Date Application Submitted: ______
Applicant Business Name: <Enter Firm Name>
Mailing Address: <Enter Street/Mailing Address>
City, State, Zip: <Enter City, State, Zip+4>
Federal Employer ID Number or SS Number: <Enter ID Number>
Telephone Number: (xxx) xxx-xxxxFax Number: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Applicant E-mail address (IMPORTANT): <Enter E-mail Address>
A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.
First time or renewal applications to obtain prequalification certification that are submitted within 30 calendar days prior to a particular bid opening date may not be approved by the board prior to the bid opening date. In such cases, the bid may be subject to disqualification. The board assumes no responsibility or liability in such instances.
(Print name)(Print title)
This page must be completed and returned as the cover sheet with your application.
Seminole County Public SchoolsAnnual Roofing Contractor Prequalification
Facilities Planning Department
Part I
Prequalification Guidelines
1.It is the intention of the Seminole County School Board (“Board”) to prequalify State Certified Roofing Contractors (CCC) on an annual, renewable basis to perform any roofing projects that are bid with an estimated value to be in the range of $25,000 - $1,000,000 each, for the District. Associated work and additional individual projects could include new and replacement roofing, roof coatings, HVAC improvements, sheet metal work, plumbing, and miscellaneous alterations. The prequalification certificate does not apply to other construction projects where competitive bids or CM at Risk Services are solicited from State Certified General Contractors. This prequalification is authorized pursuant to Chapter 4.1(8) of the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (2007). The Board is soliciting applications from interested and qualified State certified roofing contractors who wish to be considered by the Board for prequalification to bid roofing projects during this annual term. Firms holding prior year certifications MUST apply for renewal and complete the applicable items in the application.
2.Applications will be received at the EducationalSupportCenter, Facilities Planning Department, 4th Floor, 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida32773 as indicated herein. All Conditions stated shall apply. All questions concerning the Request For Qualification or procedures to be followed should be directed in writing to Chanda DiPerna by either Fax 407-320-0292, or e-mail .
3.The costs incurred by the applicant in submitting its application package are considered an operational cost of the applicant and shall not be passed on or borne by the Board under any circumstances.
4.Multiple applications that are separate corporate entities and have one or all of the same corporate officers, shall be evaluated and certified for only one firm as determined by the firm possessing the largest single project bonding limit per the surety letter.
Part II
Prequalification Policies and Procedures
The Board has adapted the following procedures for prequalifying State Certified Roofing Contractors(CCC):
1.It is the policy and procedure of Seminole County Public Schools to provide for open competition which shall not prevent the submission of a bid, nor prohibit the consideration of a bid submitted by a prequalified contractor. Those standards, which the Board applies when soliciting bids for goods or services generally shall be applied equally to the solicitation of bids from prequalified contractors.
2.It is the policy of Seminole County Public Schools to allow for prequalification of any responsible contractor who, through its submittal to the district, meets the uniform criteria established by the State Requirements for Educational Facilities and incorporated herein, whether such contractor is a resident or non-resident of the geographic area served by the Board.
3.It is the policy of Seminole County Public Schools to allow those contractors seeking prequalification to submit all required company financial information separate and apart from the other required submittals, and as specifically outlined in the Prequalification Submittals section of the Request for Qualifications, in order to endeavor to protect privileged company information from public disclosure.
4.The Board’s Roofing Contractor Prequalification procedures shall not supersede any small business, woman-owned or minority owned business enterprise preference programs, if any, which the Board may adopt.
- Upon receipt of the submittal information and the recommendations of the Facilities Planning Department staff, the Board shall either approve or reject each application for prequalification within sixty days (60) days of submittal of the proposal by each contractor. Those contractors who are approved for prequalification shall receive a certificate as identified in Part III herein.
- Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Board may reject any recommendations which in the Board’s sole opinion, contain inaccurate information. In addition, the Board shall have the sole discretion to declare a contractor delinquent and to suspend or revoke a prequalification certificate.
