Meath County Council




July 2014

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



1.2Establishment of Strategic Policy Committees and a Corporate Policy Group

2.0Proposed Framework

3.0Assignment of Sectoral Representation (4 seats per S.P.C.):

3.1Planning,Economic Development and Enterprise


3.3Transportation...... 5

3.4Housing, Community and Cultural Development Policy

4.0Means of Nomination

4.1National Stakeholder Pillars

4.2Local Level Nominations...... 6

4.3Contact Points for National Pillars for the purpose of SPC nominations

5.0Chairmanship of the SPCs

6.0Principles for the Appointment of Council Members

7.0Principles for the Appointment of Sectoral Representatives

8.0 Miscellaneous…………………………………………………………………8

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Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2014-2019Introduction



Meath County Council is the primary unit of Local Government in CountyMeath. The Council consists of 40members who are directly elected by a system of proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote. Elections are held every 5 years with the most recent election held on 23rd May, 2014

The functions of Meath County Council are divided into reserved and executive functions. The former are discharged by the Elected Councillorsand involve important matters of policy including the adoption of the annual budget, the borrowing of money, the making of development plans, bye-laws, adopting building programmes etc. Executive functions performed by the Chief Executive include the employment of staff, property management, planning decisions and the day to day administration of the Council’s affairs. The Chief Executive will from time to time delegate certain functions to senior staff. The Council is one of CountyMeath’s largest employers currently employing over 600people.

Establishment of Strategic Policy Committees and a Corporate Policy Group

In keeping with the policy of broadening involvement in local government through participation by community and sectoral interests,Meath County Council has operated Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) since 2002. The statutory basis for such committeesis set out in Section 48 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended by Section 41 of the 2014 Act.It is now proposed to re-establish such committees which will afford an opportunity to relevant external bodies to become involved in the formulation of policies affecting the future of CountyMeath.

The role of the Strategic Policy Committees is toassist the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy and to reflect the major functions or services of a local authority within the broader context. The SPCs will function as policy-centred committees, which can harness the experience of external bodies in the formulation of policy.

The Council will also establish a Corporate Policy Group (CPG), which will comprise the Cathaoirleach of Meath County Council,the SPC chairs and where a Municipal District is not already represented, a member of such Municipal District. The CPG will be supported by the Chief Executive and Management Team. The role of the CPG in general is to monitor the overall performance of the Council, to coordinate the work of the SPCs, to monitor their work programmes and to act on behalf of the SPCs in contributing to the strategic process.


Meath County Council will establish 4 Strategic Policy Committees with the following remit

  1. Planning,Economic Development and Enterprise
  2. Environmental
  3. Transportation
  4. Housing, Community and Cultural Development

Membership will be constituted as follows: (including the Chairperson)

Planning, Economic Development and Enterprise Support

10CountyCouncillors nominated by Meath County Council

5 sectoral representatives as set out in Section 3.0 of the Scheme


10CountyCouncillors nominated by Meath County Council

5 sectoral representatives as set out in Section 3.0 of the Scheme


10CountyCouncillors nominated by Meath County Council

5 sectoral representatives as set out in Section 3.0 of the Scheme

Housing, Community and Cultural Development

10CountyCouncillors nominated by Meath County Council

5 sectoral representatives as set out in Section 3.0 of the Scheme

In so far as practicable the preference of the Councillors so nominated as to which SPC they wish to serve on will be accommodated. In the event of any dispute and agreement cannot otherwise be reached the final allocation of seats will be a matter for the Corporate Policy Group.

Sectoral Representation

The following sectors will be invited to nominate representatives

  1. Agriculture / Farming
  2. Environment / Conservation
  3. Development / Construction
  4. Business / Commercial
  5. Trade Union
  6. Community / Voluntary
  7. Social Inclusion

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Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2009 - 2014 Proposed Framework

3.0Assignment of Sectoral Representation (5 seats per S.P.C.):

Planning,Economic Development and Enterprise

  • Development / Construction - (1)
  • Agriculture / Farming – (1)
  • Environmental / Conservation – (1)
  • Business/Commercial - (2)


  • Environmental / Conservation - (1)
  • Agriculture / Farming – (1)
  • Business/Commercial – (1)
  • Community / Voluntary - (1)
  • Trade Union – (1)


