Curriculum Vitae

Peter John Morland OPENSHAW


Centre for Respiratory Infection,

Department of Respiratory Medicine

National Heart and Lung Division of Imperial College London,

Norfolk Place, Paddington, London W2 1PG

Tel: 020 7 594 3854/0944 Mobile +44 7973 820 801 Fax: 020 7262 8913



Director, Centre for Respiratory Infections 2008

Head, Section of Respiratory Infections 2000

Head, Department of Respiratory Medicine 1998

Professor of Experimental Medicine 1997

Hon. Consultant Physician, St. Mary's Hospital1990

Higher education:

BSc Hons (Physiology, 2i)1976

MB BS (Guy's Hospital, London)1979

MRCP (London)1982



Memberships and Fellowships:

Fellow of the Society of Biology 2014

Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences1999

Association of Physicians 1997

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians 1994

American Thoracic Society 1991

American Association of Immunologists1990

Medical Research Club1989

British Society for Immunology1985

British Thoracic Society1984

Prizes, Awards and Lectures

European Federation of Immunological Societies Award 2014

Croonian Lecture, Royal College of Physicians2013

Chanock Memorial Award, Santa Fe, USA2012

Treasurer's Gold Medal and Baldwin Prize in Medicine1979

Richard Ellis Prize in Paediatrics1978

Beddard Prize (for oral presentation of research) 1978

Career Summary:

I work on viral lung diseases, particularly those caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza. My current Wellcome Programme (2009-2014) is on immune regulation in murine and human experimental RSV infection, but I have also worked on vaccines and neonatal immune responses. I lead a UK-wide collaborative study of the mechanisms of severe acute influenza (MOSAIC) and am an investigator in Flu-CIN, a study of hospitalised patients with pandemic influenza (see video, jump to 3 min 8 sec of:

My long-term goal is to understand how host immune responses both defeat infection and also cause disease. When the concept of Th1/2 subsets of CD4 T cells emerged in 1986/7, I applied this to the mouse model of RSV infection and showed for the first time that Th1/2 subsets were relevant to disease patterns in vivo.During a sabbatical at DNAX, California USA, I developed the technique of intracellular cytokine analysis by FACS and applied it to cultured cells (J Exp Med, 1995), the technique becoming an immunological standard. I also pioneered the systematic, comprehensive immunophenotyping of virally infected mice, leading to studies of disease augmentation due to re-infection of neonatally primed mice (J Exp Med 2002) and of formalin inactivated vaccines containing carbonyl groups (Nat Med 2006).

I founded the academic department of respiratory medicine in 1998. After five successive Wellcome programmes over 20 years, the department has grown into 2 Sections working on respiratory infections. Johnston, Lalvani, Hussell, Schwarze, Culley, Edwards and Johansson all developed (or are developing) their careers in the department and the first 4 hold personal chairs. The Department now has 90 scientific staff and has brought in more than £22 million in grant funding the last five years.

In 2007, I was awarded £3.4m by the Strategic Panel of the Wellcome Trust to establish a Centre for Respiratory Infection (launched June 2008), now comprising 23 of Imperial’s PIs, 11 Affiliated Investigators and 12 external associated groups. The CRI acts as a springboard for collaborative research, providing state of the art core facilities. In 2013, I was appointed as Lead on the respiratory Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and Chair of the Respiratory and Cardiovascular Centre for Translational Medicine (CTM) within Imperial’s Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC), which aims to integrate research, education, clinical care and innovation through locally developed work programmes.

I have served on many grant giving panels including the Wellcome Trust’s Clinical Interest Group (1997-2003), Infection and Immunity (2002-2004) and the Tropical and Clinical Panels (2006-2008) and the Immunology and Infectious Disease (IID) panel (2008-2010). I represented the Academy of Medical Sciences on the Science in Heath Group, was on the Academy’s Vaccines Working Group (2005) and the grants award committee of Action Research UK (2004-2007). I was Secretary of the Medical Research Club 2004-2009. I became a member of British Society for Immunology’s Council in 2006, have served for several years on the BSI Forum and Meetings Committee and was elected President of the BSI for 2013-17.

I serve on the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) subgroup on influenza and RSV prophylaxis (2009) and became a member of the Scientific Advisory Group in Emergencies (SAGE, chaired by the Chief Government Scientist) which advised the UK government on pandemic H1N1 influenza in 2009-2010and advised the Department of Health as a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza panel and the Clinical Countermeasures Subgroup. I am Vice-President of the European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI). I received an ACCEA Gold Award in 2011. I received the Chanock Award in 2012 for lifetime contribution to RSV research in Santa Fe, New Mexico and delivered the Croonian lecture at the Royal College of Physicians in February 2013 on the topic of influenza pandemics.In 2014, I became an NIHR Senior Investigator and gave the European Federation of Immunological Societies Medal/Lecture in Dublin.