- The Board’s policies and procedures may be modified at any time as necessary; however, if the board chooses to terminate the prequalification option then it shall publish notice for a hearing of intent, hold a public hearing, and then officially adopt a resolution terminating the prequalification option.
- The Board reserves the right to determine the selection of procurement of construction services for all projects, and determine as to whether a project proposal or bid will be solicited from either prequalified Florida State Roofing Contractors, prequalified Florida State Certified General or Building Contractors, or Florida State Certified General or Building Contractors selected in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055.
- All contractors and subcontractors are reminded of screening requirements the legislature enacted in s. 1012.467, Florida Statutes, referred to as the “Jessica Lunsford Act”.
Part III
Prequalification Certificate & Renewal
The Board shall issue a certificate to each pre-qualified roofing contractor which shall be valid for a one-year period. The certificate shall include:
1.A statement indicating that the contractor may bid on roofing projects solicited by Seminole County Public Schools. The requirement for a prequalification certificate does not apply to, nor is required for, other construction projects where CM at Risk Services are solicited from Florida State Certified General and Building Contractors.
2.A statement establishing the amount of work the contractor will be permitted to provide.
3.The expiration date of the certificate.
4.The Contractor shall be solely responsible for ensuring the renewal application is submitted within a timely period prior to the expiration date to maintain continuous prequalification.
5.Certificates that have lapsed for a year or more shall be resubmitted as a new application, including all associated and supporting documents.
Seminole County Public SchoolsAnnual Roofing Contractor Prequalification
Facilities Planning Department
Qualification Statement
Annual Prequalification Of Florida State Certified Roofing Contractors To Bid On Contracts For -Roofing Projects
(Submit One Copy)
Applications For Certificate Renewal Must Complete All Items and Sections Except Paragraph 2 in Section 4, and Section 5 in entirety
ADDRESS:400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, FL32773-7127
SUBMITTED BY: <Enter Firm Name>Corporation
NAME: <Enter Name of Corporate Officer Submitting>Partnership
ADDRESS: <Address, City, State, Zip>Individual
PRINCIPAL OFFICE: <Enter Primary Office Location>Joint Venture
- The number of years your organization has been in business as a certified roofing contractor?
- The number of years your organization has been in business under its present business name?
- Under what other or former names has your business operated as a roofing contractor?
<List names. If none, so state>
- If your organization is a corporation, answer the following:
- Date of incorporation: (M/d/yyyy)
- State of incorporation:
- President’s name:
- Vice president’s name(s):
- Secretary’s name:
- Treasurer’s name:
- If your organization is a partnership, answer the following:
- Date of organization: (M/d/yyyy)
- Type of partnership (if applicable):
- Name(s) of general partner(s):
- If your organization is individually owned, answer the following:
- Date of organization: (M/d/yyyy)
- Name of Owner:
- If your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals:
- Florida certified roofing contractor license number:
(Attach a copy of your license to this document)
- Date current certification license was issued: (M/d/yyyy)
- List Florida jurisdiction where the occupational license is held:
(Attach a copy of your license to this document)
- Date current occupational license was issued: (M/d/yyyy)
- Other trade categories in which your organization is certified in Florida to do business, and indicate license numbers(if applicable).
- List jurisdiction(s) in which your organization’s partnership or trade name is filed.
- List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces.
- Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach an additional sheet describing specific details.)
- Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? No Yes
- Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? No Yes
- Has your organization filed any lawsuits or requested arbitration with regard to any contracts within the last five years? No Yes
- Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete any contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach specific details.) No Yes
- Have any complaints been filed to, or has disciplinary action been taken by, either pending or within the last five (5) years by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation against the state license of your organization or any of its officers? No Yes
- On a separate sheet, list major roofing projects your organization has currently under contract and those completed within the last (5) five years, giving the name of the project, owner, architect, contract amount, date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces, percent complete and scheduled completion date.
- State total amount of roofing contract work currently in progress and under contract:
$ x,xxx,xxx.oo
- On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individuals of your organization.
