Present: Councillor Johnson Chairman Councillor Blacklock Vice Chairman Councillor Henderson Councillor Storey Councillor Lee Councillor West Councillor Reynolds Councillor Willingham Councillor Rowntree Councillor Wright

Mrs B L Gash (Clerk to the Council) Lincolnshire County Council: Councillor Johnson East Lindsey District Council: Councillor Blacklock

One member of the public


13/83. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND REASONS GIVEN. District Councillor - Councillor Aldridge and Councillor Greetham

13/84. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary or beneficial interests. Neighbourhood Plan for the Steering Group.

12/85. CO-OPT COUNCIL VACANCY – EVELYN WEST The Declaration of Acceptance of Office of councillor were signed and witnessed by the Clerk to the Council and passed a copy of the Register of Members’ interest form to be returned to ELDC within 28 days.

13/86. NOTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 18TH MARCH 2013 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. Notes of the last meeting of the Parish Council had been circulated to members. It was resolved to sign the minutes as a true record of the meeting. This was proposed with amendments completed by Councillor Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree. All in favour with 1 Abstention.

13/87 TO ADJOURN THE MEETING FOR THE PUBLIC FORUM (Maximum 30 minutes) The Public Forum opened at 7.05 pm and closed at 7.30 pm. Details in Addendum 4/2013.

13/88. TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE. The monthly report is at Addendum 4/2013.



PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Erection of 7no. industrial units to use under Class B1: Business and Class B8: Storage and Distribution of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order Act 1987 as amended. LOCATION: PHASE 3 PEACEFIELD BUSINESS PARK, LOUTH ROAD, HOLTON-LE-CLAY, LINCOLNSHIRE DECISION BY HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL: SUPPORT.

The erection of further business units is in line with the Parish Councils’ philosophy of encouraging small businesses into the area. The development is in an established business park and will not have detrimental effect on the village.

WITH AN AMENDMENT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. 1) Initial plans submitted without the embankment. Application invalidated and accurate plans requested. Amended plans now received showing embankment. 2) Proposed roof plan revised.

PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER: N/085/00437/13 APPLICANT: Mr G Fulcher PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Single storey extension to existing dwelling to provide a dressing room, guest room, master bedroom with ensuite, draught lobby and rain lobby on the site of existing sheds which are to be removed. LOCATION: HOLTON GRANGE COURT, STATION ROAD, HOLTON-LE-CLAY, GRIMSBY DN36 5HR DECISION BY HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL: SUPPORT.

The extension will have no impact on any neighbours and will enhance the existing dwelling.


The Parish Council objects to any wind farms that will impact on the outlook from Holton-le-Clay.

PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER: N/085/00534/13 APPLICANT: Mr S Smith PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a ground floor lounge and en-larged kitchen and to include the raising of the roof height to provide a first floor bedroom and bathroom on the site of an existing porch which is to be removed and erection of a detached garage on the site of an existing garage which is to be removed. LOCATION: 15 Holton Court, Holton-le-Clay, GRIMSBY, DN36 5EE DECISION BY HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL: SUPPORT The members agreed to this application as the two properties either side of the property have already raised the roof and would be in keeping with the area in the close.

b. Planning Permissions and Refusals (for noting).

PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER: N/085/00134/13 APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs J Wharton PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Rear extension to existing bungalow to provide an enlarged kitchen/dining and living room. LOCATION: 64 TETNEY LANE, HOLTON-LE-CLAY, GRIMSBY, DN36 5AT DECISION BY EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL: FULL PLANNING PERMISSION

c. Planning Correspondence. None.

13/90. LINCOLNSHIRE BEST KEPT VILLAGES AND SMALL TOWNS COMPETITION 2013. The members discussed whether to enter the competition this year. As there is a nominated Champion namely the Maintenance Operative (who could set up his own committee) members have agreed to enter the competition. Proposed by Councillor Reynolds and Seconded by Councillor Willingham. All in favour.

