CTE Committee Meeting


Friday, December 9, 2016

Peralta District Board Room

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Present: VC Luis Pedraja, Academic Affairs; Jennifer Briffa (Merritt); Rosemary Delia (CTE Dean, Merritt); Louis Quindlen (Laney); Tracy Coleman (COA); Eva Denise Jennings (CTE Dean, COA); Karen Engel (District); Mary Clarke-Miller (BCC); Gisele Giorgi (Merritt): Barbara Des Rochers (BCC); Betty Jelks (COA); Peter Crabtree (Laney)

Guests: Guy Forkner, Merritt; Latoya Reed (Alameda County WDB); Lazandra Dahl (Oakland WDB); Stephen Baiter (Oakland WDB); Joe Doyle (BCC); Rachel Mercy (BCC); Carmen Fairley (District); Sui Song (WDCE); Peter Brown (Laney); Robbie Kunkel (Merritt); Raya Zion (Laney)

Time / Agenda Items / Discussion Leader(s)
2:00 – 2:05 p.m. / Welcome and Introductions
  • Review agenda and meeting outcomes
  • Make a decision about 40% allocations of SWF
  • Discuss ideas for regional projects with Oakland and Alameda County Workforce Board and America’s Job Center staff as well as our own Adult Education Block Grant (AEBG) ConsortiumExec. Director
  • Approve minutes from previous meeting
Sui Song corrected the minutes that WDCE has originally proposed only $325K to go to WDCE (not $500K); $120K had been allocated for evaluation/assessment
Louis moved; Tracy seconded – unanimous approval / Co-Chairs:
Mary Clarke-Miller
Karen Engel
2:05 – 2:45 p.m. / Strong Workforce Program Funds (SWF)
  • Status of allocation decisions – VC Pedraja
Re-capped Chancellor’s decision to use the BAM model to allocate the 60% local share funds; 40% should be used for “not business as usual” – there should be criteria re how we determined the best use of these regional funds.
  • Discussion and decision about 40% regional funds allocations – All
VC Pederaja presented four scenarios for allocating the 40% (BAM; CTE Enrollment; Perkins; Compromise between BAM and CTE Enrollment).
Discussion: supplanting; leveraging with equity funds; VC Pedraja suggested that the colleges consider use of funds on developing guided pathways; We reviewed the memo re what defines a regional project; Barbara suggested an even split; Gisele – value equity in this decision; and timelines (deadlines for spending, some of us might be more ready than others) – definitely for the next round – allow for much more innovation. Barbara suggests splitting it four ways…and set a deadline, and if the college hasn’t spent it productively, then it goes back into the pot. Gisele, Merritt has 20 programs – a lot of them are very active and thinks Merritt can spend the regional funding quickly and effectively.
VC Pederaja recommended using Perkins, because it has an equity component. And we could take some off the top to allocate to innovative ideas or for pathways.
Gisele thinks the pooled and shared funds but is more appropriate for next time – we have little time now. Supports the Perkins allocation.
Eva: we should be using Equity funds to leverage with these, not nec allocate these funds based on equity
Jennifer clarified we have until December 2018 to spend these funds.
Mary moved to use the Perkins allocation model; Louis seconded
Eva – can we wait until we hear from the Workforce Boards?
Gisele agrees but we really need to get started.
Barbara – would like deadlines put in place…would like Merritt to show you’re spending it….Gisele, agree with the deadline
Jennifer, Rosemary, Mary, Peter, Gisele Louis, Karen
Eva, Tracy voted no (but later discussed that they did get the benefit of the 60% allocation use of the BAM model)
Barbara abstained
Peter Brown – let’s hang together, we don’t want to sacrifice one college
Barbara – I abstained because I’m focused on strategic investments and it’s just not clear to me. I’d like to think more about it.
Louis made a motion:
65% of all funds should be spent or clearly allocated by 12/31 by 2017
Gisele seconded
Peter: we’re developing 24 month budgets; if we’re funding a position in 2018 we should make sure we can cover those positions
Barbara: agree with Peter – 24 month budgets…
Motion tabled until the January 18 FLEX DAY meeting
  • Timetable for plan development and approval – VC Pedraja
  • Status of 60% plan development – college reps
  • SW Director position – interim hire
VC Pedraja asked for volunteers to help him ID an interim Strong Workforce Director (Louis, Mary, Peter volunteered).
At the next meeting we will discuss allocating a set-aside fund for guided pathways – at the FLEX DAY meeting
  • Log on to the regional portal to see what’s involved in entering a regional project
  • See attached notes re use of regional SW funds
/ VC Pedraja
2:45 – 3:30 p.m. / SWF alignment with WIOA and AEBG
  • Discuss ideas for regional projects and plan alignment with our WIOA and AEBG partners
  • Review existing work/partnerships: Sector Access Point grant; ETPL list; cohorts
  • What SW investments can facilitate our leveraging these partners and resources?
OWDB: Key investments in priority sectors (ICT; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Construction/Building)
Braid and leverage Sector Access Point investment
Lazandra: OWDB funded Merritt to be a Sector Access Point re Healthcare but open to enrolling students in other sectors. Helps fund a career center where the staff really understands career pathways; at AJCC’s there are general services; at the colleges we’re hoping for sector-specific expertise available at the college.
