Strawberry Park Group

PO Box 772464

Steamboat Springs, CO 80477



The Strawberry Park Group

MondayApril 7, 2014

Home of Mike and Hope Cook

Call to Order: President Mike Cook called the meeting to order at 5:10pm.

Board Members in attendance:PresidentMike Cook, Anne Kakela, Ben Beall and Millie Beall and

Don Johnson.

Financial: Account balance is $8,051

Website: website is up and running. We believe that this web presence will be advantageous for communication and community understanding. The website will be managed by volunteer Board members but there are annual costs for hosting at $80/year and a slight fee for our domain name.

Membership Communication: Mike will email those for whom we have email addresses to:

  • send out the minutes from the Annual meeting last September
  • announce the website presence
  • ask that residents check out the webpage and send comments to the Board. We would like to know what other information people would like to see in addition to what is already present.
  • ask that folks share photos with us.
  • ask that residents inform us as to what is going on in the Park/or otherwise things that effect the Park and it’s residents, so we can use the site as a forum for information updates
  • request that everyone participate in our annual membership campaign. The dues are how we operate.

Bill Padgett property: Ben has discussed with both Bill Padgett and Terry Huffington-Dittman the possibility of conservation efforts for Padgett’s holdings in the Park (One 10 acre parcel in the middle of the field). Terry is willing to purchase the land but no one is willing to approach the subject with Bill. Ben will continue to pursue.

Chotvac animals: Many ask about “our” white horse and it’s partner, the sheep. They have been moved to a milder climate.

Community Garden: Discussed the parking at the garden. Millie will talk with Beauregards about the tenant’s use of the “roadway” for their private parking. Explaining the history behind the Community Garden effort will hopefully bring a change to this activity. If not, we may need to bring in more dirt.

Urban Growth Boundary (UGB): Ben explained how the City and County have been discussing potential changes to the rules governing the UGB within the Community Plan. Strawberry Park is categorized as “Special Urban Planning Area” and we must be attentive and protect that categorization rather than see the UGB expand into the Park.

Next meeting: We will meet at least quarterly. Next meeting will be in late July if there is no need to do so before that.

Adjournment: President Cook adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:10 p.m.