(Attach additional sheets if necessary)
- Attach a list of projects completed by the organization within the past five (5) years, including dates, client reference contacts and phone numbers, approximate dollar value, and size. Of particular importance, the contractor must identify all school projects.
Included in these instructions is a “Performance Reference Survey” form to be completed by no less than three of the references indicated above (Section 4, Para.1). First time applicant organizations will ensure that the three firms chosen as a reference are given a copy of the “Performance Reference Survey” form, and request the firms providing the reference to complete the form and send it via fax toChanda DiPerna, fax. 407-320-0292.
- Trade References:
(Attach a manufacturer’s certification if the firm is a manufacturer-certified installer of any of the following manufacturers: Bondcote, Fibertite, J. P. Stevens, Johns Manville, Celotex, G.A.F. Suprema, Sarnafil or Siplast.)
- Bank References: (List institution Name, Contact Name, Address, Phone Number)
- Surety: (Attach evidence that the applicant has financial resources to start up and follow through on projects and to respond to damages in case of default as shown by written verification of bonding capacity equal to or exceeding $1,000,000.00. The written verification must clearly identify and be submitted by, a licensed surety company rated “A-” or better in the current A.M. Best Guide and qualified to do business within the State of Florida)
- Name of surety company:
- Name and address of agent:
- Is the surety company rated “A-” or better in the current A.M. Best Guide and qualified to do business within the State of Florida? Yes No
- Attach a copy of a certificate(s) of insurance confirming current worker’s compensation coverage, general liability, automobile liability and property damage insurance as required by law. Specific limits and requirements will be outlined in individual project manuals for each project.
- Financial Statement (Only one copy of the financial statement is required)
- Attach an audited financial statement, current within the past twelve (12) months, which includes a balance sheet, statement of operations, and current assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses), net fixed and other assets, current liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes), and any other liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings).
- The financial information shall be submitted as part of the application, but in a separately marked envelope entitled “Contractor Financial Information”.
- The contractor, in submitting this financial information, acknowledges that the information may be determined to be a public record and subject to disclosure as governed by applicable Florida law. The contractor agrees, by submitting this application, to hold harmless the Board from any claims or liability associated with the public disclosure or dissemination of this financial information, whether such disclosure is required by law or inadvertent in nature.
- Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof:
- Is the attached financial statement for the applicant organization the same as the organization named in Section 1 above? Yes No
- If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent-subsidiary).
- Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? Yes No
The Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading.
Dated at this day of:
Name of Organization:
(Print Name)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20___, by , as (title) of (firm).
He/She is personally known to me, or has produced as identification.
Notary Public, State of Florida
Print Name:
Commission Number:
My Commission Expires:
(Affix Notary Stamp or Seal)
Seminole County Public SchoolsAnnual Roofing Contractor Prequalification
Facilities Planning Department
The SeminoleCountyPublicSchool district is currently evaluating qualifications of various firms for prequalification to competitively bid on school projects and the below listed firm has listed you as a reference as having performed construction contract services for your organization. Please take a few moments to complete the following survey and send your response directly to the Facilities Planning Department by either fax 407-320-0292or email to thin 5 days of receipt. Your assistance in providing this information is greatly appreciated.
The Next Line To Be Completed by The Firm Being Referenced:Roof Contractor Firm:
This Section To Be Completed by Reference Provider:
What specific services did this firm provide?
Was the firm responsive to your needs and requests? Yes No
Was good communication maintained by the firm? Yes No
Was the firm proactive in resolving problems and disputes? Yes No
Was the staff professional and knowledgeable? Yes No
Were the services completed on time and within budget? Yes No
Has this firm ever been awarded a repeat
contract by your organization for similar services? Yes No
Would you award a contract to this firm again for similar services? Yes No
How would you rate the overall performance of the firm:
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Comments: ______
Name of Person Providing Information:
______/ Phone:
Seminole County Public SchoolsAnnual Roofing Contractor Prequalification
Facilities Planning Department