Merritt has hired a Sector Access Specialist who is actively enrolling students in WIOA
Merritt has hired an Employment Services Manager
Latoya: ACWDB funds college-based One Stops (COA); They’re interested that we maximize our partnerships; cultivating relationships with community colleges and adult schools. Don’t forget about apprenticeships and industry-recognized credentials – those are outcomes we’re supposed to be all looking at. We serve individuals with barriers (limited English, low income) – we’d like to work more with our local Adult Schools and looking at bridge programs. Have in-service training with individials with disabilities.
Shemila Johnson – AEBG consortium (adult schools and colleges) are building noncredit bridge programs and are very aware that they need to align with WIOA outcomes/metrics. The Adult Schools receive title 2 WIOA funds
Jennifer Briffa – still confused about the noncredit opportunity. We need to support departments/programs/faculty who want to develop these courses and programs and to get results. We need to understand course development, faculty load, enrollment, faculty need supports. There are many obstacles. This could be an investment of regional dollars.
Louis Quindlen – SW is to address the gap – 1 million shortfall in certificates to fill middle-skill jobs. Can we develop a fast-track system through our bureaucracy for some of these projects? We have a sense of urgency
Mary: speaking from curriculum committee perspective, noncredit still follows the same cycle – college, CIPS
Louis: talking about more expedited hiring etc.
Pedraja: start working on cadre of instructors, especially in critical areas…people in the system even if not hired….dual enrollment, noncredit, and meeting the needs of impacted departments
Stephen: Look at expediency. The state workforce board adopted the same 1 million credentials in the next 10 years. Programs need to be attached to credit where possible. If you’re looking at noncredit…..still look at industry recognized credential….eg Microsoft Application certified, etc. Then the value proposition for the job seeker is greater.
Eva – we could spend SW funds on locally expediting our curriculum approval process….
Mary: usually the faculty don’t always have the time.
KE encouraged everyone to be familiar with who at each college is working on noncredit development (Associate Deans)
Stephen – OWDB should be funneling people into our programs and them helping them get employment afterwards.
Lazandra – place based services…what might that look like? Can they connect with raya – yes!
Louis – on the first day of class, I’d like all CTE instructors would be able to tap all students to connect them with
Robbie – Merritt’s Sector Access Specialist can come to Laney to help enroll people…. / Dr. Stephen Baiter, Executive Director, Oakland Workforce Development Board
Shemila Johnson, Executive Director, NACAE (AEBG)
3:30 – 3:55 p.m. / WDCE
  • Update from December 2-3 Retreat and next steps
Sui Song spoke about the retreat: faculty, staff; admin and student representation
What came out of it: the following statement:
Collective group statement (38 total attendees representing all areas of Peralta) for OUTCOMES
“PCCD needs a clear definition of noncredit that addresses our primary constituencies (students, faculty, administration and community); that acknowledges implications for policy, process, procedures, people, performance, and practices that ensure trust within the district and outside organizations. PCCD must also identify new outreach, new enrollment procedures and curriculum approval processes for noncredit that will enable our capacity to identify each student's level of learning and place them in appropriate classes.
Of paramount importance is that noncredit addresses the acute problems of communication, duplication of processes, professional development required for noncredit faculty and addresses the needs of our immediate communities that include refugees, immigrants, formerly incarcerated, single parents, victims of human trafficking, underemployed, and unemployed.
If PCCD meets the following outcomes, we believe that noncredit will provide a hospitable and welcoming learning environment for students and an enriched working environment for faculty, administration and other constituencies.
These outcomes include attention to:
Applied skills,
Eliminating fear;
Meeting community needs; and
Creating a vision of social justice that is diverse and inclusive that will make PCCD a premiere institution of higher education”
Dr. King will be providing a formal report next week
Louis: Offer a resolution – get text from Louis
Peter Brown, PFT, asked if the group could help him start a PFT CTE committee to help advise on working conditions for faculty…needs a few from each campus. To hear concerns. He’ll attend this committee as often as he can. PFT would like to resolve things at the lowest possible level.
Barbara – you could attend our CTE meetings….
Louis – answer the new Chancellor’s survey! / Dr. Melvinia King
3:55 p.m. / Next Steps / Co-Chairs
4:00 p.m. / Closure

Jennifer, Rosemary, Mary, Peter, Gisele Louis, Karen

Eva, Tracy voted no

Barbara abstained

Berkeley City College College of Alameda Laney College Merritt College