I have acted as consultant, panel member or scientific advisor to a number of commercial organisations including Kenta Biotech, Arrow Therapeutics, Symphogen, GSK and Mucosis.

Timeline of respiratory medicine at St Mary’s

  • Academic unit established (Wellcome Senior Clinical Fellowship) at St Mary: 1988
  • Department of Respiratory Medicine formed within NHLI (after merger with Imperial College): 1998
  • Sebastian Johnston recruited from Southampton: 1999
  • Section of Respiratory Infections founded: 2000
  • Refurbished laboratories opened (supported by JIF award): 2002
  • Ajit Lalvani recruited from Oxford: 2006
  • Centre for Respiratory Infection launched: June 2008
  • Imperial College Respiratory research Unit (ICRRU) opened + Hansel recruited: 2009
  • Asthma Centre moved to Imperial and new labs opened: 2014

Public dissemination

In May 2014, we had 2 popular stands in the central marquee of the Imperial Festival of Science (attended by over 10,000 people). The ‘Snot Doctors’ was aimed at younger children and drew in crowds of kids wanting to handle the (artificial) mucus and learn about mucosal defence. The MOSAIC stand featured a giant dominos game designed by the renowned cartoonist Steven Appleby with over 100 hand-drawn characters with variable susceptibility to influenza in addition to a cartoon: Participants enjoyed creating epidemics on the cityscape and engaged in discussion about outbreaks and how they might be controlled, and were invited to sketch their own virus.

In September 2015, I was a panellist for ‘Standing up for Science’ Media Workshop organised by Sense about Science at the Francis Crick Institute (Mill Hill). We had about 100 young scientists in the audience who wanted to know about how to (and how not to) engage with journalists and the public: I participated in the Biovision event in Lyon, France:

I have given many interviews for BBC1, ITV, Sky News, BBC Radio 4 (the Today programme), BBC Newsnight, the World Service and Radio London on the threats of SARS, bird influenza and pandemic flu

and public lectures

Additional information:

External PhD examiner >20 times (Cambridge, Oxford, Newcastle, ICRF, Liverpool, National University of Ireland, Rotterdam etc). Currently supervising 6 PhD students.

Member of the Editorial Boards:Influenza; Viral Immunology; Clinical and Experimental Immunology (2012); Microbes & Infection; The Open Immunology Journal (2007); Open Immunology Reviews (2007); Open Immunology Letters (2007); Immunology Letters (2007); Cases Journal (2008); Association of Young Scientists and Clinicians (AYSC) Journal (2009); Frontiers in Mucosal Immunity (2010); Associate Editor, Clinical and Experimental Immunology (1997-2000); Associate Editor, Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses (2007- present); Immunology Letters(2006); Mucosal Immunology (2015).

Recent reviewing

Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Reviews Microbiology, Lancet, PNAS (USA), J. Immunol., J. Virol., J Exp. Med, European. J. Immunol., etc .

Committees, advisory boards etc. (partial list):

