Worksheet 7A
New Combining Form and Suffix Handout
Directions: For each combining form and suffix below, write out its meaning. Then locate a new term
from the chapter that uses the new word part.
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
1. alveol/o ______
2. anthrac/o ______
3. atel/o ______
4. bronch/o ______
5. bronchi/o ______
6. bronchiol/o ______
7. coni/o ______
8. diaphragmat/o ______
9. epiglott/o ______
10. laryng/o ______
11. lob/o ______
12. nas/o ______
13. orth/o ______
14. ox/o ______
15. ox/i ______
16. pharyng/o ______
17. pleur/o ______
18. pneum/o ______
19. pneumon/o ______
20. pulmon/o ______
21. rhin/o ______
22. sinus/o ______
23. spir/o ______
24. trache/o ______
25. -capnia ______
26. -ectasis ______
27. -osmia ______
28. -phonia ______
29. -pnea ______
30. -ptysis ______
31. -thorax ______
Worksheet 7B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term
presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.
Medical Term Word Part Analysis
1. paranasal ______
2. laryngopharyngeal ______
3. nasopharyngeal ______
4. visceral ______
5. cyanosis ______
6. hemoptysis ______
7. otorhinolaryngology ______
8. fibrosis ______
9. atelectasis ______
10. pneumoconiosis ______
11. cytology ______
12. bronchography ______
13. bronchoscopy______
14. angiography ______
15. laryngoscopy ______
(Continued )
16. oximetry ______
17. spirometry ______
18. tracheostomy ______
19. thoracocentesis ______
20. cardiopulmonary ______
Worksheet 7C
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The three parts of respiration are: ______, ______, and ______.
2. Inhalation brings in fresh ______and exhalation removes ______from the body.
3. The nasal cavity and much of the respiratory tract is covered by ______, which secretes a
sticky fluid called ______.
4. The eustachian tube extends from the ______to the ______.
5. The ______is a flap of cartilage that covers the larynx to prevent food from entering the
6. The smallest bronchial tubes are called ______.
7. ______are the air sacs in the lungs.
8. The bronchi, pulmonary blood vessels, and nerves enter each lung along its medial border in an area
called the ______.
9. ______is the volume of air that moves into or out of your lungs during quiet breathing.
10. The vital signs consists of: ______, ______, ______, and
Directions: Build a term that means:
1. surgical repair of bronchus ______
2. inflammation of voice box ______
3. removal of lobe ______
4. condition of no oxygen ______
5. puncture pleura to withdraw fluid ______
6. nose discharge ______
7. inflammation of all sinuses ______
8. pertaining to throat ______
9. blood in chest ______
10. fast breathing ______
(Continued )
_____ 1. epistaxis
_____ 2. cyanosis
_____ 3. hyperventilation
_____ 4. nasal cannula
_____ 5. hemoptysis
_____ 6. patent
_____ 7. rales
_____ 8. SOB
_____ 9. rhonchi
_____ 10. pertussis
_____ 11. stridor
_____ 12. anthracosis
_____ 13. CF
_____ 14. emphysema
_____ 15. histoplasmosis
_____ 16. PCP
_____ 17. empyema
_____ 18. SIDS
_____ 19. ABGs
_____ 20. sputum cytology
_____ 21. laryngoscopy
_____ 22. polysomnography
_____ 23. ventilator
_____ 24. antitussive
_____ 25. expectorant
a. cough up blood
b. wheezing sound
c. a blood test
d. dyspnea
e. test for sleep apnea
f. harsh, high-pitched breath sound
g. improves ability to cough up mucus
h. two pronged plastic device to deliver oxygen
i. inherited condition
j. pyothorax
k. nosebleed
l. destruction of alveolar walls
m. opportunistic infection seen in AIDS patient
n. test looking for malignant cells
o. breathe too fast and too deep
p. visual examination of voice box
q. crackling sound
r. respirator
s. whooping cough
t. open
u. reduces urge to cough
v. black lung
w. unexplained death of apparently well infant
x. fungal infection
y. bluish tint to skin
Worksheet 8A
New Combining Form and Suffix Handout
Directions: For each combining form below, write out its meaning and then locate a new term from the
chapter that uses the combining form or suffix.