RESOLVED the Clerk completes the application form to CPRE with cheque amount of £15.00.

13/91. TO APPROVE THE OUTSOURCE PAYROLL SERVICES WITH DUNCAN & TOPLIS IN LOUTH AT A COST OF £100 PER ANNUM PLUS VAT AS AGREED IN AGENDA ITEM 13/71d. The members agreed that if the outsourcing of payroll would save the Clerks time on an already busy workload then it would be beneficial for the Parish Council. The Clerk explained that there would be time savings in producing payslips and using the monthly software package. The payment would be quarterly in arrears. Proposed by Councillor Reynolds and Seconded by Councillor Blacklock. All in favour.

13/92. TO SUPPLY AND FIT A POD STYLE CRADLE SEAT AT A COST £173.00 PLUS VAT TO MATCH OTHER NEW CRADLE SEAT - REPLACE VANDALISED EXISTING CRADLE SEAT. The Clerk explained that the existing cradle seat had been vandalised at the front and had to be taken off site for safety reasons. A suggestion to use the same company that supplied a new seat recently as it would match the style and colour. Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Willingham. All in favour.

RESOLVED the Clerk contacts Ed Morton and purchase a POD style cradle seat at the cost of £173.00 + VAT.

13/93. QUOTE FOR NEW TELEPHONE WITH MESSAGING FACILITIES FOR CLERKS OFFICE. Members agreed for the Clerk to purchase an answering machine with 2 mobile phones at a cost of no more than £50.00. Proposed by Councillor Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor Wright. All in favour.

RESOLVED the Clerk purchases an answer phone for the main office up to a value of £50.00.

13/94. PROPOSE WRITE TO THE FOOTBALL REPRESENTATIVE TO REQUEST WHAT MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED FOR THE TWO FOOTBALL PITCHES AT 8 ACRES PLAYING FIELD FOR REMAINDER OF SEASON AND 2013/14. This is an Agenda item as it has been noted that turf of around 5 feet by 3 feet had been taken from the 8 Acres Playing Field behind a match goal near the old tennis courts, to put at the goal mouth as there was a hole and no grass. A reminder the Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of the field. There are 2 adult teams playing on the two pitches. Members agreed for the Clerk to write to the organiser and to request a report at the end of the season of what maintenance is required for the council to consider. All agreed that there should not be any ad hoc changes to the pitches or field without consultation of the Council.

RESOLVED the Clerk write a letter to the organiser to request details of future maintenance.

13/95. TO APPROVE THE RENEWAL FOR NORTON INTERNET SECURITY AT A COST OF £44.99 AND REIMBURSE THE CLERK. The monies had been taken from the Clerks account before she was able to look into other anti virus. It was suggested the Clerk contacts Norton and say not happy with the cost and try and negotiate a cheaper price, even if the term is to be extended from 12 months to 18 months. Proposed by Councillor Wright and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree. All in favour.

RESOLVED the Clerk contact Norton and try and negotiate a cheaper price for the anti virus.

13/96. RETROSPECT £50.00 TO DISPOSE OF THE FOILAGE AND IVY CLEARED FROM TREES ON PINFOLD LANE. The Clerk said she had noticed and was concerned with the foliage left by the Maintenance Operative at the junction of Pinfold Lane/Church Lane and in the Council Offices Compound as it had been around for more than a month. The Clerk had contacted the District Council to arrange for it to be removed but they were unable to give support, therefore requested a quote from Chris Wright which was £50.00 and authorised the work. Members agreed to the quote but for any similar situations to see if there is any volunteer support, with use of a trailer and the Maintenance Operative to assist. Proposed by Councillor Johnson and Seconded by Councillor Willingham. All in favour.