  • Frances Crick Institute, London: Founders Review Committee (FRC) 2015
  • NERVTAG (New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group) member and vice-Chair, 2015- )
  • Chair, Advisory Board: Inflammation Research Center, Univ. Ghent (2014)
  • Invited Discussant: Scientific Foresight Board, University of Vienna (2014)
  • Chair of Board of Trustees, British Society for Immunology (2013-2017)
  • Conference Chair (Clinical), ESWI conference, Riga, Latvia (2014)
  • Councilor (Europe), Board of Society for Mucosal Immunology (2013- 2015)
  • Keystone Conference Pathogenesis of Resp. Viruses 2014 (Co-chair, Jan 2014))
  • Gordon Research Conference Biology of Acute resp. Infection (Chair-elect)
  • GTC Innate Immunity Conference 2014, San Diego Jan 2014: Advisory Board
  • RSV Vaccines for the World, Oporto, Portugal October 2103; Advisory Board
  • Wellcome Trust Science Funding Interview Panel (co-opted member) July 2013
  • Department of Health. Scientific Pandemic Influenza (SPI) main panel and Clinical Countermeasures Subgroup (2006-)
  • Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) subgroups on RSV and influenza
  • Center for Respiratory Infections, Institute Pasteur, Lille, France, SAB (2011-)
  • MRC/UCL Centre for Medical Molecular Virology SAB (2010-present)
  • Netherlands Influenza Vaccine Research Centre (NIVAREC)SAB (2009-2011)
  • 16th Congress of Mucosal Immunology, International SAC (2013)
  • NEWTBVACSAB, Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) (2010-2012)
  • European Scientific Working Gp. on Influenza (ESWI); Vice-President(2008-14)
  • Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE)Governmental Steering/Policy Committee (2009-2010)
  • Ministry of DefenseAdvisor to the Chief Scientist (2009)
  • Academy of Medical SciencesSectional Committee 4 (2009-2011)
  • Academy of Medical Sciences Science Council ‘Science in Heath’ (2008-2009)
  • Academy of Medical Sciences Vaccines Working Group(2005)
  • Academy of Medical Sciences Task Force on representation of women (2012)
  • Imperial Athena Steering Committee resulting in Silver SWAN award for advancement of Women in Science (2009)
  • CBS Policy Group, Imperial College ERP and Home Office (2009 –present)
  • Medical Research Club Secretary (2004- 2009)
  • Wellcome Trust Clinical Interest Group(1997-2003)
  • Wellcome Trust Infection and Immunity Panel(2003-2005)
  • Wellcome TrustTropical and Clinical Panel and Immunology (2006-2008)
  • Wellcome Trust Immunology and Infectious Disease Panel, (2008-2010)
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France.Grants Committee, Evaluation Committee, (2009)
  • EU-VIRGO Board of Supervisors (2005-2008)
  • National Institutes of Health Grants Committee, Special Emphasis Panel, Centres of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance, USA (Jul 2006)

Current/recent major grants:

MRC-Asthma UK Studentship: ‘The role of innate lymphocytes in the development of allergic airway inflammation’ for Nazanin Farhadi.MRC Ref G0400503.

PIs: Peter Openshaw and Fiona Culley. October 2010 – September 2013. – £60 000

Wellcome Trust Programme Grant: Mechanism of Severe Acute Influenza Consortium (MOSAIC). 090382/Z/09/Z 1st November 2009. Total value: £3,645,239 (including Supplementary Award £1m, 9 November 2009 – 31 July 2014)

Wellcome Programme:Immune regulation in viral lung disease.16 November 2009 – 15 November 2015. £1,500,000 (P25092; 087805/Z/08/Z).

MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship to Dr Christopher Chiu (Sponsors: Professor Peter JM Openshaw and Professor Sebastian L Johnston): Cell mediated immunity against RSV and influenza in a human experimental challenge model. 6th October 2010 – 5thOctober 2014. £1,334,395

MRC New Investigator Award - Award Holder: Dr Fiona Culley - The Consequences of Neonatal Respiratory Virus Infection for Pulmonary Innate Immunity – October 2011 – December 2014. Award: £500,344

MRC Career Development Award to Dr Cecilia Johansson. Regulation of interferon production in the lung during respiratory syncytial virus infection. Sponsor and Supervisor: Peter Openshaw. July 2009-July 2015 - £1,337,305

BBSRC - GSK CASE studentship -Characterization of the human T and B cell immune response in human volunteers experimentally infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

Award Holder: Peter Openshaw - 1 October 2012 – 30 September 2016 - Total Award 132,173 (BBSRC - £100,173; GSK £32,000)

EU FP7 PREPAREproject 602525 (Platform foR European Preparedness Against (Re-)emerging Epidemics) Award date: October 2013; 60 months. Imperial total: €1,352,200. Total EU contribution: €23,992,375(University of Antwerp) 1stFeb 2014- 31st Jan 2019

NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Funding Award. ‘Development of a programme of human nasal challenge models with constituents of viruses, bacterial and allergens’. Start date: 1st Jan 2013. End date: 31st March 2017. Total: £ 568,695

NIHR Senior Investigator: Seventh Annual Round (2013) - Award Holder: Professor Peter Openshaw 01/04/2014 – 31/03/2019. £100k per year over 5 years

National Institute for Health Research, Respiratory Infection Health Protection Research Unit -Award Holder: Professor Ajit Lalvani. Professor Peter Openshaw (Co-I) 01/04/2014 – 31/03/2019. Total award: £3,427,262

Wellcome Trust Translation Fund award to support collaboration with Mucosis BV; Co-PIs Openshaw and Chiu; 2016-2018; £2.55m


