Compilation of Credits

Name ______

Concentration in Accounting / Unit / Credit / Taking / Required
BUAD 315Intermediate Accounting I (BUAD 225) / 1
BUAD 325Intermediate Accounting II (BUAD 315 or Perm.) / 1
BUAD 335Cost Accounting (BUAD 225 and 258) / 1
BUAD 345Income Taxation (BUAD 215 or Perm.) / 1
BUAD 415Auditing (BUAD 315) / 1
BUAD 425Advanced Accounting (BUAD 315) / 1
Concentration in Finance / Unit / Credit / Taking / Required
BUAD 242Investments (ECON 121, 122 and BUAD 225 orPerm.) / 1
BUAD 342Corporate Finance (ECON 121, 122 and BUAD 225,258) / 1
BUAD 442Advanced Finance (BUAD 242 and 342, Econ 232 or Perm.) / 1
ECON 232Money and Banking (ECON 121 & 122) / 1
Choose any three from: / 3
BUAD 142Personal Finance (None)
BUAD 315Intermediate Accounting I (BUAD 225)
BUAD 322*Student Managed Fund (1/2 Units) (ECON 121 and BUAD225)
BUAD 341Commercial Banking (ECON 121 and 122)
BUAD 345Income Taxation (BUAD 215 or Perm.)
BUAD 416Internship (See catalog)
ECON 242 Public Finance (ECON 121 and 122)
ECON 247 International Trade & Finance (ECON 121 and 122)
Concentration in Marketing / Unit / Credit / Taking / Required
BUAD 233Marketing Management (BUAD 125 and ECON 120 or 121) / 1
BUAD 343Buyer Behavior (BUAD 233) / 1
BUAD 433Marketing Research (BUAD 233, 258, and STAT101) / 1
* Choose any two from: / 2
BUAD 333Global Marketing (BUAD 233)
BUAD 353Sales and Sales Management (BUAD 233)
BUAD 363Promotion Management (BUAD 343 or Perm.)
Concentration in Human Resource Management / Unit / Credit / Taking / Required
BUAD 254Organizational Behavior (None) / 1
BUAD 244 Labor Relations (ECON 120 or 121 or 122 or perm.) / 1
BUAD 354Human Resource Management(BUAD 254 or Perm.) / 1
Choose any three (3) from: / 3
BUAD 364 Team Dynamics (BUAD 254 or PSYC 250)
BUAD 416Internship (See catalog)
COMM 317Communications (GST 102)
ECON 267 Labor Economics (ECON 120 or 121)
POLI 301Public Administration (POLI 102 or Perm.)
PSYC 250Industrial/Organizational Psychology (PSYC 101)
PSYC 300Tests & Measurement (PSYC 200 or Perm.)
SOCI 336Work & Occupations (SOCI 101, one 200-levelSOCIcourse)

* See Catalog for more descriptive information.July 2008

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Compilation of Credits

Name ______

Concentration in Business Leadership / Unit / Credit / Taking / Required
BUAD 264 Foundations of Leadership*(BUAD 254, PSYC 250 orperm.) / 1
BUAD 364 Team Dynamics (BUAD 254 or PSYC 250) / 1
BUAD 374 Conflict Management (BUAD 264) / 1
BUAD 464 Advanced Leadership (BUAD 264 and either 364 or 374) / 1
Choose two from the following 7 courses: / 2
BUAD 354, PHIL 222, POLI 301
Either PSYC 325 or SOCI 336
Either COMM 220 or COMM317

Concentration in Health Care Administration

/ Unit / Credit / Taking / Required
ECON 120Introduction to Economics (See catalog) or
ECON 121Microeconomics (None) and / 1
ECON 122Macroeconomics (None) / 1
ECON 227Health Economics (ECON 120 or 121) / 1
SOCI 223Ethics & Medicine (SOCI 101) / 1
SOCI 323Health, Illness & Healing (SOCI 223 or permission) / 1
BUAD 215Accounting Principles I (None) / 1
BUAD 258Information Systems (BUAD 215 and MATH 111 or Perm.) / 1
BUAD 254Organizational Behavior (None) / 1
Choose one (1) from: / 1
BUAD 354Human Resource Management (BUAD 254 or Perm.)
PSYC 250Industrial/Organizational Psychology (PSYC 101)
BUAD 416Internship (See catalog)
Concentration in Global Business /


/ Credit / Taking / Required
ECON 121Microeconomics (None) / 1
ECON 122Macroeconomics (None) / 1
ECON 247International Trade & Finance (ECON 121 and 122) / 1
BUAD 215Accounting Principles (None) / 1
BUAD 211Global Management (None) / 1
BUAD 233Marketing Management (BUAD125 and ECON 120 or 121) / 1
BUAD 333Global Marketing (BUAD 233) / 1
Foreign Language beyond GST requirement / 1
Choose one from: / 1
ECON 237Comparative Economic Systems (ECON 120 or121)
POLI 333 Global Political Economy (POLI 231)
Choose one from: / 1
POLI 231International Politics (POLI 101 or Perm.)
POLI 232International Organizations (Perm.)
SOCI 335Population & Society (SOCI 101, one 200-level SOCI Course )
BUAD 406Independent Study in Global Business (See Cat.)
BUAD 416 Internship (See catalog)

* See Catalog for more descriptive information.July 2008

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