New Patient Experience Maximizer
Checklist 2
Completed To do
______1. Have a music system in each operatory and ask each patient what type of music they prefer.
______2. Hang posters on the ceiling above treatment chairs
______3. The doctor should read the patient's chart before entering the operatory. Make a note of something personal on which to comment.
______4. Offer elderly patients a blanket to help keep them warm during the treatment.
______5. Hang a hook or put a coat rack in operatory.
______6. All treatment rooms must be kept spotless.
______7. Check blood pressure during patient examinations.
______8. Never leave a patient alone in a treatment room.
______9. Offer the patient the opportunity to bring the magazine they are reading back to the treatment room.
______10. Once the patient is seated, begin treatment right away.
______11. Always include the patient in conversation. Avoid personal conversations between the doctor and staff in front of patients.
______12. Let patients know what is clinically going on and time frame for how long the procedure will take. Before starting a procedure, say "Let's be sure you know what we'll be doing today."
______13. Every few minutes the Doctor or assistant should ask the patient, "How are you doing?"
______14. Maintain eye contact when speaking to the patient
______15. Provide mirror for patient to fix hair or makeup after procedure. Hand the patient a hot towel to freshen up.
Completed To Do
______1. Staff and the doctors should wear name tags.
______2. Share tasteful jokes and funny stories with patients.
______3. Avoid personal conversations in front of patients.
______4. Never exclude a patient from a conversation.
______5. Both the Dr. and staff should thank the patient for coming in.
______6. Spend extra time with patients who are elderly or handicapped to make them feel comfortable.
______7. Help patients with their coats, and hang coats for them.
______8. Patients who have been sedated should be escorted to their cars.
______9. Walk patients to the door after the appointment. This makes each visit a more personal experience.
______10. Give patients a checklist of what was done at the appointment.
How staff members respond to and interact with patients has a strong impact on how patients perceive the doctor and the practice as a whole. For example, when a patient is told, "I don't know" by a staff member in response to a question, it sends a very strong negative message about the practice. In contrast, consider the message that accompanies this response, "I'll find out for you" or " Let me check on that and get back with you in 10 minutes." The following ideas will help improve your communication skills.
Completed To Do
______1. To encourage patient compliance, say "Let's be sure we agree on our plan."
______2. Touch the patient lightly on the arm or shoulder or with a handshake and look directly at him or her when you speak.
______3. Ask patients what they want or expect from the visit and at the conclusion ask if their needs were met.
______4. Handle financial matters privately.
______5. Understand “Hot Buttons” to overcome emotional concerns. They might include pain, high costs, health, esthetics, function, etc.
______6. Use active listening skills. Encourage the speaker to continue speaking and elaborate. Let the patient know you understand and are following the conversation. Verify what you have heard by repeating it back to the patient. For example, "What I hear you saying is ... Is that correct?" Clarify any areas of possible confusion by asking the patient to explain further. Make sure you are dealing with the real issue. Often patients will bring up peripheral objections as a smoke screen. Careful questioning and uncovering the real deciding factor is critical.
______7. Match your personality style to the customers. For example, an analytical person will want to hear extensive details about his/her treatment.
______8. Listen at least 70% of the time. Ask question to find out patients interests.
______9. Talk about what interests the patients.
______10. Remember that people communicate with body language (facial expression, eye contact, posture), and tone as well as their words.
Completed To Do
______11. Choose positive words, even if the message is negative.
______12. Use the customer's name at least three times in each interaction.
______13. Avoid using clinical terms or jargon.
______14. Project confidence and competence.
______15. State what you can do, not what you cannot.
______16. Turn a negative into a positive.
______17. Let the customer know that you are acting for their benefit.
______18. Use Feel, Felt, Found statements, such as:
"I can certainly see how you might feel that way about missing time from work. Many of our patients have felt the same way. But what they have found is that by scheduling their visit in the morning, they (describe benefit)"
______19. Use test close questions:
"When would you like to get started?"
"On which side would you prefer that we start?"
"Would Mondays or Tuesdays be more convenient for your appointment?"
______20. Use strong, positive language. Use the words "How can I help you?" rather than, "May I," or "Can I."
______21. Never argue with a patient.