Jozwik, A; Habibi, MS; Paras, A; Guvenel, A; Maybeno, M; Sidney, J; Peters, B; Sette, A Openshaw, PJ; Chiu, C. (2015) Experimental human infection with RSV boosts an immune hierarchy of CD8+ T cells associated with viral clearance. Nature Comms 6:10224. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10224 PMID: 26687547

Dhariwal J, Kitson J, Jones RE, Nicholson G, Tunstall T, Walton RP, Francombe G, Gilbert J, Tan AJ, Murdoch R, Kon OM, Openshaw PJ, Hansel TT. (2015) Nasal Lipopolysaccharide Challenge and Cytokine Measurement Reflects Innate Mucosal Immune Responsiveness.PLoS One. 10(9):e0135363. PMID: 26367003

Habibi MS, Jozwik A, Makris S, Dunning J, Paras A, DeVincenzo JP, The MOSAIC Investigators, de Haan CA, Wrammert J, Openshaw PJ*, Chiu C*; (2015) Impaired Antibody-mediated Protection and Defective IgA B Cell Memory in Experimental Infection of Adults with Respiratory Syncytial Virus.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. PMID: 25730467 (*co-corresponding)

Nyland GA, McKenzie BC, Myles PR, Semple MG, Lim WS, Openshaw PJ, Read RC, Taylor BL, Brett SJ, McMenamin J, Enstone JE, Bannister B, Nicholson KG, Nguyen-VAN-Tam JS. (2015)Effect of ethnicity on care pathway and outcomes in patients hospitalized with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in the UK.Epidemiol Infect. 1:1-10. PMID: 25084481

Elderfield RA, Watson SJ, Godlee A, Adamson WE, Thompson CI, Dunning J, Fernandez-Alonso M, Blumenkrantz D, Hussell T, Zambon M, Openshaw P, Kellam P, Barclay WS (2014) Accumulation of Human-Adapting Mutations during Circulation of A (H1N1) pdm09 Influenza Virus in Humans in the United Kingdom. J Virol88: 13269-13283

PMID: 25210166

Goritzka M, Durant LR, Pereira C, Salek-Ardakani S, Openshaw PJ, Johansson C.

(2014) Alpha/beta interferon receptor signaling amplifies early proinflammatory cytokine production in the lung during respiratory syncytial virus infection.

J Virol.;88(11):6128-36. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00333-14. PMID: 24648449

Schiavoni I, Fedele G, Quattrini A, Bianco M, Schnoeller C, Openshaw PJ, Locht C, Ausiello CM. (2014) Live attenuated B. pertussis BPZE1 rescues the immune functions of Respiratory Syncytial virus infected human dendritic cells by promoting Th1/Th17 responses.PLoS One. 26;9(6):e100166. PMID: 24967823

Harker JA, Yamaguchi Y, Culley FJ, Tregoning JS, Openshaw PJ(2014)Delayed sequelae of neonatal RSV infection are dependent on cells of the innate immune system. J Virol. Jan;88(1):604-11. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02620-13. PMID: 24173217

Schnoeller C, Roux X, Sawant D, Raze D, Olszewska W, Locht C, Openshaw PJ. (2013) Attenuated Bordetella Pertussis Vaccine Protects against RSV Disease via an IL-17-dependent Mechanism. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. PMID: 24261996

Farhadi N, Lambert L, Triulzi C, Openshaw PJ, Guerra N, Culley FJ. (2013)Natural killer cell NKG2D and granzyme B are critical for allergic pulmonary inflammationJ Allergy Clin Immunol. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.09.048. PMID:24290277

Durant LR, Makris S, Voorburg CM, Loebbermann J, Johansson C, Openshaw PJM ((2013) Regulatory T Cells Prevent Th2 Immune Responses and PulmonaryEosinophilia during Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Mice J. Virol 87:10946 doi:10.1128/JVI.01295-13

Tregoning JS, Wang B, McDonald JU, Yamaguchi Y, Harker JA, Goritzka M, Johansson C, Bukreyev A, Collins PL and Openshaw PJ (2013)Neonatal antibody responses are attenuated by interferon gamma produced by NK and T cells during RSV infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A;110(14):5576-81. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1214247110

Semple MG, Myles PR, Nicholson KG, Lim WS, Read RC, Taylor BL, Brett SJ, Openshaw PJ, Enstone JE, McMenamin J, Bannister B, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS.(2013) An Evaluation of Community Assessment Tools (CATs) in Predicting Use of Clinical Interventions and Severe Outcomes during the A(H1N1)pdm09 PandemicPLoS One. 2013 Sep 19;8(9):e75384. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075384.

