ASUM Senate Minutes

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ASUM Senate Minutes

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

UC 330/331, 6 p.m.

Chair Story called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Present: President Meixner, Vice President Story, Business Manager Smith; and Senators Bundy,Carlson (6:14pm), Chaudhry (6:04pm), Chestnut,Engebretson,Fettig (6:10pm), Fitzgerald,Forstag (6:08pm), Fossen, Frazier,Greenfield,Harrison, Hopingardner,Keller, Kronenberg, La’a, McDermott, Morsette, Nelson, O’Malley, Orr,C. Smith, W. Smith, and Widmyer.Unexcused: SenatorsFolsom,Scott Excused:

The minutes from April 20th, 2016 were approved.

Public Comment

  • Sophie Friedl, UM Women’s Lacrosse-The team qualified to go to nationals next week in North Carolina. Qualified last year but were unable to attend. Asking for emergency travel funding. Have raised $2,500 so far and players will be contributing $300 each. Have already paid the fees and the plane tickets. Players have already paid for plane tickets out of pocket to get the cheapest price.
  • Brandon Staggs, Blackstone Launchpad-Event for this week fell through, hoping to reschedule. This Friday, will be hosting a talk from Courtney Klein in the Dennison Theater. Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for general public. Award winning speaker. Workshop on how to sell things on Amazon on Tuesday from 12-1pm. On Thursday there is a start-up challenge with pitches starting at 5pm.
  • Matthew Semanoff, Chair of University Library Committee-Speaking for SB49-15/16. Library is very important for studying. Concerned that further budget cuts will result in reduced number of open hours. Student comments repeatedly emphasized the importance of library hours. Resolution speaks to the number of faculty, staff members cut. The real number is 11.5 FTE not 13 FTE. New proposed closing time would be 10pm.

President’s Report

  1. VP Mike Reid-VP Reid gave a presentation about the UM budget situation.
  2. The body discussed the Barbara Hohman Administrator of the Year award and the Student Group of the Year award.

Vice President’s Report

  1. Tuition Freeze Resolution-will be seen next week. Will hopefully take to Havre to MAS. New Senate will have to take a stance as well.
  2. Impeachment Proceedings-A motion was made by W. Smith-Carlson to suspend house rules to consider the impeachment of Senator Folsom. Pass by unanimous consent (UC). Motion to impeach Senator Folsom failed by placard vote. House rules were reinstated.

Business Manager’s Report

  1. A motion was made by McDermott-W. Smith to suspend house rules to consider requests not seen by Budget & Finance. Pass by UC.
  2. A motion was made by Hopingardner-Greenfield to approve Student Forestry Association’s request in the amount of $349.99. Passed by UC.
  3. A motion was made by Chestnut-Widmyer to approve ASUM’s request in the amount of $150. Passed by UC.
  4. A motion was made by McDermott-La’a to approve the UM Women Lacrosse Team’s emergency travel request in the amount of $3706.30. Pass by placard vote.
  5. A motion was made by Hopingardner-Engebretson to approve the Equestrian Team’s emergency travel request in the amount of $690.65. Passed by placard vote.
  6. A motion was made by Fossen-O’Malley to amend to $502.10. Fail by placard vote.
  7. House rules were reinstated.
  8. Elections
  9. After discussion about Senator Nelson, a member of Elections Committee, accidently sharing a candidate’s video on Facebook, the body decided to take no action.
  10. Eleven Senate candidates and KBGA failed to turn in their expense reports on time. Elections committee decided to disqualify everyone per the Bylaws.
  11. A motion was made by Chestnut-Orr to overturn the disqualification of KBGA.The motion was retracted.
  12. A motion was made by Orr-Widmyer to overturn the disqualification of the senate candidates and KBGA. Failed 5Y-14N-7A by roll call vote.
  13. A motion was made by Meixner-Hopingardner to overturn the disqualification of KBGA. Failed 6Y-20N by roll call vote.
  14. A motion was made by Greenfield-Widmyer to amend to also overturn the disqualification of the senate candidates who turned in their expense form within twenty-four hours of the deadline. Failed by placard vote.
  15. A motion was made by McDermott-Keller to uphold the disqualification of all parties by the Elections Committee. Passed 15Y-5N-5A by roll call vote.

