3175 TR. 411, Route 5

Millersburg, OH 44654

Phone 330-893-2322

Fax 330-893-2321

May 11, 2006

North Central Companies

Attn: Jeff Johnson

601 Lakeshore Parkway

Suite 400

Minnetonka MN 55305

Holmes By-Products certifies that the Feather Meal purchased at our facility located in Millersburg, Ohio is produced from all non-mammalian tissue.

We further certify that the Feather Meal operation is exempt from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 589.2000 due to the fact that the facility, equipment, processing, storage and loading is completely separate from all prohibited material.


Dennis K. Koshmider, Vice President

Holmes By-Products


3175 TR. 411, Route 5

Millersburg, OH 44654

Phone 330-893-2322

Fax 330-893-2321

February 1, 2003


Attn: ______



Holmes By-Products certifies that the Poultry By-Product Meal purchased at our facility located in Millersburg, Ohio is produced from all non-mammalian tissue.

We further certify that the Poultry By-Product Meal operation is in full compliance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 589.2000 due to approved FDA clean-out procedures to prevent carry-over of prohibited material into animal proteins or feeds that may be used by ruminants.


Dennis K. Koshmider, General Manager

Holmes By-Products


3175 TR. 411, Route 5

Millersburg, OH 44654

Phone 330-893-2322

Fax 330-893-2321

May 4, 2001

Buckeye Egg Farm, L.P.

Attn: Bill Leininger

11212 Croton Rd.

Croton OH 43013

Holmes By-Products certifies that the Meat & Bone By-Product Meal purchased at our facility located in Millersburg, Ohio is produced from prohibited mammalian tissue as defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 589.2000.

This facility is certified with the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service. Our APHIS number is OHRAO-0002. The cooking process is a Schedule A-3, Continuous Multi Stage Evaporator Rendering System. The product has been submitted to wet heating for at least one hour at a temperature not inferior to 255° Fahrenheit.

This product is salmonella free at point of production. This facility is an active participant in the Animal Protein Producers Industry’s (APPI) Salmonella Education/Reduction Program, which monitors monthly samples. Out plant code is C053.

This product may not be used in the manufacture of feed for ruminants. All products, which contain prohibited material, must be labeled with the following cautionary statement “Do not feed to cattle or other ruminants.”


Dennis K. Koshmider, General Manager

Holmes By-Products