Godinez Fundamental High School

Honors World History

Mrs. Walker, Room 1-231

Email: Phone: 714-433-6600

Welcome to Honors World History at Godinez Fundamental High School. This course is a district-mandated course for graduation. However, it is our intention that this course will also help to prepare you for entry into AP European History and other Advanced Placement classes in your future.

We will begin our study with a study of the development of Western Political Thought through World War I for the first semester. During second semester, we will study World War II, the Cold War, and beyond. You will also be focusing on the areas of reading, writing, note taking, critical thinking, speaking/presentations, listening, and technology.

As your teacher, I am here to help each student acquire certain knowledge and skills and to help you achieve your own academic goals. In order to succeed, you will need to do what is expected of you, actively participate in class, and complete all assigned work. Please review the classroom procedures and policies below to help ensure you a successful school year. Also, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Students who show commitment & dedication to learning, excellence, and/or citizenship will be positively rewarded with privileges and parent notification.


The GFHS school policies will be followed at all times. These policies are described in full in the GFHS Student Handbook. However, these are our general classroom student expectations and responsibilities:







The GFHS progressive discipline plan will be followed for violations of school policies. Failure to act in accordance with classroom expectations will result in the consequences below.

  1. Warning
  2. Letter/ parent notification
  3. 30-minute detention and parent notification

**Detention must be completed one week from the date issued. Detention may be completed before or after school with any GFHS teacher in tutoring or with Mrs. Walker. Students must arrange their transportation accordingly. If a student does not complete detention within that week time period, a referral will be given.

Grades & Tutorials

All students are expected to earn passing grades. A student with an F is required to attend 45 minutes or more of Social Studies tutoring each week. Students will keep a log of the tutoring sessions he or she has attended and will have it signed by the SOCIAL STUDIES teacher holding the tutorial. All students are always welcome at tutoring. All students will also receive regular grade reports and will be able to make up selected assignment. If a student chooses to not complete tutoring, a referral will be given.

I will hold tutoring for all Social Studies students in Room 1-231 after schoolon Thursday. Students are encouraged to stop by at any time if they have questions or need help. There will also be Social Studies tutoring offered daily before school, after school, and at select lunches by other teachers within the department.

Attendance & Tardiness

Attendance is a critical and crucial part to your success as a student. Attendance means you are in your seat and ready for class by the sound of the bell. A tardy card will be used for all students, regardless of excuse or note (in most cases). You are expected to follow the School Absence policies and re-admits must be placed on my desk upon student arrival. Unexcused absences are absolutely unacceptable and late or makeup work will be permitted on an individual basis.

Make-up/Late Work

Each student is responsible to make-up work following an absence by talking to me or checking with another responsible student. Any work you missed should be made up within three days upon return. If a student is absent the day prior to a quiz or test, they will be expected to take the quiz or test. Make-up tests will only be permitted with an excused absence and must be completed within one week on the student’s own time. Homework cards will be used if a homework assignment is not completed. Students will have one week following the grade report to make-up incomplete work for ½ credit. No extra credit will be given unless all assignments are complete.

Agenda and Passes

Each GFHS student must carry his or her Agenda at all times. Students must write the posted class agenda and homework for each class everyday. The Agenda also contains the GFHS Hall Pass. Students are expected to be in class at all times. The restroom is to be used during the 7 minute passing period between classes. In order be released from class, you will need to carry your Agenda with you at all times.

GFHS Suggested Student Materials--

*School Agenda

*Black/Blue/Red Pens

*Sharpened Pencils (at least 2)

*Colored Pencils

*3x5 index cards for vocabulary

*2-3 inch binder

*College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper (not from a spiral notebook)

*Subject Dividers, 1 divider for each class

*GOOGLE DOCS account (instead of a USB Flashdrive)

*Green, Blue, Yellow, & Pink Highlighters

*GFHS Writer’s Handbook

*GFHS Student Handbook

Mrs. Walker’s Classroom Procedures

Please read the following information regarding classroom procedures for success.

1)Start of Class

  1. READ AGENDA posted in the screen with information for the day
  2. AGENDA – update when you enter class with homework assignments and any announcements
  3. Take out HOMEWORK and place it on the OUTSIDE CORNER of your desk. If you did not complete your homework, you need to retrieve your homework card from the class file and place it on the OUTSIDE CORNER of your desk.
  4. Daily Warm-Up: Activities will be posted on the screen with information regarding the warm-up activity each day. You will use a single sheet of paper each week for your warm-up. You will have between 3-5 minutes so you need to get to work quickly.
  5. VOCABULARY CARDS: You will need to have your cards EVERY DAY. These are to help you study and prepare for exams.
  6. Re-Admits and other paperwork: Please place on my desk (near the computer key board) and I will take care of it while students complete the warm-up.

2)During Class

  1. Participation: You are expected to take notes during lecture, participate in class discussions, and be an active member of any team assignments or projects.
  2. OUT OF SEAT: Please stay in your seat during lecture, discussion, film clips or direct teacher instructions. You may use the sharpener, stapler, and discardtrash and so on during independent work times or before or after class.
  3. Materials: If extra materials are needed in class, you will instructed as to how to gather them depending on the activity

3)Closing Procedures – EVERY MINUTE OF CLASS MATTERS! I will usually stop class to review prior to dismissal.

  1. CLEAN UP: Make sure that any materials used in class are cleaned up before you leave. Pick up any trash, even if it’s not yours.
  2. The BELL DOES NOT DISMISS you. Mrs. Walker will dismiss each class at the end of the period. It is not appropriate to pack up ahead of my directions or simply leave when the bell rings.

Please sign below and return.

STUDENTS: I have read the course description, classroom policies and expectations. I accept these policies and will honor them in Mrs. Walker’s class.

Print Name: ______Signature: ______Date: _____

PARENTS: My child has discussed the course description, classroom policies and expectations with me.

I understand and support them.

Signature: ______Date: ______