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
1. an/o ______
2. append/o ______
3. appendic/o ______
4. bar/o______
5. bucc/o ______
6. cec/o ______
7. chol/e ______
8. cholangi/o ______
9. cholecyst/o ______
10. choledoch/o ______
11. col/o ______
12. colon/o ______
13. dent/o ______
14. duoden/o ______
15. enter/o ______
16. esophag/o ______
17. gastr/o ______
18. gingiv/o ______
19. gloss/o ______
20. hepat/o ______
21. ile/o ______
22. jejun/o ______
23. labi/o ______
24. lapar/o ______
25. lingu/o ______
26. lith/o ______
27. odont/o ______
28. or/o ______
29. palat/o ______
30. pancreat/o ______
31. pharyng/o______
(Continued )
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
32. proct/o ______
33. pylor/o ______
34. rect/o ______
35. sialaden/o ______
36. sigmoid/o ______
37. –emesis ______
38. –lithiasis ______
39. –orexia ______
40. –pepsia ______
41. –phagia ______
42. –prandial ______
43. –tripsy ______
Worksheet 8B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term
presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.
Medical Term Word Part Analysis
1. proctology ______
2. gastroesophageal ______
3. carcinoma ______
4. colitis ______
5. cholecystitis ______
6. cholelithiasis ______
7. cholecystography ______
8. intravenous ______
9. transhepatic ______
10. cholangiography ______
11. colonoscopy ______
12. cholangiopancreatography ______
13. esophagogastroduodenoscopy ______
14. gastroscopy ______
15. laparoscopy ______
(Continued )
16. sigmoidoscopy ______
17. choledocholithotripsy______
Worksheet 8C
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The accessory organs of the digestive system are the ______, ______,
______, ______.
2. ______is the watery, slippery secretion in the oral cavity that contains the digestive enzyme,
3. The ______of a tooth is above the gum line and the ______of the tooth is below
the gum line.
4. The hardest substance in the body is ______.
5. The ______prevents food from entering the trachea.
6. The stomach secretes ______.
7. ______are rings of muscles that control entry into or exit from an organ.
8. The three sections of the small intestine are the ______, ______, and
9. The appendix is attached to the ______of the colon.
10. The liver secretes ______to emulsify fats.
Directions: Build a term that means:
1. inflammation of appendix ______
2. removal of gallbladder ______
3. create opening in colon ______
4. specialist in stomach and small intestine ______
5. instrument to view inside sigmoid colon ______
6. incision into abdomen ______
7. pertaining to straight teeth ______
8. surgical repair of palate ______
9. vomiting blood ______
10. slow digestion ______
(Continued )
_____ 1. ascites
_____ 2. cachexia
_____ 3. crown
_____ 4. caries
_____ 5. emesis
_____ 6. hematochezia
_____ 7. jaundice
_____ 8. melena
_____ 9. polyp
_____ 10. pyrosis
_____ 11. aphthous ulcer
_____ 12. herpes labialis
_____ 13. hemorrhoids
_____ 14. fistula
_____ 15. hiatal hernia
_____ 16. intussusception
_____ 17. volvulus
_____ 18. cholelithiasis
_____ 19. ALT
_____ 20. lavage
_____ 21. bariatric surgery
_____ 22. antiemetic
_____ 23. FOBT
_____ 24. paracentesis
_____ 25. PTC
a. tooth cavity
b. gallstones
c. yellow tint to the skin
d. varicose veins in rectum
e. test for microscopic blood in stools
f. heartburn
g. withdrawing fluid from abdominal cavity
h. accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity
i. washing out the stomach
j. intestine twisted on itself
k. dark, tarry stools
l. diaphragmatocele
m. X-ray to visualize bile ducts
n. bright red blood in the stools
o. treatment for morbid obesity
p. a diagnostic blood test
q. loss of weight and generalized wasting
r. abnormal tube-like passageway
s. canker sore
t. small tumor on a stem or pedicle
u. artificial covering for tooth
v. treats nausea
w. telescoping stretch of intestine
x. fever blister
y. vomiting
Worksheet 9A
New Combining Form and Suffix Handout
Directions: For each combining form below, write out its meaning and then locate a new term from the
chapter that uses the combining form or suffix.
