Village of Metamora

Regular Council Meeting


February 18, 2013

7: 00 p.m.

1)  Call to Order: at 7:00 P.M.

2)  Roll Call: Tina Sauve X, Christa Domeier X, John Clark X, Tim Denney X, Larry Morris A, Ron Richmond X, John Griswold X, Robert Boice X ,Marci Kinkade X, Liz Spearing X

3)  Pledge of Allegiance

4)  Approval of Agenda 8-13 Boice moved, Griswold 2nd, to approve the agenda, motion carried.

5)  Police Report-Chief Mallett went over Januarys report.

6)  Approval of Consent Agenda 9-13 Richmond moved, Boice 2nd, to approve the consent agenda, motion carried.

a) Approval of January 21st Regular Meeting Minutes

b) Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report

c) Approval of Bills to Be Paid

d) Water & Sewer Report

7) Planning Commission-Nothing

8) DDA

a) Financing Plan & Development Plan Resolution-10-13 Boice moved, Griswold 2nd, to table until next month, motion carried.

9) Council Communications-Nothing

10) Public Time-Mike Hoban spoke about the White Horse Inn and the possibilities to help save it. Hoban stated that he still has trucks going up and down N. Oak. Chief Mallet stated that there has been a ticket issued.

Wes Wickham from the Chamber invited the board to a multi chamber mixer on Thursday.

11)  Attorneys Report-Denney stated that we have a proposal to resolve the medical marihuana case, which will be discussed in closed session.

12)  Unfinished Business

a) Medical Marihuana Case 11-13 Spearing moved, Boice 2nd, to close out of regular session and go into closed session to consult with the Village Attorney regarding Settlement strategy in connection with specific pending litigation because it would have a detrimental financial effect on the litigating or settlement position of the Village not to go in to closed session to discuss this. Roll call vote was taken: Clark, aye; Richmond, aye; Griswold, aye; Boice, aye; Kinkade, aye; and Spearing, aye. Motion carried.

Closed Session-Went into closed session at 7:18 p.m.

Came out of closed session at 7:25p.m.

13)  Unfinished Business

a) Medical Marihuana Case-Denney went over the proposed consent judgment touching on some of the details. 12-13 Boice moved, Spearing 2nd, to authorize the approval of the consent judgment and to allow the President and Clerk to sign it. Roll call vote was taken: Clark, aye; Richmond, aye; Griswold, aye; Boice, aye; Kinkade, aye; and Spearing, aye. Motion carried.

14) New Business

a) New Election Law & Resolution-Denney explained that the Election Law has changed, the Village will no longer run its elections in September of odd years, and the Township will now run the elections in November of even years. The resolution is to change the current terms of office, as recommended by the S. O. S. 13-13 Spearing moved, Boice 2nd, to approve the resolution, motion carried.

b) Amended Budget Resolution-Sauve went over the amendments. 14-13 Richmond moved, Griswold 2nd, to approve the amended budget resolution, motion carried.

15) Public Time-Nothing

16) Adjournment- 15-13 Boice moved, Spearing 2nd, to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.