Wedding Reception Games

The Shoe Game

Type: Fun & Comedic

Estimated time: Approx. 5 minutes

Idea:This is our favorite game and really brings atmosphere to a reception right from the word GO! Never heard of it? Here’s how it works: During your reception, after you’ve enjoyed some dinner, dancing, and drinks, place two chairs back-to-back on the dance floor for the bride and groom. Remove both of your shoes, then trade a shoe with your new spouse so that you’re holding one of each. Then we have the MC ask a series of questions about the two of you and your relationship (i.e.. “Who will be doing most of the cooking?” "Who said 'I love you' first?"). After each question, hold up the shoe of the person you think is the best answer to the question. You can even customize the questions to suit you!

Props: Two chairs and the bride and grooms shoes

Prize:Hilarity and laughs the whole way through this game never fails to impress and is a great icebreaker!

Battle for Control

Type: Fun & Comedic

Estimated time: Approx. 5 minutes

Idea:This is a quick and fun game that can be used to lighten the mood between official events and brings in a little friendly competition between the bride and groom. Both the bride and groom are both asked onto the dance floor. Then they are each given a box of tissues and told that for complete control of the household they need to see who is better through an easy competition! Our MC will then ask the crowd to cheer for whoever they think is going to win! They are then asked to empty the box of tissues one by one onto the dance floor after a countdown by the guests and MC. The first to empty their box of tissues is proclaimed the winner! Very fun game with lots of cheering!

Props: Two boxes of tissues

Prize:This can be a preset prize/bet you discuss between yourselves! You can even set up a prize for chores around the house! For Example: The first person to finish doesn’t have to clean the dishes for the first month of marriage etc!

Who is the bride?

Type: Guessing Game, Fun & Comedic

Estimated Time: Approx. 10 minutes

Idea: The idea of this game is to see how well the groom knows his bride! The groom is blindfolded and the MC asks for volunteers from the audience.The groom then has to touch the forearm or cheek of each volunteer while blindfoldedwhile the MC asks him if he thinks that is his bride. Hilarity and fun ensues throughout this game!

Props: Blindfold & members of the audience

Prize: Is a kiss from his bride when he gets it right!

Anniversary Dance

Type:Guest Interaction, Married couples

Estimated Time:Approx. 5 minutes

Idea: The anniversary dance is a special dance for all the married couples. The MC first asks all the married couples to join the bride and groom on the dance floor. Throughout the song, the MC names off the number of years being married, starting with less than one year and anyone being married for less than one year sits back down, It continues with less than two years, five years, ten years, and so on until the couple who has been married the longest is left dancing. The couple left standing at the end are asked to impart some advice about what makes a successful marriage to our newlyweds!

Props:Romantic song for the couples

Prize:Some wisdom and quite possibly a laugh or two!

Dancefloor Icebreaker

Type:Guest Interaction, Fun

Estimated Time:Approx. 10 minutes

Idea:This is a great game that gets people outside their comfort zone and helps guests interact with one another. This is great for weddings where there are a lot of people that really don’t know each other that well.

The MC invites everyone onto the dance floor and creates two circles. Girls on the inside boys on the outside.

Both circles are told to move in time to some theme music in opposite directions. Girls go (counter-clockwise) and Men go (Clockwise) and say hi to people as they pass and even hi five if they want to!

Once theme music stops they are told to face their current partner and told to dance with them for a minute or two. They then form their respective circles again and the theme music starts again and they start moving again. The music stops and they are asked to dance with a different partner. This usually continues for about 3-5 songs until people have had a chance to dance with a few different partners that they don’t know!

Props:Theme music while the circles are moving and then chorus’s from top 40 dance songs or from party classics when the couples are asked to dance.

Prize:You don’t really get a winner from this game but if you want we can have the best dancer be the head of a conga line!

Shake ShakeShake

Type: Guest Interaction, Fun

Estimated Time:Varies

Idea:Do your guests want to see you lock lips during the reception? Guests will have to do a little moving of their own in this wedding game we call, “Shake ShakeShake”.Guests who want to see the newlyweds kiss will have to do a quick boogey on the dance floor! This is a great wedding game to play with a lively group of guests during lulls between official events. We will be sure to play very funny songs for them to dance to. (I’m too sexy, I’m Sexy and I Know It spring to mind  )

Props: Funny Songs

Prize: They get to see you kiss!

Garter the Gander

Type: Guest Interaction, Fun

Estimated Time: Approx. 3 minutes

Idea:The saying goes, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” and what better way to show this off than with a gender switch on this timeless ritual! For this wedding game, pre-arrange to have the groom put on the garter (without anyone noticing, of course!). Sometime during the reception, gather all the single men and announce that the garter toss is about to begin. Have the groom act as though he will be revealing the garter on the bride. Now, flip the switch! Play frisky music as the groom begins to pull up his pant leg and hear the guests roar with laughter! Let the bride slowly take the garter off the groom…and the rest, they say, is history.

Props:Chair & Garter change

Prize: The garter obviously 

Show Me Your Love

Type: Guest Interaction, Fun

Estimated Time: Approx. 3 - 10 minutes

Idea:Rather than the traditional tapping on dinnerware to have the bride and groom kiss, this wedding game requires a little more effort from the guests.Your MC announces a special twist to the night’s festivities. Since imitation is the greatest form of flattery, guests who would like to see the newlyweds lock lips must first come up and show everyone how the kiss is done. The newlyweds mustthen re-enact the same kiss! From the romantic peck on the hand to the fiery passionate hair tossing liplock, what will your guests brave to demonstrate?

Props:Songs to kiss (I Will always love you & Barry White Spring to mind)

Prize:Lots of kissing and a load of laughs!