BVC Committee Meeting Tuesday 21 June 2016

Attendees - Simon Johnson, Mike Lindop, Richard England, James Lumb, Sarah Dean, Ian Carter

Apologies - Val Miller, Andy Rose

Santander Banking Authorities – BVC Membership should know that following Jon Medd’sresignation from Committee, the Club hasauthorised the following as Signatories to BVC online and regular banking; potentially the Club will be issued with a debit card which will streamline Club purchases which currently require a Committee Member to buy privately then request a transfer refund.

  • Ian Carter as Treasurer and Book-Keeper
  • Richard England as Vice- Chairman

Entertainment Schedule

Sat 21 May - Taking care of business

Sat 28th May – Alison Lane

Fri 10thJun - Battle of the Singers & Acoustic

Sat 11th Jun – Quiz Night from 8.00pm

Ian Carter = Quizmaster

Losers get prizes

Teams of 4, £2 per person

Play Your Cards Right

Find the Safe Key / Combination

Sat 25th Jun - Battle of the bands

Sat 2nd Jul - Dubious brother solo

Sat 16 Jul - Buckfest

Sat 30 July – Tripwire

18th Aug – Taking care of Business

27th Aug – Quo by 'Spare Parts'

24th Sept – Start the Car

29th Oct – Man Alive

12th Nov – Sophia Soul

Sat 26th Nov – Two Tones (£540)

31st Dec – Treble Damage

NYEve Tickets to be ordered (£18) will be ordered and SD to create a Facebook event

Karaoke – not too well supported so maybe reduce frequency? TBD

Race Night – non planned TBD

Forthcoming Boxing Events – Sky Box Nation is £100 pm with a 3 month commitment - TBD


299 active Members £1,565 income from Memberships to date 2016; 145 known Members from 2015 have not re-joined.


Bar Report



Pool Teams (A and B) will be in place for Winter 2016 / 17 starting in September – well done Sarah

IC to call e-Bookers

Deep clean Committee Day needed – after Buckfest?

Shelving needed behind bar at Family Room end of Bar

Branding outside needs upgrading

Add Student Discounts to next years Membership = Concession (£7)

SD leave w/c 25 June

Update on josh Melanie situation

Baz out injured for 8 weeks

Staff update

Chairman’s Report

Resignation: Sorry to report NicolaPearce has resigned from the Committee citing work commitments; there are several vacancies on the Committee so encourage new joiners, especially Memberships and Secretary.

Fire exit from Family Room – BJ Waller have quoted c £600 worth of door furniture to repair and spec the door as per our request. Paul Garbouldcan do the work but needs to schedule a time; Paul will speak with Luke Piper to schedule a time so BVC can order the parts in good time.

Buckfest Update:

  • ICtransferred the £600 loan back to BVC this week; Rick said there was c£7k in account
  • All tickets other than a couple to raffle for Charity have been sold
  • As there was no per person limit on purchase, there could be some buying and selling as we near 16 July so let’s look out for this and report back - Agreed
  • He is aware Family Room loos will not be repaired – he has 10 portaloos + 3 in Pavilion plus BVC toilets - Agreed
  • An internet company may have to install a satellite booster for the day to ensure free WiFi across the event - Agreed
  • Oast House Pitch: they plan to apply for a TEN license and buy a pitch from Buckfest for I think £150. They plan to sell Pimms and their range of cocktails ( I think around 8 mixes) – they will not directly compete with Club - Agreed, action: Oast House to supply menu
  • BF would like to ‘leave’ a sum of money in the account as a pre-cursor for 2017 event; I would be ok with a £1,000 – even if the 2017 event is NOT held at BVC: Agreed
  • Could BVC once again sponsor drinks for the Green Room (Millard Room I think) as we did last year. Typically cans of soft drinks, john Smith, Fosters etc. BF would in turn take care of the food for the Green Room :- OK approx. cost £50 to £100 Agreed
  • Could BVC match the donation to Charity that BF commit to? (BF has £2,000 in mind I think) I re-stated until we know amount of residual income we couldn’t commit to a number but we hoped to have at least the 2015 amount of £1,000 - Agreed
  • BF would like to make sure that at least some of the income earned for BVC gets pigeon holed for a certain usage – typically if BF monies could be used for Family Room flooring (circa £2k) then this would please them BF efforts have been reflected appropriately to benefit the Club; I am in agreement to this - Agreed
  • Tokens – BF are keen to run the Bars by tokens, but it’s BVC’s call; here are some early thoughts but we will need to discuss this at Committee
  • Tokens (as a currency) will have a watermark making fraudulent reproduction extremely hard
  • Charity Bucket for unused tokens
  • I suppose we will need approx. (1,700 people spend on average £12 per head = £20,400 of token currency)
  • Rick suggested £10 worth of tokens may be the size of a £10 note in units of 50p – Staff would ‘scrub out’ the value of used tokens at each purchase, then ring the items sold into the till - will this be quicker than using a card or cash?
  • Unused tokens will NOT be redeemable for cash
  • Unused tokens will be sold over the Bar from, say 1 July (income separately recoded to correlate with 16 July sales)
  • Unused tokens may be redeemed for drinks until 31st July
  • However, if fraudulent tokens ARE accepted, we will be unable to trace amount until maybe final reconciliation (Z reading variance to income) but whenever it’s too late
  • All sales need to be itemized and input into till
  • Pricing needs to reflect token values
  • Pricing variance is therefore restricted ( ie multiples of 50p)
  • Think we should gear prices to Tier 3 notwithstanding units available
  • How will we sell tokens on the day? Bar, on the Field, at point of entry – what form of payment do we accept (cash or card)
  • Who will sell the tokens (apart from Bar) ? Will ‘token vendors’ need security; tokens sold at entry, and positions on the field
  • Presume we need a cash or card fall back if things go pear shaped

IC to investigate what plastic tokens are on the market (considered favourable over sheets) or paper ‘admit 1’ cinema style

Pricing TBD – eg: £3.50 or £3.75 Beer / Double Spirit & Mixture / Large Wine

£1.75 Halves / Small Wine

£1 Snacks, Soft Drinks

Chiller Van could be hired c £180

Further meet as required (IC to advise)

Heineken Technician will be on site all day in case of emergencies


Heineken potential cashback deal to be considered TBD

Jive Nites and Rugcutters update on 17th May–

£10 per hour up to £60 or £75

Corkage at £4.50 applies

If Sara allows beverages why does she need

Bouncy Castle – if BVC hire a bouncy castle, according to special regulations within BVC (AON) Insurance a responsible adult must supervise at all times, no children over 12 – see Ops Manual for clarification.

Rapid racking – SJ will purchase a 6 x 6 x 2 foot 4 shelf racking unit (£120 incl delivery, excluding vat) toimprove efficiency in storage room. Agreed / Done

Family Room Toilets are oderous and need correcting before BF – SJ to ask Matt Squires to cap and remove all 3 pans quote for removing existing macerator and macerator piping. Agreed / Done

Consider using pool room