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
1. azot/o ______
2. bacteri/o ______
3. cyst/o ______
4. glomerul/o ______
5. glycos/o ______
6. keton/o ______
7. lith/o ______
8. meat/o ______
9. nephr/o ______
10. noct/I ______
11. olig/o ______
12. pyel/o ______
13. ren/o ______
14. ur/o ______
15. ureter/o ______
16. urethr/o ______
17. urin/o ______
18. vesic/o ______
19. -lith ______
20. -lithiasis ______
21. -ptosis ______
22. -tripsy ______
23. -uria ______
Worksheet 9B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term
presented below by listing and defining each of the word parts used to build each term.
Medical Term Word Part Analysis
1. necrosis ______
2. antibiotic ______
3. azotemia ______
4. cystocele ______
5. cystography ______
6. cystoscopy ______
7. urography ______
8. glomerular ______
9. glomerulonephritis ______
10. hydronephrosis ______
11. intravenous ______
12. meatotomy ______
13. nephrolithotomy ______
14. nephrology ______
15. nephrotic ______
(Continued )
16. neurogenic ______
17. peritubular ______
18. polycystic ______
19. pyelonephritis ______
20. carcinoma ______
21. retroperitoneal ______
22. uremia ______
23. urinalysis ______
24. urography ______
25. urology ______
26. cystourethrography ______
Worksheet 9C
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The organs of the urinary system are the ______, ______, ______, and
2. The functional unit of the kidneys is the ______.
3. The main function of the urinary system is to ______.
4. The outer region of the kidney is the ______and the inner region is the ______.
5. The renal corpuscle consists of the ______and ______.
6. The kidneys are responsible for ______or balance in the body.
7. The three stages of urine production are: ______, ______, and ______.
8. ______indicates the amount of dissolved substances in the urine.
9. Urine is normally ______colored and 95 percent ______.
10. Urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder in the ______and from the bladder to the
outside of the body in the ______.
Directions: Build a term that means:
1. excision of the bladder ______
2. bladder pain ______
3. surgical crushing of a stone ______
4. kidney softening ______
5. kidney tumor ______
6. kidney disease ______
7. ureter stone ______
8. narrowing of the urethra ______
9. condition of sugar in the urine ______
10. condition of pus in the urine ______
(Continued )
_____ 1. calculus
_____ 2. urgency
_____ 3. enuresis
_____ 4. micturition
_____ 5. hesitancy
_____ 6. hydronephrosis
_____ 7. nephroptosis
_____ 8. cystocele
_____ 9. renal failure
_____ 10. Wilm’s tumor
_____ 11. neurogenic bladder
_____ 12. hematuria
_____ 13. BUN
_____ 14. U/A
_____ 15. IVP
_____ 16. urine C&S
_____ 17. kidneys, ureter, bladder
_____ 18. cystoscopy
_____ 19. catheterization
_____ 20. hemodialysis
_____ 21. ESWL
_____ 22. renal transplant
_____ 23. clean catch specimen
_____ 24. antibiotic
_____ 25. diuretic
a. protrusion of bladder into vaginal wall
b. urinalysis
c. decrease in the force of the urine stream
d. a flat abdomen X-ray
e. commonly seen in children
f. medication to increase urine volume
g. involuntary discharge of urine
h. artificial filtering waste from blood
i. may be caused by spinal cord injury
j. treatment for kidney stones
k. X-ray of renal pelvis
l. stone
m. implantation of a donor kidney
n. accumulation of urine in renal pelvis
o. test that grows bacteria in a culture medium
p. collects uncontaminated urine for testing
q. feeling need to urinate immediately
r. blood in the urine
s. medication to treat bacterial infection
t. floating kidney
u. insertion of a flexible tube into the bladder
v. another term for urination
w. blood test for kidney function
x. visual exam of the bladder
y. inability of the kidneys to filter wastes
Worksheet 10A
New Combining Form and Suffix Handout
Directions: For each combining form below, write out its meaning and then locate a new term from the
chapter that uses the combining form or suffix.
