Acres AEII (or BEII)
Diagnostic messages
How you get into Diagnostics depends on whether you have an AEII or BEII and what revision you have. On some you just press the "Yes" button immediately following power up. On others you need to set DIP Switch 8 on (on the VFD) before power up.
1st screen single letter error reports
S - Slot Door Switch is open.
D - Drop Door (Coin drop) is open.
C - Cashbox Switch (Bill Validator) is open.
P - AEII / BEII detects the EGM machine power is on.
A - Auxiliary Door is open.
F - Hopper Fill Door is open.
K - Communications Errors between the AEII / BEII and the Bank Controller.
U - Unique ID chip is invalid.
M - The DCN Door is open.
1 - Configuration Loop 1 is open.
2 - Configuration Loop 2 is open.
2nd screen messages
Card: None - No card is sensed. If there is a card inserted in the card reader you may have a bad switch that detects the presence of the card when it is fully inserted into the card reader.
Card: Bad - A bad or invalid card is detected.
Card: XXX - A good card was read, where XXX is the 9 digit card code.
3rd Screen messages
AEII / BEII UID number as read from the harness.
4th Screen
Asset number. This is programmed into the AEII / BEII when the board is programmed (shot).
5th Screen
DENOM XXX. Game denomination where XXX is in pennies.
6th Screen
Location number. This is programmed into the AEII / BEII when the board is programmed (shot).
7th Screen
Boot Prom Version.
8th Screen
Bezel Test - Loops on a test that blinks the LEDs in the Bezel around the Card Reader. Not all systems have a lit bezel. Not all have the same configuration.
9th Screen
ABI test - The ABI beeper should beep every 5 seconds.
10th Screen
Keypad Test - The display should reflect keypad entries. 0 though 9, No = M.
11th screen
RAM Test - Tests 16 banks of memory (0 through F).
12th Screen
NIKx Status - Network nickname status. Usually "No Act" (No received activity).
13th Screen
OL Loop Test - "Pass" if the TxD OL line is connected to the RxD line. This tests the OL Line Transmitter and Receiver.
14th Screen
EGM Loop Test - - "Pass" if the TxD OL line is connected to the RxD line. This tests the EGM Line Transmitter and Receiver.
15th Screen
ACCT Loop Test - - "Pass" if the TxD OL line is connected to the RxD line. This tests the ACCT Line Transmitter and Receiver.
Card Reader Bezel color during AEII / BEII Self Test.
Solid Red - Card Reader is Resetting. Check Card Reader Harness.
Flashing orange - Reader is not communicating with the AEII / BEII.
Red / Green LEDs
D2 shows Communications between the AEII / BEII and the Game. Red shows data from the AEII / BEII to the game. Green shows data from the game to the AEII / BEII.
D3 goes Red during board Reset, and Green when Running.
D4 shows Communications between the AEII / BEII and the OL Line. Red shows data from the OL Line to the AEII / BEII. Green shows data from the AEII / BEII out the OL Line.
D5 shows Communications between the AEII / BEII and the Local OL Line. Red shows data going from AEII / BEII to the VFD and Card Reader. Green shows data coming in from VFD and Card Reader to the AEII / BEII.
P7 - Off = Mechanical Door Switch is open. On = Door closed.
P11 - EPROM size. Off = 32K x 8 (27C256). On = 64K x 8 (27C512).
P10 - RAM Clear. On gives Soft Reset. "Asset", :Floor Location", and "Denomination" is retained. This pin is interrogated by software for operation. Install jumper and cycle power. "RAM Cleared" message should be displayed. Remove jumper to resume normal operation.
Soft RAM Clear
Remove power.
Install jumper at P10.
Apply power.
Wait for "Memory Cleared" message.
Remove power.
Remove jumper.
Restore power.
Hard RAM Clear
Power off.
Jumper from ground side of the large electrolytic cap to the case of the super cap.
Remove jumper.
Restore power.
Error Messages
"COMM" - Indicates that the AEII / BEII queue is empty. Once the AEII / BEII receives a download package from the host system this message disappears. If this error comes up at any other time check the following;
Bank Controller LED lights should be blinking normally.
Verify the Homerun cable is connected.
Check O/L line for good voltages and signals. Use O/L line tester.
LED D4 should be flashing red.
LED D3 should be flashing green.
Perform Soft RAM Clear, or Hard RAM Clear if that doesn't work.
Replace the AEII / BEII.
Asset number, Location number and Denom should be set up.
