The Weave Women and Children’s Centre (Weave) and the Carer and Parent Support Service (CAPS) invite you to Wrapped in Angels, a journey of (re)discovering the meaning and connections that you draw upon in your life to nourish qualities such aslove, comfortand inspiration.
The outcome will be a unique blanket to bring closer strengths, protection, connections and relationships that are meaningful to you. This creative process will also engage with the spiritual contexts of your life and can serve on a journey towards self care, recovery and healing.
This workshop is for women and will be offeredover five sessions. Simple handicraft techniques are used and expert sewing skills are not needed. All materials and equipment will be provided.
Before the workshop consider thinking about who or what sustains and nourishes you. You are encouraged to write or drawyour ideasas this will be an invaluable source of inspiration for your blanket:
PEOPLE who are significant to you, present and past - family, friends, colleagues, people who you have never met but whose life has inspired you.
PLACES of significance to you, present and past - in nature, a building, a historical structure or a sacred place.
NATURAL ELEMENTS of significance to you - inspired bywater, fire, earth, air, ether.
ANIMALS & BIRDSof significance to you, present and past - you may have lived with them in close contact, they may bein the wild of nature, belong in mythology, have symbolic significance for you.
HOBBIES & PASTIMES that are important to you - something you enjoy doing, indulge in for pleasure.
SACRED & SYMBOLIC that are important to you - these may be born in the spiritual, the cultural, the esoteric, the ceremonial, the symbolic, the dreaming.
MEANINGFULconcepts, values and inspirations - consider all that supports, strengthens, sustains, inspires, exalts your being,and nurtures, loves and is loved by you.
Also give thought to who you would like the blanket to be for – yourself, a loved one, someone you care for, for sharing within a family or community, a gift to strengthen bonds that may be broken or damaged. Whoever you create the blanket for and however you go about creating it is entirely your choice.
If you would like to make use of any of the followingplease bring them with you,but this is not required:
Fabric offcuts of various sizes, colours and patterns that have personal significance
Pieces of clothing from significant people or your own wardrobe that may be cut up and sewn on to blanket
Sewing resources, e.g. cotton, wool, needles, fabric scissors
Decorative items, e.g. ribbons, charms, beads, buttons
Date: Fiveconsecutive Wednesday mornings, from 12 March to 9 April 2014
Time: 10am-12.45pm
Morning tea will be provided
Venue: Weave Women and Children’s Centre, 133 Morehead Street, Waterloo
Fee: Free
Registration and Enquiries: Register by providing your name, address, phone number and dietary restrictions to either:
Yuliafrom CAPS on 9716 7032 or 0434 191 772(only in January)
Merlefrom Weave on 9699-9036(Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays)
Wrapped in Angels is the inspiration of Mary Jo McVeigh who isthefounding principal and CEO of Cara House, Centre for Resilience and Recovery in Sydney. For Mary Jo angelic experiences are not restricted by traditional religious images or iconic imagery, but rather are about enjoying yourself and having a sense of belonging. Wrapped in Angelshas been crafted as a journey for anyone who wants to travel the path of love, hope, joy and great beauty.