Plans and specifications in the possession of any prospective Bidder are not transferable to another Bidder. If a planholder wishes to give his set of bidding documents to another potential Bidder he must first secure the permission of the Engineer.
Before ordering any material or performing any work, the Contractor shall verify all measurements and conditions at the site and shall be responsible for the correctness of the information. Any differences which may be found shall be submitted to the Engineer, in writing, for consideration before proceeding with the work.
No extra compensation will be allowed on account of difference between dimensions and measurements that are indicated on the Drawings. The Drawings are generally diagrammatical and indicative of the work to be completed. The Contractor shall investigate all conditions affecting his work.
No arbitration will be considered for this project.
All excavation shall be unclassified and no extra payment will be made for rock, boulders, shale, timbers, logs, old foundations, masonry or other natural or artificial materials encountered in the trenching operations except for those underground structures defined in Section 2.3B, Paragraph 1.02. The Contractor shall make personal examination of the locations in which the pipelines are to be constructed to determine for himself the extent and of the rock that may be encountered. The Contractor acknowledges there may not be sufficient time to perform pre-bid borings to determine the nature of the subsurface conditions and that the Contractor may have to rely on its visual inspection of the site when making a determination as to the character of the subsurface conditions. No information regarding subsurface conditions along the routes of the pipelines will be given by the owner. The Contractor shall assume all risks associated with the composition of the subsurface materials and the ease or difficulty of excavation. The Contractor shall not at any time claim a misunderstanding regarding the depth or character of the excavation to be made or in the nature of the materials to be encountered. The Contractor shall perform his own independent investigation of field conditions, including the drilling of test borings or other investigation, as he may deem necessary to perform this work. Any associated costs for test borings or other required investigation should be included in the Contractor’s price for Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures.
Technical questions pertinent to the work to be performed under this Contract may be addressed to:
Rob DeZorziPhone:412-824-5672, ext. 117
Glenn Engineering & Associates, Ltd.Fax: 412-824-9587
14920 Route 30E-mail:
North Huntingdon, PA 15642
There will be a Mandatory Preconstruction Meeting held on March 6, 2015 at 11:00 AM at the Elizabeth Borough Municipal Building for review of work components. Attendance is required for all Bidders.
The successful bidder will be responsible for securing the Highway Restoration & Maintenance Bond (Form M-945K)in the amount of $550,000 from PennDOT. Certificates of Insurance must also be provided naming PennDOT as an additional insured. PennDOT will not release the Highway Occupancy Permits until these bonds are in place. Therefore, this must be done immediately after award of contract. A copy of this form is contained herein after this Scope of Work.
Although a Design PA One-Call has been made no utilities have responded to our request. Therefore, no utilities are marked on the Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible for placing a Construction One-Call to verify utilities.
The Contractor shall submit a price to mobilize and demobilize during the performance of this project. The Contractor is required to search and obtain their own area for staging of equipment.
The Contractor shall submit a price to perform and provide two complete sets of both digital, or 35 mm, color photographs and DVD videosof the entire limits of work. Preconstruction photos and video shall be submitted to the Engineertwo weeks prior to commencement of construction.
The work will be completed within the right-of-way of a PennDOT Road (S.R. 2001). Contractor shall be responsible for Traffic Controlas outlined in the Highway Occupancy Permit. Contractor must perform work on a block-to-block basis and restrict parking on both sides of the block during construction. Contractor shall be aware that this street cannot be closed during construction and parking must be reopened (where feasible) each day after contractor is finished working. Roadway must remain passable at all times and all debris removed from travel lanes and entire roadway swept with power broom at the end of the work day. There will be no extra compensation for additional traffic control,other than that shown on the plans, as may be warranted by any regulating agency during construction. Item shall also include the temporary and emergency access to all businesses and dwellings during construction. All flaggers shall be certified by PennDOT to perform this work and shall have the proper attire (vest, hard hat, etc.) to adequately control traffic.
The Contractor shall perform all required Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control measures as defined on the Contract Drawings and in accordance with PA Clean Stream Law (35 P.S. – 691.1001) and regulations at 25 PA Code Chapter 102. The Contractor shall notify the Allegheny County Conservation District (ACCD) at least seven (7) calendar days before beginning construction.