Committee Reports

  • O’Malley, Transportation-Hopefully meeting twice next week.
  • O’Malley, Student Music Union-Budgeted out to music groups.
  • O’Malley, Graduate and Professional Student-made plans for a summer committee who will work on graduate summer orientation.
  • McDermott, mentorship with VP Reid-Started a Welcome Center project. Doing a first phase in the Adams Center box office with information during graduation. Looking for UM swag donations. Long term, hoping that it is a central location for people to go when they first get to campus to get help with parking, etc.
  • Greenfield, ASCRC-Russian, Italian, and German have been reduced to 4 credits. Revised writing guidelines were passed. Also passed data management plan.
  • Greenfield, General Education-small changes in language to the X perspective. Also discussing the Passport Initiative. 300 and 400 courses no longer transfer as MUS core general education classes. Reviewing two perspectives each year from now on.
  • Hopingardner, Relations and Affairs-talked about adding language to SB49-15/16 but did not.
  • BM Smith, Research and Creative Scholarship-Deadline is coming up this week. Will be meeting next week to decide on the funding for the handful of applications they have.
  • Meixner-The Interim Provost and the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs both have been selected and accepted their offers. Names are forthcoming.

Unfinished Business

  • A motion was made by Meixner-Greenfield to amend line 25 of SB50-15/16 to remove “annually elected.” Passed by UC.
  • A motion was made by Meixner-Chestnut to amend line 39 of SB50-15/16 to remove “annually elected.” Passed by UC.
  • A motion was made by Greenfield-Morsette to table SB50-15/16 indefinitely. Failed 4Y-20N by roll call vote.
  • A motion was made by McDermott-Meixner to approve SB50-15/16. Passed 20Y-5N by roll call vote.
  • A motion was made by McDermott-Fitzgerald to approve grammatical and technical amendments to SB49-15/16 as a slate. Passed as placard vote.
  • A motion was made by C. Smith-Chaudry to amend line 46 of SB49-15/16 to read “Whereas, the elimination of the Night Circulation Supervisor and other positions means that the library may not be able to maintain the number of hours its doors are open, in spite of the fact that the current hours of operation (7:00am-2:00am Weekdays) are considered national norms for university libraries;.” Passed by UC.
  • A motion was made by Forstag-O’Malley to table SB50-15/16 for one week. Motion was withdrawn.
  • A motion was made by Greenfield-Chaudry to amend line 65 of SB50-15/16 to include “specifically against those cuts that would affect changes to the Mansfield Library’s hours of operation and.” Passed by placard vote.
  • A motion was made by Meixner-McDermott to amend the amendment to read “specifically against those cuts that would affect changes to the Mansfield Library’s hours of operation” and removing “from further budget cuts meant to remedy the remaining 2.5% budget shortfall for 2016/2017” from the clause. Failed by placard vote.
  • A motion was made by Hopingardner-Greenfield to approve SB49-15/16. Passed 24Y-1N by roll call vote.

New Business

Resolutions Amending Fiscal Policy (6)

Resolutions Amending Bylaws (8)

Resolutions Amending House Rules (1)

Resolutions Amending Personnel Policy (1)

Resolution Regarding Tuition Freeze

Resolution Regarding Elections (5)

Resolution Regarding Student Music Union

Resolution Regarding Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Resolution Regarding Mansfield Library

Resolutions of Recognition (30)

Resolution Regarding Endorsing John Kasich for US President

Resolution Regarding Campus Safety

Resolution Regarding Campaign Finance

Resolution Regarding Abolishing Candidate Expense Reports

Resolution Regarding Impeachment Proceedings


The meeting was adjourned at10:37p.m.

Mackenzie Lombardi

ASUM Senate Secretary