This can be done at the bench or at the game before connecting OL line.
"EGM INIT" or "Game Link" - Indicates the AEII / BEII is not communicating with the game. This may be a software or hardware problem. Software may be options not set on the game, wrong SAS code downloaded to the AEII / BEII or wrong SAS pool. Hardware may be bad harness between AEII / BEII and game, bad game port interface, motherboard, or bad AEII / BEII.
"NOT REGISTERED" - Indicates there is a conflict between how the AEII / BEII is set up and what the system expects. Asset #, Floor location number, UID number, denomination.
"NOT IN USE" or "System Link" - This indicates bad communication between the Bank Controller and the AEII / BEII.
"#9 Bonus = 0" - Normal condition when the machine is in "Last Game recall". This message should disappear when the game exits Recall mode. If it doesn't try RAM Clearing the AEII / BEII.
"Bonus Disabled" - AG3+ encryption protocol. It is designed to disable machines that contain EEPROM that are not registered with IGT's approved list of EEPROMs.
"Denom mismatch" - What the host expects did not match how the AEII / BEII was programmed to.
"EGM Disabled" - The machine has been disabled by a SAS command from the host. This will happen when the event queue is down to zero. It may also indicate that there may be games on the floor with duplicate setups.
"No Message 001", "Unk Msg", or "Unk Tkn" - The AEII / BEII did not recognize the message sent to it from the host. Unknown Message or Unknown Token indicate that the VFD could not interpret the message it was sent.
"Events stuck in queue" - The Concentrator does not see the AEII / BEII. The AEII / BEII does not respond when polled.
9's Card Diagnostics
Keypad Shortcuts
0 - Display the 1st Screen.
1 - Display the first Meters Data Screen.
2 - Display the Code Version Screen.
3 - Keypad Test.
4 - OL Status Screen.
5 - Spintek Status Screen. (If you have Spintek.)
6 - Coinless Transit Screen. (If you have this option.)
7 - Virtual Queues Screen.
8 - Ticket-In Meter.
1st Screen
140.16 CK (for an example)
"140" is a number between 0 and 144. 144 minus the displayed number is the number of Host Events that have been acknowledged by the Host."0" indicates the AEII / BEII is waiting for an acknowledgement from the Host.
"." Status of the AEII / BEII case door. Dot means Door Open. A space means Door Closed.
"16" is a number between 0 and 16. This is the number of events the AEII / BEII can send to one of the ABS System Components (Translater, Concentrator, etc.). 16 minus the displayed number is the number of events that have not been acknowledged by the ABS component.
S - Slot Door Switch is open.
D - Drop Door (Coin drop) is open.
C - Cashbox Switch (Bill Validator) is open.
P - AEII / BEII detects the EGM machine power is on.
F - Hopper Fill Door is open.
K - Communications between the AEII / BEII and the Bank Controller.
V - Unique ID chip is invalid.
L - Link is down.
2nd Screen - Last exception received.
3rd Screen - UID code.
4th Screen - Asset Number
5th Screen - Denomination, in cents.
6th Screen - Floor Location
7th Screen - "CI:" Coin In
8th Screen - "CO:" Coin Out
9th Screen - "DR:" Drop
10th Screen - "JP:" Jackpots
11th Screen - "HD:" Games Played.
12th Screen - "DB:" Deductible BM.
13th Screen - "NDB:" Non-Deductible BM.
14th Screen - "XCB:" Extra Credit Bonus
15th Screen - "TBIL:" Total Bills.
16th Screen - Number of bills accepted. "Hopper : #", "$1: #"
17th Screen - "$2: #"
18th Screen - "$5: #"
19th Screen - "$10: #"
20th Screen - "$20: #"
21st Screen - "$50: #"
22nd Screen - "$100: #"
23rd Screen - Spintek Status, if you have Spintek.
"9991" means the Spintek WCB (Weight Control Board) is calibrating.
"9992" means the Spintek Interface Board is offline.
"9997" means WCB is offline.
"9998" means Spintek hardware failure.
"9999" means Spintek is unstable.
24th Screen - Code Version
20.01F-00, DBE3 R (for example)
"20.01F-00" is the Code Version.
"DBE3" is the checksum.
"R" means Running. "P" means Pending.
25th Screen - VFD or NexGen version
26th Screen - Card Reader Version
27th Screen - Menu Version
28th Screen - Keypad Test
29th Screen - Fluorescent Lamp Flasher.