13/97. PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR REYNOLDS, AS HLC (MERC) REPRESENTATIVE, TO PARK A FLATBED TRAILER APPROX 20’ X 10’ FROM AN OLD CARAVAN AT THE REAR OF THE PARISH OFFICES, TO TRANSPORT SUMMER FAIR EQUIPMENT AND OTHER ITEMS AS NEEDED. The member of the public explained that every year the HLC (MERC) has to borrow a trailer for village functions. There is a chance to be given a caravan which can be stripped back and made into a flat bed trailer for use by HLC (MERC) and the Parish Council. It is requested that the caravan is located on the grass area at the back of the Village Hall so that it can be worked on and be stored there permanently. Proposed by Councillor Johnson and Seconded by Councillor Blacklock. All in favour.

13/98. CLERKS REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING. Details at Addendum 4/2013.


a. To consider accounts for payment. Accounts and approval are at the Addendum to these minutes. b. To receive a report from the RFO on the PC finances, Income and Expenditure. c. E-On letter advising gas prices are increasing – March 2013. d. RBS Year End Close Down confirmed as Friday 19th April 2013. e. Internal Audit confirmed as Friday 24th May 2013.

13/100.HIGHWAY/STREET LIGHTS/WASTE. 1) LCC Cyclic Maintenance programme and Future Highways Works April/June 2013. 2) Sought advice for a resident to the East Lindsey District Council to erect a small wall and the Lincolnshire County Council request to purchase strip of land next to 1 Holton Mount. No further information.


13/102. CLERKS CORRESPONDENCE. Details at Addendum 4/2013.

13/103. TO RECEIVE REPORTS ON OUTSIDE MEETINGS Councillor Reynolds and Councillor Aldridge were in attendance of the Childrens’ Centre partnership meeting on Monday 25th March 2013. It was an interesting and informative meeting.


a. Eight Acres Playing Field. b. Junior Playing Field. As the Paths4funding allocation of £4,980 is not being used it could be put towards match funding other projects. Would look to apply for funding through ‘Awards for All’ to improve the Junior Playing Fields. c. Cemetery/Burial Matters and Parish Gardens. d. Emergency Planning and Planning and Development. Councillor Willingham gave an update. The details are to be transferred onto a new form and once this has been completed a meeting will be arranged to discuss and agree the new Emergency Plan. e. Personnel and Finance. f. Highways and Environment Wards – area of responsibility of highways, street lighting and roads – All members. g. Press/Media representative (including Holton News). Green waste collection consultation 2013/14 and County Elections.


a. To receive a report from the County Councillor. b. To receive a report from the two District Councillors.

Councillor Blacklock informed members that the Tenders for the work at the Village Hall had been sent out and enquired where the information should be held. Proposed by Councillor Johnson and Seconded by Councillor Henderson that the Tender information and file is retained with Councillor Blacklock and once it has been completed to transfer it to the Parish Council Office.

Councillor Blacklock had spoken to Mike Gallagher of ELDC who will get into contact with the Maintenance Operative with a view of meeting up to carry out pruning and to start at the Children’s Centre. The relevant training will be given for the new strimmer.

The Clerk said that the organisation ‘In Training’ still keeps in contact with Mr Notley and has said that they may be able to offer some financial support to attend Health and safety training. Further details are to be brought back to the next meeting.

The application for the ELDC Rural Development grant of £50,000 has been completed to secure finding for the Phase 2 renovation of the Village Hall.

The discussion on the Neighbourhood Plan is at the Addendum.

c. To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies: a). Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group. b). Joint Management Committee. c). HLC (MERC). Councillor Reynolds said there was a meeting with WREN recently at the Council Offices. The Application needs to be completed by 1st May 2013 and will know the outcome in early August. The Open Day will be favourable as part of the application. d). North Rural Neighbourhood Police Panel. Tuesday 9 April at Holton-le-Clay. Councillor Aldridge and Councillor Blacklock were in attendance. e). Northern Area Committee. f). Children and Young People’s Charter – Councillor Reynolds. g). ELDC Parish Carers Champion – Clerk to the Council. h). Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer. Councillor Reynolds and Councillor Greetham.