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
1. amni/o ______
2. cervic/o ______
3. chori/o ______
4. colp/o ______
5. culd/o ______
6. embry/o ______
7. episi/o ______
8. fet/o ______
9. gynec/o ______
10. hymen/o ______
11. hyster/o ______
12. lact/o ______
13. mamm/o ______
14. mast/o ______
15. men/o ______
16. metr/o ______
17. nat/o ______
18. oophor/o ______
19. ov/o ______
20. ovari/o ______
21. perine/o ______
22. salping/o ______
23. uter/o ______
24. vagin/o ______
25. vulv/o ______
26. andr/o ______
27. balan/o ______
28. crypt/o ______
29. epididym/o ______
30. orch/o ______
31. orchi/o ______
(Continued )
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
32. orchid/o ______
33. prostat/o ______
34. spermat/o ______
35. testicul/o ______
36. varic/o ______
37. vas/o ______
38. vesicul/o ______
39. -arche ______
40. -cyesis ______
41. -gravida ______
42. -para ______
43. -partum ______
44. -salpinx ______
45. -tocia ______
46. -spermia ______
Worksheet 10B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term
presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.
Medical Term Word Part Analysis
1. menarche ______
2. gynecology ______
3. intrauterine ______
4. neonatology ______
5. carcinoma ______
6. endometrial ______
(Continued )
7. menometrorrhagia ______
8. cystocele ______
9. endometriosis ______
10. hemolytic ______
11. hysterosalpingography ______
12. mammography ______
13. culdoscopy ______
14. laparoscopy ______
15. amniocentesis ______
16. biopsy ______
17. episiotomy ______
18. hysterectomy ______
19. oophorectomy ______
20. spermatogenesis ______
21. cryptorchidism ______
22. varicocele ______
23. vasovasostomy ______
24. vasectomy ______
(Continued )
25. transurethral ______
Worksheet 10C
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The female external genitalia are collectively referred to as the ______.
2. The sex hormones secreted by the ovaries are ______and ______.
3. Another term for fertilization is ______.
4. The uterus is normally bent forward, which is called ______.
5. Milk is produced by the ______glands and is carried to the ______by the
6. The infant is delivered during the ______stage of labor and delivery.
7. Appearance of the baby’s buttocks first in the birth canal is called a ______presentation.
8. ______is the process of producing sperm.
9. ______is the release of semen into the female vagina.