30th Screen - Code Failure. File and Line number.
31st Screen - OL Status. Nickname followed by five numbers.
OL0-A, B, C, D, E
"OL0" is the Device Nickname.
"A" - Missed Buffer Count.
"B" - Messages with bad links.
"C" - Bad CRC.
"D" - Bad Groups.
"E" - Bad Commands.
32nd Screen - Group Enrollment
D1 G1 = 0x0003 (for example)
"D1" - Download Group from main code.
"G1" - Group number. Scrolls through all groups enrolled.
"0x0003" - Hex number of group memberships.
33nd Screen - SAS Version
"SAS 400 TBMDEA" (for example)
"SAS 400" SAS Version
"T" - Tournament.
"B" - Bonusing (SAS 4/5 style)
"M" - In-Game MJT support.
"D" - Multi-Denom is supported.
"E" - Enhanced SAS (SASTITO).
"A" - AFT is supported.
34th Screen - Award Enabled. Type of award in Hex.
"0x01" - PointPlay
"0x02" - ReturnPlay
"0x04" - Personal Progressive
"0x08" - Xtra Credit
"0x20" - Scheduled ReturnPlay
35th Screen - Coinless Transit
"Nkey: yes" - Node Key Active
"Skey: 92" - Session Key Number
36th Screen - Pending Bonuses = #
37th Screen - "BPay2:"
38th Screen - "BPay3:"
"Paid" - Bonus was paid correctly.
"Failed" - Bonus Failed.
"Timeout" - Bonus Button Timeout occurred.
"Ineligible" - EGM was not eligible for the bonus.
"No Hit" - A bonus was not awarded.
39th Screen - Lock Status (hex number)
40th Screen - Virtual Quesues
"AA" - Card
"BB" - Cashless
"CC" - Tickeet
"DD" - Host
41st Screen - (????)
42nd Screen - Size of virtual queues
"AA" - Card
"BB" - Cashless
"CC" - Ticket
"DD" - Host
43rd Screen - Top Event Types
44th Screen - Tickets In
45th Screen - Tickets Out
46th Screen - Registration Flags
0x00000001 = ABI on Handpay
0x00000002 = Scroll diagnostics
0x00000004 = PIN on Extra Credit
0x00000008 = Points on Xtra Credit
0x00000010 = Sent Host Unused Turnover
0x00000020 = Use Split Pay MJT
0x00000040 = Disable EGM on queue full
0x00000080 = Secondary Hopper present
0x00000100 = Single wire ticket system
0x00000200 = MGM Grand Card Adjustment
47th Screen - Set Flags
0x00000001 = ABI on Handpay
0x00000002 = Scroll diagnostics
0x00000004 = PIN on Extra Credit
0x00000008 = Points on Xtra Credit
0x00000010 = Sent Host Unused Turnover
0x00000020 = Use Split Pay MJT
0x00000040 = Disable EGM on queue full
0x00000080 = MGM Grand Card Adjustment
0x00000100 = Auto PIN enter
0x00000200 = Cancelable Xtra Credit
0x00000400 = Cancelable PointPlay
0x00000800 = Participate with abandoned card
0x00001000 = Play Xtra Credit Consumed Message
Additional NexGen diagnostics
When you insert a 9's card and press the Test button these diagnostic options are available;
Board Reset
Log Window
Bezel Test
Card Reader Test
Force Download
App Exit
Object Clear
Image Version
SFL Status
Reset Count
Reset History
Download Status
Card reader Bezel colors, normal operation
Red - EGM Idle.
Flashing red - Invalid card.
Fast flashing red - No VFD message training, or "Not Set" (Denom Mismatch).
Green - Valid card inserted and Acres bonusing eligible.
Flashing green - Valid card inserted but Acres bonusing not eligible.
Orange - Acres bonusing eligible but no card.
Flashing orange - Not eligible for bonusing and uncarded.
O/L Network
Bus Speed 19.2 k baud
Two Networks (61 and 62) for each B/C
Belden 8723 or RJ-45 Ethernet wire is suggested.
Bank Controller capability
32 games per channel, 2 channels per Bank Controller, if only EZPay is used.
16 games per channel if bonusing is enabled.
4 games per channel if NexGen is used.
BEII connectors
P1 - Input power
P2 - Display O/L
P3 - Network O/L
Pin 1 - Black, +12 V DC
Pin 2 - Red, Bank Controller TxD
Pin 3 - Green, Bank Controller RxD
Pin 4 - White, Ground