Grace be unto you my amazing friends! I had the incredible opportunity to speak at Cheyenne Hills Church Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 9am and 11am – to about 1,500 people combined. It was such a tremendous blessing. God was honored throughout everything – from the worship time to the message. I apologize that we didn’t bring enough books – we sold out twice. Thank you to all who bought books! If you would like one and didn’t get one, we sell them for $15 ($17.50 shipping included). I don’t know what the deal is, but Amazon is charging more – please just order through us! The topic I spoke on this weekend was contentment - even though I wanted to walk so badly, I have to practice what I preached and continually choose joy! I have improved so much since my last speaking engagement and my ability to stand and talk for longer periods of time – also improved voice control, better intonation, and better balance while standing. God is so good! Please join me in prayer this week for more strength and balance, improved walking, solo steps, and the many requests I heard this weekend. Feel free to email me back at with any prayer requests, questions concerning purchasing my book, etc. Thank you all so much. Be blessed! #IChooseJoy
I choose to define contentment as an attitude, NOT a condition!
Here the message I gave at Cheyenne Hills!
Good Morning! I’m Tim Malm Let me tell you what an honor and privilege it is to be praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with y’all! 225,504,000---anyone know what that number represents? No, it’s not the dollars in my bank account—it’s not even the pennies!! It is the number of seconds since my accident. It only took one second to cause 225,504,000 seconds of damage!
According to the dictionary, contentment means to be satisfied with what you have, not wanting anything more or anything less. I choose to define contentment as an attitude, NOT a condition. Like Paul in the Bible, I am learning the attitude of contentment. I am not satisfied with my condition, but I have contentment in knowing that God is my strength as I work hard to WALK, RUN, and ROPE again. I have an attitude of contentment because I choose joy. One of my sister’s sayings around our house is ‘Choose Joy”! Being joyful or having joy is that energy that comes only from faith and trust in Jesus Christ The Bible doesn’t say to be ‘happy’ in all circumstances, it tells us to be joyful and thankful IN all circumstances. Happiness is an emotion relative to conditions.
Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This verse is why I choose joy with contentment. It encourages me with the word ‘plans’—used three times and plural! He ‘declares’ is present tense and tells me He is in control with the ‘plans’.
Before, during, and after my accident-every day of my life--He is in control! Before my accident in 2010, God had blessed me in the rodeo world: I qualified three times for the National High School Finals Rodeo, and was the 2009 National High School Reserve Champion Calf Roper. Weeks before my accident, I had completed my freshman year at college with all A’s and one B.I had finished the college rodeo season 5th in the Central Rocky Mountain Region, filled my PRCA permit, and was going to rodeos and preparing for my PRCA rookie season. Life was good!
June 6, 2010 changed my life in a second! The beginning words of a song my mom wrote say, “In a second life can change, All your plans are rearranged. All your dreams and goals seem to vanish far away as you wait in that space of time “That space of time is now contentment—trusting in Him who gives us life every day to be joyful and thankful regardless. You don’t know when that ‘second’ may come in life. You must have that salvation faith and trust in God, through Jesus Christ, before a ‘second’ changes your life’s plans. This journey is long, hard, and I am weary. God gives me the strength daily to work hard and smile. Trusting Him is so important for my attitude. Contentment means being satisfied as we WALK through life, and the only way you can truly be satisfied is in Jesus.
Thank you for all your prayers, support, and encouragement. I would appreciate them continuing.
Just like the Lord says, “I will be back.”