  • Business / Commercial – (1)
  • Agriculture / Farming – (1)
  • Development / Construction – (1)
  • Community / Voluntary – (1)
  • Environmental / Conservation – (1)

Social, Community and Cultural Development Policy

  • Community / Voluntary - (2)
  • Trade Union – (1)
  • Social Inclusion - (2)

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Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2009 - 2014 Principles for the Appointment

4.0Means of Nomination

4.1 National Stakeholder Pillars

The relevant pillar at national level will nominate representatives of the following sectors:

  • The Business and Employers Organisations Pillar will nominate Business/Commercial and Development/Construction representatives
  • The Farming and Agricultural Organisations Pillar will nominate the Agriculture/Farming representatives
  • The Trade Union Pillar will nominate Trade Union representatives
  • TheEnvironment Pillar will nominate representatives in the Environmental Area

4.2 Local Level Nominations

Applications for nominations from the Community / Voluntary and Social Inclusion sectors to the Community & Voluntary elections will be invited at local level.On the establishment of the Public Participation Networks, the network will be asked to reconfirm or re-nominate the local level members of the SPCs.

All groups should register with the Community & Enterprise Department of Meath County Council who will facilitate the process. All Community & Voluntary representatives will be elected through this process.

4.3 Contact Points for National Pillars of Partnership for the purpose of SPC nominations

  • Business and Employers Pillar

Kim Mulligan,

Chambers Ireland,

22-24 Lower Mount Street,Dublin 2.

  • Trade Union Pillar

Fergus Whelan,

Irish Congress of Trade Unions,

Head Office,

31-32 Parnell Square,Dublin 1.

  • Farming Pillar

Gerry Gunning,

Irish Farms Association,

Irish Farm Centre,

Bluebell,Dublin 12.

  • Environment Pillar

Michael Ewing



Co. Roscommon.

4.4Public Consultation

The draft SPC Scheme, when approved by Meath County Council, will be placed on public display for a period of one month to allow for the making of submissions on the draft scheme.

5.0Chair of the SPCs

Each Committee will be chaired by an elected Councillor of Meath County Council, appointed by the full Council, who shall be ex-officio a member of that committee. Each chair shall hold office for a period of not less than 3 years.

6.0Principles for the Appointment of Council Members

  • Each CountyCouncillor will serve on 1 SPC at any one time.
  • Councillors may not be nominated to represent sectoral interests.
  • SPC membership for Councillors will be for the lifetime of the Council. A member ceasing to be a Councillor would also cease membership of the SPC
  • In the event of a Councillor resigning from an SPC the appointment of a replacement Councillor shall be decided by the full Council
  • The proportionality of elected Councillors on each SPC will as far as is possible reflect that which prevails in the full Council.
  • Each member will be asked to express a preference for the SPC on which they would like to serve. In the event that any particular SPC is oversubscribed and agreement cannot otherwise be reached the final allocation of seats will be a matter for the Council’s Corporate Policy Group.

7.0Principles for the Appointment of Sectoral Representatives

  • Groups / associations should be active within the county and have a countywide impact or at a minimum relevance within a locality or a number of localities in the area.
  • Groups / associations should be open to new members, hold Annual General Meetings and regular meetings and should be broadly representative or accountable.
  • Single interest groups may be considered e.g. groups focused on the disabled or the elderly. Groups formed around specific local issues will not be considered for inclusion in the sectors.
  • Each Sector is responsible for its own nominees. However Meath County Council recommends that as far as possible each nominee should have broad knowledge or experience related to the SPC to which they have been nominated.
  • It is desirable that sectoral nominees would retain membership for the life of the Council. It is open to each nominating sector to deselect its nominee if felt necessary and to notify the Council accordingly whereupon the person would cease to be a member. In such cases the relevant sector will nominate a new representative.
  • Where a casual vacancy occurs it will likewise be filled by the relevant sector.
  • While every effort will be made to accommodate preferences the final decision will rest with Meath County Council having regard to the likely degree of interest, the limited number of SPC places available and the need to have a balanced constituency for each SPC.


Standing Orders will be drafted to govern the operation of SPCs and following approval by the CPG shall be adopted by each SPC once approved.

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