10. The ______is covered by the ______or foreskin.
Word Building
Direction: Build a term that means:
1. instrument to view inside abdomen ______
2. ruptured uterus ______
3. pus in fallopian tube ______
4. before birth ______
5. false pregnancy ______
6. flow from uterus ______
7. surgical repair of glans penis ______
8. surgical fixation of testes ______
9. removal of prostate ______
10. condition of scanty sperm ______
(Continued )
_____ 1. atresia
_____ 2. condom
_____ 3. colostrum
_____ 4. infertility
_____ 5. menarche
_____ 6. cervical cancer
_____ 7. prolapsed
_____ 8. PID
_____ 9. eclampsia
_____ 10. HDN
_____ 11. abruptio placentae
_____ 12. stillbirth
_____ 13. Pap smear
_____ 14. miscarriage
_____ 15. amniocentesis
_____ 16. conization
_____ 17. tubal ligation
_____ 18. oxytocin
_____ 19. cryptorchidism
_____ 20. erectile dysfunction
_____ 21. phimosis
_____ 22. priapism
_____ 23. chancroid
_____ 24. PSA
_____ 25. vasovasostomy
a. may be caused by human papilloma virus
b. obtains a core of cervical tissue
c. convulsions and coma during pregnancy
d. narrowing of prepuce
e. inability to produce children
f. reverses a vasectomy
g. spontaneous abortion
h. first menstrual period
i. test for cervical cancer
j. venereal ulcer
k. first milk secreted from breast
l. improves uterine contractions
m. undescended testicle
n. placenta tears away from uterine wall
o. congenital lack of normal body opening
p. impotence
q. also called erythroblastosis fetalis
r. fallen uterus
s. persistent erection
t. test for genetic abnormalities
u. example of barrier contraception
v. blood test for prostate cancer
w. death of a viable-aged fetus
x. usually bacterial infection of pelvic cavity
y. sterilization procedure
Worksheet 11A
New Combining Form and Suffix Handout
Directions: For each combining form below, write out its meaning and then locate a new term from the
chapter that uses the combining form or suffix.
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
1. acr/o ______
2. adren/o ______
3. adrenal/o ______
4. andr/o ______
5. calc/o ______
6. crin/o ______
7. estr/o ______
8. glyc/o______
9. glycos/o ______
10. gonad/o ______
11. home/o ______
12. kal/i ______
13. natr/o ______
14. ophthalm/o ______
15. pancreat/o ______
16. parathyroid/o ______
17. pineal/o ______
18. pituitar/o ______
19. thym/o ______
20. thyr/o ______
21. thyroid/o ______
22. toxic/o ______
23. -crine ______
24. -dipsia ______
25. -prandial ______
26. -tropin ______
Worksheet 11B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term
presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.
Medical Term Word Part Analysis
1. endocrine ______
2. homeostasis ______
3. androgen ______
4. estrogen ______
5. adrenocorticotropin ______
6. gonadotropin ______
7. somatotropin ______
8. endocrinology ______
9. gynecomastia ______
10. retinopathy ______
11. neuropathy ______
12. acromegaly ______
13. panhypopituitarism ______
14. thyrotoxicosis ______
15. adenocarcinoma ______
(Continued )
16. postprandial ______
17. lobectomy ______
Worksheet 11C
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The endocrine system is a collection of ______that secrete ______directly into the
2. The adrenal glands are located directly above the ______and are divided into a
______and ______.
3. The female gonad is the ______, and the male gonad is the ______.
4. The ______is the only endocrine gland that is both an exocrine and endocrine gland.
5. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for regulating the level of ______in the bloodstream.
6. ______from the pineal gland is responsible for regulating circadian rhythm.
7. Prolactin stimulates ______production by the ______.
8. Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone are collectively referred to as ______.
9. Antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin are secreted by the ______.
10. Thyroid gland hormones are produced from the mineral ______.
Directions: Build a term that means:
1. adrenal gland disease ______
2. excessive calcium in the blood ______
3. low sugar in the blood ______
4. state of excessive parathyroid ______
5. inflammation of pancreas ______
6. thymus tumor ______
7. state of insufficient thyroid ______
8. sugar in the urine ______
9. many (excessive) thirst ______
10. enlarged thyroid ______
(Continued )
_____ 1. edema
_____ 2. exophthalmos
_____ 3. gynecomastia
_____ 4. hirsutism
_____ 5. syndrome
_____ 6. virilism
_____ 7. pheochromocytoma
_____ 8. acidosis
_____ 9. diabetes mellitus
_____ 10. IDDM
_____ 11. insulinoma
_____ 12. tetany
_____ 13. acromegaly
_____ 14. dwarfism
_____ 15. goiter
_____ 16. Hashimoto’s disease
_____ 17. thyrotoxicosis
_____ 18. FBS
_____ 19. radioimmunoassay
_____ 20. thyroid echogram
_____ 21. thyroid scan
_____ 22. vasopressin
_____ 23. hyperkalemia
_____ 24. GH
_____ 25. exocrine
a. tumor of adrenal medulla
b. secrete into a duct
c. type 1 diabetes mellitus
d. a pituitary gland hormone
e. breast development in a male
f. enlarged thyroid gland
g. tumor of islets of Langerhans
h. test using radioactive iodine
i. tissues contain excessive amount of fluid
j. short stature
k. lab test for sugar level of blood
l. development of male sex characteristics
m. bulging eyeballs
n. marked overproduction of thyroid hormones
o. enlargement of bones of extremities
p. measures levels of hormones in the blood
q. excessive amount of hair
r. ultrasound examination
s. nerve irritability
t. treats diabetes insipidus
u. group of symptoms occurring together
v. autoimmune form of thyroiditis
w. symptoms are hyperglycemia and glycosuria
x. too much potassium in the blood
y. excess acid in the body tissues
Worksheet 12A
New Combining Form and Suffix Handout
Directions: For each combining form below, write out its meaning and then locate a new term from the
chapter that uses the combining form or suffix.
Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning
1. cephal/o ______
2. cerebell/o ______
3. cerebr/o ______
4. encephal/o ______
5. gli/o ______
6. medull/o ______
7. mening/o ______
8. meningi/o ______
9. myel/o ______
10. neur/o ______
11. phas/o ______
12. poli/o ______
13. pont/o ______
14. radicul/o ______
15. thalam/o ______
16. thec/o ______
17. ventricul/o ______
18. -algesia ______
19. –esthesia ______
20. -paresis ______
21. -phasia ______
22. –plegia ______
23. -taxia ______
Worksheet 12B
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term
presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.
Medical Term Word Part Analysis
1. cranial ______
2. neuroglial ______
3. somatic ______
4. anesthesiology ______
5. hemiparesis ______
6. hemiplegia ______
7. neurology ______
8. amyotrophic ______
9. meningocele ______
10. myelomeningocele ______
11. poliomyelitis ______
12. myasthenia ______
13. angiography ______
14. electroencephalography ______
15. analgesic ______
Worksheet 12C
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The central nervous system consists of the ______and ______.
2. ______are highly branched structures found on neurons that received impulses.
3. ______is a fatty substance that acts as insulation for many axons.
4. List the meninges in order from outer layer to inner layer: ______.
5. The ______lobe of the cerebrum controls vision.
6. The elevated portions of the cerebral convolutions are called ______and they are separated
by fissures called ______.
7. The midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata make up the ______.
8. Pain perception is controlled by the ______.
9. The point at which a nerve is attached to the central nervous system is called the ______.
10. The ______branch of the ANS is the “fight-or-flight” branch and the ______
branch of the ANS is the “rest-and-digest” branch.
Directions: Build a term that means:
1. brain inflammation ______
2. head pain ______
3. pertaining to the cerebrum and spine ______
4. meninges tumor ______
5. surgical repair of nerve ______
6. absence of pain ______
7. difficult speech ______
8. paralysis of four ______
9. lack of muscle coordination ______
10. removal of a nerve ______
(Continued )
_____ 1. absence seizure
_____ 2. aura
_____ 3. coma
_____ 4. delirium
_____ 5. focal seizure
_____ 6. dementia
_____ 7. paresthesia
_____ 8. syncope
_____ 9. tremor
_____ 10. unconscious
_____ 11. astrocytoma
_____ 12. cerebral aneurysm
_____ 13. cerebral contusion
_____ 14. CVA
_____ 15. Reye syndrome
_____ 16. epilepsy
_____ 17. ALS
_____ 18. spina bifida
_____ 19. MS
_____ 20. myasthenia gravis
_____ 21. brain scan
_____ 22. lumbar puncture
_____ 23. laminectomy