"Heritage as economic resource: revitalisation, tourism, development"
action within the project: "Jankovic Castle: historic site,
generating sustainable development of the Ravni Kotari region"
December 06th, 2013 (from 10:oo to 14:00)
University of Zagreb, Trg maršala Tita 14, Zagreb
· Susan Cross (Director, TellTale, UK& ex-vice Chair of the UK Association of Heritage Interpretation)
· Prof. Sérgio Lira (Associate Professor, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto & creator of the Hat Industry Museum in Portugal)
· Annabelle Diot (Associate Director, Avesta International Consultancy, France & ex-consultant at the Lord Cultural Resources)
· Brice Duthion (lecturer at CNAM & member of scientific and professional council of Institut français du tourisme, France)
· Prof. Irena Lazar (Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Slovenia)
· Dr. Lidija Nikočević (Director, Ethnographic Museum of Istria & President of ICOM Croatia, Croatia
· Andreja Rihter (Director, Forum of Slavic Cultures & President, European Museum Academy)
· Goranka Horjan (Director of the Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje, Croatia & member of the Executive Board of ICOM Paris)
· Prof. Drago Roksandić (Professor, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
· Dr. Darko Babić (Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia) (moderator)
December 07th, 2013 (from 08:00 - 20:30)
Study visit to the Jankovic Castle (Islam Grčki) and the city of Zadar
(N.B. available places for study visit are limited. Interested participants will be served on first come, first serve base.)
There is no registration fee for participating still all interested must register by sending filled out registration form by e-mail to Viktorija Kunstek () by December 4th , 2013.
For any further questions about the event please contact Dr. Darko Babic (Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage Management, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb) at
Registration form -
"Heritage as economic resource: revitalisation, tourism, development"
Name and surname:
Institution / Affiliation:
Please indicate:
Yes, I am interested to take part in the Round table on December 6th.
Yes, I am interested to take part in the Study Visit on December 7th.
(N.B. available places for study visit are limited. Interested participants will be served on first come, first serve base.)
Please submit your application form by e-mail to at latest by 04th December 2013.
This project is fundedBy The European Union /
Jankovic Castle : historic site, generating sustainable development of the Ravni Kotari region
(EUROPEAID/131266/C/ACT/MULTI) / A projected implemented
by University of Zagreb