137.80
2920SD ArchivesNewspaper Microfilm 32.00
2869NorthwesternPower- South Well 60.68
2886US PostmasterBulk postage 100.25
2880SD Pub HealthWater samples-February 74.00
2869NorthwesternPower- Sewer alarm 10.00
2886US PostmasterBulk postage 100.25
2872USDAUSDA loan payment- Principle 344.01
USDA loan payment- Interest 729.99
At this point the council will switch to the Board of Adjustments at 7:03 p.m.
Motion by Hofer, seconded by Henke to approve variance 02-2017 brought forth by MarjoVilhauer. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hofer, seconded by Hohn to approve variance 03-2017 brought forth by John Prunty. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, seconded by Semmler to deny variance 04-2017 until John Prunty gets a building permit for his future construction. All present voting aye. Motion carried
Board of adjustments goes back to Council at 7:15 p.m.
Motion by Semmler, seconded by Murtha to approve a donation to the Summer Rec program in the amount of $3,000 as budgeted. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Henke, seconded by Semmler to approve a donation to the Swim Team in the amount of $500 as budgeted. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Murtha, seconded by Henke to approve a donation to the Commercial Club in the amount of $2,500 for fireworks for Fourth of July. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, Seconded by Hofer to lease the pool concession stand in favor of Travis Leischner for the 2017 pool season. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, Seconded by Semmler to lease the baseball concession stand in favor of the Lions Club for the 2017 season. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Murtha, seconded by Henke to lease the Gun Club in favor of the Parkston Gun Club for the 2017 season. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, seconded by Murtha to approve a donation to the Gun Club in the amount of $500 as budgeted. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hofer, seconded by Semmler to approve Rachel Mora to apply for the West Nile Prevention grant. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Murtha, seconded by Semmler to mow the reliance building until they find someone to rent the building, the responsibilities go back to the rentee. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
The council tabled approving McLaury Engineering to start on the Depot street Project until May.
Motion by Murtha, seconded by Hofer to approve Broz Engineering to do the Bridge inspections for the City of Parkston. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Henke, seconded by Murtha continue the wellness center program for three more months for four people at the price of $190 for the group. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Henke, seconded by Hofer to get an estimate on how much it would be to fix the Crown Vic. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Henke, seconded by Semmler to drop the DARE program this year for the police and continue going out to the school and speaking to the children. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Semmler, seconded by Henke to have the health inspector check out some nuisance properties and see if they are fit to be inhabited. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Semmler, seconded by Bertram to pay for Officers Jacobsens past and future mileage as he goes out to LAT. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, seconded by Semmler to authorize publication of the annual notice to destroy weeds. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Murtha, seconded by Hofer to enter executive session at 8:15 p.m. all present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, seconded by Hofer to approve Rachel Mora to attend Finance School in Pierre June 7th-9th and pay for mileage, meals and lodging. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
The council exited executive session at 8:45 p.m.
Motion by Bertram seconded by Hofer to hire the following lifeguard and set their wages. Anthony Buchmann-8.80/hr, Tucker Bigger-8.80/hr, Brooke Bigge- 9.00/hr, Molly Schonefelder- 9.25/hr, Jake DeLange- 8.80/hr, Nicky Weber-9.25/hr, Tim Schmidt- 9.00/hr, Sam Murtha-8.80/hr, Tanna Waltman-10.00/hr, McKenzie Prunty-8.55/hr, Mariah Prunty-8.55/hr, and Sydney Wickersham-8.55/hr. Anyone that is not WSI certified can get a .15 raise if certified. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Bertram, seconded by Semmler, to hire Ellie Ringling as Pool manager and set an hourly wage at 11.00/hr. all present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Semmler, seconded by Henke to hire Taya Heisinger as the 2017 park worker and set an hourly wage at 10.00/hr. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, seconded by Henke to place an ad in the paper for a Full-Time Patrol officer. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Hohn, seconded by Hofer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. all present voting aye. Motion carried
David Hoffman, Mayor
Rachel J. Mora, Finance Officer
Published once at an approximate cost of $ ______.