The Contractor shall submit a price for removingexisting concrete sidewalk as shown on plans and hauling all material offsite to a site having an approved Allegheny County Conservation District Soil Erosion Plan implemented. Item shall also include the removal of all signage, parking meters and posts, street trees and borders,and any other items that may be situated on the sidewalk. Parking meters shall remain the property of the Borough. Contractor shall deliver the meters to a site determined by the Borough. Prior to sidewalk removal, Contractor shall determine where building vaults are located and identify and locate the sidewalk support system and determine removal limits as not to disturb the structural integrity/support system of the existing building. The existing signage shall be reinstalled after the new sidewalk is installed, at no extra cost to the Borough.
The Contractor shall submit a price to removethe existing concrete curbing at locations shown on the plans. Where removal of curbing requires asphalt pavement removal, Contractor shall saw cut area of pavement to be removed prior to work. Asphalt pavement restoration will be included under a separate bid item.
The Contractor shall submit a price for reconstructing concrete sidewalks. All such facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Detail on the Contract Drawings and PennDOT requirements. Concrete shall be 4,000 psi air entrained and installed at a minimum depth of 5”. Item also includes the placement of 5” compacted depth of a 2B stone sub-base. Price also includes Curing and Sealing as detailed below.
The Contractor shall submit a price to construct new, concrete medium set,free-standing curbs at locations shown on plans. All such facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Detail on the Contract Drawings. Concrete shall be 4,000 psi air entrained. New concrete curbing shall match existing curbing. Price also includes Curing and Sealing as detailed below.
As specified and required under this Contract, the Contractor shall construct concrete handicap curb ramps. All such facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Detail Drawings and PennDOT requirements. Price also includes Curing and Sealing as detailed below.
The Contractor shall apply a clear, water based 40% alkylakoxysilane penetrating sealer to all newly placed concrete surfaces. This sealer shall be Enviroseal 40 as manufactured by BASF Building Systems, or approved equivalent, and shall be applied in full accordance with the manufacturer’s specification.
The Contractor shall remove the existing asphalt pavement by milling as directed by the Engineering Representative in the field. Also includes dust control and protection of catch basins. Includes sweeping and cost of removal of milled material, which shall be the property of the Contractor. Item also includes the cost of labor and materials required to supply and install an 8’ wide Cross Walk: 1-3/4” 9.5mm wearing asphalt and Thermoplastic paint with a 12” border stamped with a “brick pattern”,per specifications located in the Engineering Specification Section.
The Contractor shall submit a price to construct concrete traffic calming bump-outs as shown on plan. All such facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Detail on the Contract Drawings. Concrete bump-out height shall match the height of existing curbing. Concrete shall be 4,000 psi air entrained. Price also includes Curing and Sealing as detailed above. The landscape material in the bump-out shall be mulch and the ground cover shall be Drift Roses with a spread of 2’-2’-6” maximum. 4 Drift Roses per bump-out.
Item includes the cost of labor and materials required to excavate and install new Decorative Street Light Fixtures and new poles as shown on plans. The light fixture shall be as follows, or an approved equivalent:
Model No. F400-GX919-PG929
Fixture – Boulevard 750,17” Dia.x35” Ht.
Hinged crown for lamp access
Cast Aluminum Ballast Housing and Frame
Primary Light Source – SST LED
Configuration-Meissa LED Platform, Amber mantles
Wattage – 72w
Voltage – Autosense – 120v-277v
Globe – Clear Acrylic
Dome – White Aluminum
Finish – Black (#1003X LT Finish) textured, semi-gloss finish; final color choice by Borough Representative
Fixture Mounting – The light fixture shall mount to a 3” O.D. x 4” tall tenon. The fixture shall be secured to the tenon by means of three (3) 5/16”-18 stainless steel socket head set screws, black passivated.
Pole – 12’ Sussex smooth aluminum pole with small individual bolt covers, access door, ground lug, and anchor bolts by Pennsylvania Globe Gaslight Co., or approved equivalent. Catalog # P625-W1111-1000.
The pole shall be mounted to surface per manufacturers recommendations. Item includes the cost of all footings required to properly anchor the fixture and pole to the ground. Anchor dimension shall be per pole manufacturer.
The contractor shall submit a price to furnish, excavate, and install new Decorative Street Lights onto existing poles at locations shown on plan and/or as directed by Engineering Representative.
Item includes the cost of labor and materials required to install (4) four - Schedule 80, 1 1/4" PVC conduits from the new service to the pole light and Quad GFI receptacle locations to connect the new decorative Street Lights within this area. Trench backfill shall be per the detail on the Contract Drawings. Item shall also include miscellaneous electrical system- trenching, conduit, cabling, fixtures, panel box, junction boxes, power distribution, fittings, Quad GFI Receptacles on light poles, and system connections and all required testing for a complete installation.