Loebbermann J, Thornton H, Johansson C and Openshaw PJM. (2013) Defective immunoregulation in vaccine-augmented viral lung disease, restored by selective chemoattraction of regulatory T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:2987-2992

Dodd JS, Clark D, Muir R, Korpis C, Openshaw PJ. (2012)Endogenous IL-21 regulatespathogenic mucosal CD4 T-cell responses during enhanced RSV disease in mice.Mucosal Immunol. doi: 10.1038/mi.2012.108. PubMed PMID: 23168836.

Myles P, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS, Semple MG, Brett SJ, Bannister B, Read RC, Taylor BL, McMenamin J, Enstone JE, Nicholson KG, Openshaw P, Lim WS, (2012).Differences between asthmatics and non-asthmatics hospitalised with influenza Ainfection. Eur Respir J. PMID:22903963.

Dolan GP, Myles PR, Brett SJ, Enstone JE, Read RC, Openshaw PJ, Semple MG, LimWS, Taylor BL, McMenamin J, Nicholson KG, Bannister B, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS;Influenza Clinical Information Network (FLU-CIN) (2012). The comparative clinical courseof pregnant and non-pregnant women hospitalised with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09infection. PLoS One. 7(8):e41638. PMID: 22870239;PubMed PMC3411676.

Yamaguchi Y, Harker JA, Wang B, Openshaw PJ, Tregoning JS, Culley FJ. (2012)Preexposure to CpG protects against the delayed effects of neonatal respiratorysyncytial virus infection. J Virol. 86(19):10456-61. doi:10.1128/JVI.01082-12. Epub PubMed PMID: 22811525.

Sridhar S, Begom S, Bermingham A, Ziegler T, Roberts KL, Barclay WS, Openshaw P, Lalvani A. (2012) Predominance of heterosubtypic IFN-γ-only-secreting effector memoryT cells in pandemic H1N1 naive adults. Eur J Immunol. Nov;42(11):2913-24.doi: 10.1002/eji.201242504. Epub 2012 Aug 15. PubMed PMID: 22777887.

Everitt AR, Clare S, Pertel T, John SP, Wash RS, Smith SE, Chin CR, Feeley EM, Sims JS, Adams DJ, Wise HM, Kane L, Goulding D, Digard P, Anttila V, Baillie JK, Walsh TS, Hume DA, Palotie A, Xue Y, Colonna V, Tyler-Smith C, Dunning J, Gordon SB; GenISIS Investigators; MOSAIC Investigators, Smyth RL, Openshaw PJ, Dougan G, Brass AL, Kellam P. (2012) IFITM3 restricts the morbidity and mortality associated with influenza. Nature. 484:519-23.doi: 10.1038/nature10921

Myles PR, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS, Lim WS, Nicholson KG, Brett SJ, Enstone JE, McMenamin J, Openshaw PJ, Read RC, Taylor BL, Bannister B, Semple MG.(2012)Comparison of CATs, CURB-65 and PMEWS as triage tools in pandemic influenza admissions to UK hospitals: case control analysis using retrospective data. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e34428. PMID:22509303

Wythe SE, Dodd JS, Openshaw PJ, Schwarze J. (2012) OX40 ligand and programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 expression on inflammatory dendritic cells regulates CD4 T cell cytokine production in the lung during viral disease. J Immunol. 15:1647-55. PMID:22266281

Loebbermann, J, Schnoeller, C, Thornton H, Durant, L, Sweeney N. P., Schuijs, M, O'Garra, A, Johansson C and Openshaw, PJM. (2012) IL-10 regulates viral lung immunopathology during acute RSV infection in mice. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32371. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032371

Loebbermann, J., Thornton, H., Durant, L., Sparwasser, T., Webster, K. E., Sprent, J., Culley, F.J., Johansson, C. and Openshaw, P. (2012). Regulatory T cells expressing granzyme B play a critical role in controlling lung inflammation during acute viral infection. Mucosal Immunology. doi: 10.1038/mi.2011.62

Olszewska W, Ispas G, Schnoeller C, Sawant D, Van de Casteele T, Nauwelaers D, Van Kerckhove B, Roymans D, De Meulder M, Rouan MC, Van Remoortere P, Bonfanti JF, Van Velsen F, Koul A, Vanstockem M, Andries K, Sowinski P, Wang B, Openshaw P, Verloes R. (2011) Antiviral and lung protective activity of a novel respiratory syncytial virus fusion inhibitor in a mouse model. Eur Respir J. 38:401-8.