Dressage – Basics & Beyond with Dee Packard

Alliant Center Arena – June 2, 2018

We are fortunate again this year to offer our 4H youth the opportunity to benefit from the instruction of Dee Packard! She will be offering two Dressage Clinics for Beginners and Intermediate/Advanced Participants on June 2, 2018.

Abouttheclinician: Dee Packard has a passion for sharing the classical principles of dressage to all riders and their horses regardless of breed, age, discipline or experience. Having worked with a variety of high level professionals broadening her own education, Dee has the ability to relate the concepts of balance, harmony and gymnastic suppleness to help riders and horses of all ages and backgrounds achieve a better relationship through clear communication.

While competing, Dee earned the USDF Bronze medal, completed the requirements for the USDF Silver medal and also scribed for many upper level judges. She brings this experience to her students, teaching them the ins and outs of showing dressage and using the classical principles from the judge’s perspective to improve their scores avoiding common pitfalls riders make during their tests.

Session 1 – Learning Dressage Basics:9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. MAX of 6 Horse/Riders

This clinic is for anyone who is new to Dressage and would like to learn what it takes to ride your first Dressage test. Ie: etiquette, tack, knowing your ring, understanding the meaning of each required gait/pattern and movement.

Session 2 – How to improve your Dressage Score: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. MAX of 8 Horse/Riders

This clinic is for anyone who has ridden Dressage Tests previously and would like to learn how to improve their scores. Dee will teach riders how to avoid common mistakes and gain points in any test.

PRE – REGISTRATION by May 26, 2018 is required for Horse/Rider participants.

Unlimited Auditors are welcome and are not required to pre-register.

Clinic Date: Saturday,June 2, 2018

All attempts will be made to place you on the date that you requested, but it is not guaranteed. I will confirm registration back to you, please call me if you have any questions or are unsure about your registration.

Pre-registrationis required.Deadline –by May 26th. You can send by email at or mail a hard copy to address below. If registered and not able to attend the clinic, you must contact me within 48 hour notice prior to the clinic. Refer to Education Requirement form for full details.

Mail to: Barb Mueller

3517 Ice Age Dr.

Madison, WI 53719


4H Member’s Name______


Daytime Phone:______Evening Phone:______

Current grade in school:______Parent’s Name:______

Session 1 – 9:00 a.m.______Session 2 – 12:00 p.m. ______

(please check or circle Session you are registering for)

***2018 Coggins: Original and one copy is required the day of the clinic to participate***