Plum Street Only: Price for Sidewalk Restoration shall be included with the bid item for Concrete Restoration, and price for Roadway Restoration shall be included with the bid item for Asphalt Road Restoration.
Item includes the cost of labor and materials required to purchase and install a new Electrical Control Box. Item also includes all costs for electrical permit (from Elizabeth Borough, if required); coordination with Duquesne Light Company (includes all associated fees); and all necessary work required to obtain proper power to these light fixtures.
Remove the existing service equipment and install new service equipment consisting of the following:
- Construct a new structure for mounting the service equipment.The structure shall be constructed of pressure treated wood material as shown on plans.
- Install a new 200 Amp, 40 circuit underground service from the existing power pole to the power panel location in accordance with Duquesne Light Company regulations.
- Install a new NEMA 3R, 200 Amp copper bus main panel (lockable)
- Install a new NEMA 3R 24" x 24" x 8" control cabinet (lockable)
- Install a new 12" x 12" x 3' NEMA 3R trough
- Reinstall the existing electrical controls for the existing pole lights
- Install four - 120 V, 20 Amp GFCI receptacles on dedicated circuits with weatherproof covers
- Install one - 120/240V, 20 Amp lighting circuit in each of the four conduit runs. Each will include 2-#6 copper, 1-#8 copper and 1-#10 copper to work from a timer at the service location
- Install one - 120/240V, 20 Amp receptacle circuit in each of the four conduit runs. Each conduit will include 2-#6 copper, 1-#8 copper and 1-#10 copper to work from a timer at the service location
The Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install new Duncan Solutions Model No. 76Digital Parking Meterscomplete with 2” diameter galvanized schedule 80 steel posts a minimum of 60” long. Posts shall be set 37” above grade to the base of the parking meter. Item also includes the purchase and installation of Decorative Meter Post Sleeve from Alloy Castings Company Model ACPM-10, or approved equivalent. Item shall also include footers as shown on plans. Parking Meters are to have various time frames and certain parking meters are to be double space meters.
Parking Meters from Plum Street to Strawberry Street will be 4 hour max meter: the cost shall be 25 cents per ½ hour with parking enforced 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Parking Meters from Market Street to Plum Street shall be 2 hour max meters: the cost shall be 25 cents per ½ hour with parking enforced 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install new Victorian 4-way Historic Street Signs by Lake Shor Industries, or approved equivalent,complete with all connectors and polesat all intersections.
Item includes all footings and all restoration work required for a complete installation.
The Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install new directional signage and posts as shown on plans.Item includes all footings and restoration work required for a complete installation. Directional signage shall be as follows:
“Additional Parking”: arrow to be installed at approximate station 3+31 to reference the existing parking lot at the intersection of Second Avenue and Strawberry Street.
“To Municipal Building”: with arrow to be installed at the intersection of Second Avenue and Strawberry Street.
“Welcome to Historic Elizabeth – Established 1834”: to be installed at intersection of Second Avenue and Market Street.
The Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install new Jumbo Waste Receptacles manufactured by The Plastic Lumber Company, or approved equivalent,at locations shown on the plans. The trash receptacle shall hold 60 gallons of trash and shall include a 60 gallon hard liner
The Contractor shall submit a price to furnish and install new LittleLeafLinden (Tiliacordata) Trees with borders. The street trees shall be a minimum of two (2) inches in caliper and a minimum of 6’ in height. The tree shall be resistant to road salt and other snow/ice melting treatments. Contractor shall submit species of trees to be planted to Engineering Representative for review prior to purchase. Item also includes the cost of labor and materials required to purchase and install Fair Weather Site Furnishings Tree Grates Model No. DTN 48 series, or approved equivalent, with ”Elizabeth Borough” stamped on grates. Actual locations to be field determined by Engineering Representative.
The Contractor shall furnish and install reinforced concrete pavement in all areas disturbed by construction, complete in place, including placement of 5-Inch compacted depth of 2B stone sub-base, two layers (top and bottom) of No. 6/6 gauge welded wire fabric ½-inch pre-molded expansion joints and finished surface treatment. Concrete thickness shall match that of the existing adjacent concrete but not less than a minimum of 6”. Restoration limits will be to the nearest construction joint.
The Contractor shall submit a price to purchase and install asphalt restoration, complete in place, to include: saw cutting of disturbed area, compaction of subgrade, 5” compacted depth of Bituminous Concrete Base Course (25 mm), placement of 2-1/2” compacted depth of 19 mm Binder Course, and placement of 1-1/2” compacted depth of 9.5 mm Wearing Course.