January 19, 2017
Dear Parent(s),
Congratulations on your child being selected to participate in the 2017 Junior High All-State Honor Choir! I am so proud of the students who will be representing our school at this event.
2017 All-State Honor Choir Information:
Dates: - March 23 – March 25, 2017
Location: Hattiesburg, MS – University of Southern Mississippi campus
Registration fee: $75.00 (This is due to Miss Moore by February 6, 2017. Please make checks payable to “OTMS” and put “All-State Registration” on the memo line.)
*Elementary Honor Choir participants have already paid their registration fee*
Hotels: Please see attached list of conference hotels. (There are 6 female students who made honor choir – 4 for Junior High and 2 for Elementary. I would suggest sharing rooms in order to cut down on the costs. Students and parents are responsible for acquiring their own accommodations.)
*If you are planning to stay with family or friends in the Hattiesburg area, please let me know*
Schedule: Once the All-State schedule of rehearsals and events are given to me, I will pass them along to you and your child.
I will order the music that the students are responsible for learning prior to the honor choir. We will have a few after school rehearsals to help with this. Some mornings, we will meet before school to practice. Also, the practice tracks will be available for use at msmea.org under the “Elementary Division” and “Junior High Division” tabs.
Once in Hattiesburg for All-State, students will be responsible for getting to and from honor choir rehearsals. I will be attending the conference in conjunction with this honor choir. For teachers, this includes concerts, meetings, and (hopefully) observing some of the honor choir rehearsals.
If you are interested in rooming with another student and parent, please let me know. All-State Honor Choir is a really great event! I was lucky enough to participate as a student when I was in school. I hope that you and your child are looking forward to it!
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Thank you,
Jamie Lee Moore
OBMS Choir Director